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- 144

- Felicity (Felicia) Castillo
Date of Birth:
- Abril Doce, April 12th
Current Age:
- Eleven Years Old
Basic Appearance:
- Felicity has brown eyes like her father and black hair like him as well, she is bless with the sun kiss tan complexion like her mom, but both parents share the same ethnic background. Both are cuban born and raised.
-She has curly, very curly hair naturally grown from the time she was born. She is to young to waer what her mom does to her hair, but she prefers it curly rather than straight. It always remind of her grandmother in cuba. Now her sister Imagiry has straight hair, like her mom.
-Felicity not much into her looks yet, she to young to wear make up or anything like that. So natural beauty is what she's all about, besides that she can be very femminim in looks.
- Felicity has a strong personality, due to her mother's influence over her. She can be really tough at times, than very caring at other times, The best decribe her is very determine, though she doesn't notice as much and is indifference she can be a bit to much for her own good.
Sophia Castillo
-Dancer // Temp Cook
-Muggel in America but currently in New Zealand
Edwin Castillo
-Unknown Musician still in Cuba // Construction Worker
Edward Castillo
-Older brother
Imagiry (Ima) Castillo
-Oldest Sister
-Artistic Know it all
-Fashionably Doubtful
- Stripe Fleck Cat name NooNie
Area of Residence:
- Wellington, NZ (Temp)
Blood Status:
- Muggel born
- Hispanic
Special Abilities:
- None, once she learn magic she will gain a skill, possibly
Interests or Hobbies:
- Dancing to Ballads, bit of performing Art because of her madre.
She always liked music and how dancing always told a story to her. Not a lot of people she knows see it that way besides her mom. So you can say she loves dancing cause with dance you can tell a story.
-Otherwise she a very simple plain girl, who happens to collect bottle caps and other scraps to make junk into treasure
-And likes spending lots of her time fitting in with the girls in her neigborhood
Additional Skills:
- Still Thinking
- I think she can sometimes be a leader;
-I think when she dances she is at her best;
- Though often can fall as a follower
-However if she pushes herself futher way to much than she sometimes feels defeated and weak
Describe your character in three words:
- Stubbon, Caring, Determine
Favourite place to be:
- Cuba her country; but cause of the dictatorship she can never go back
- All her friends back in Cuba; two best friend Nellies and Vivianna
Hogwarts House:
- None;Slytherin or Claw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To determine if Magic is real or not
Plans for your future:
- I am posibly to young to have my future already figure out at this point.
So it is to be decided later on.
Your Patronus:
- Butterfly or Swan
Your Patronus memory:
- My family (familia) in cuba, it's not the best place in the world, but it's a family what makes it home. Without my father around, home in another country is nothing.
Your Boggart:
- Isolation, vey close tight place.
I have to blame Ima on that, she lock me out once in our out house.
Your Animagus:
- Swan
Mirror of Erised:
- Deeply, I had what I wanted, so really I wouldn't know what I would see if I step into that mirror.
<FONT font="Monaco"><SIZE size="50">Felicity wore the robes her mom had to purchase with weird wizard golden coins. She thought with regular funds you could get about anything, but in the wizarding world everything was different. And by the looks of her robes she could tell this was true. If she went outside in public with these school robes on, she imagines everyone would laugh at her. Thanks to the school mandatory rules, she need not to worry about robes. The time came for sorting and the soon to be first years were all escorted inside. Felicity standing bellow five feet tall, stood lengthy enough to see overhead. So many were bout her height, but in case, she inched on her pointy toes to get a better look.
Everything was like how magic supposed to feel, except for the hat, it was old and rugged looking. She wanted to ask anyone why they would use an old hat to determine the house you were sorted in. She found it to be very weird, cause in elementary school she was never sorted into class. Rather you were assign to one teacher, back home in Cuba there was only one teacher per grade. Due to the restriction there, Felicity old school house was heavily packed with children from the neighborhood.
Soon enough, the old mangle up hat started to speak, more like started to sing for them all to hear. She heard each house by name, they all sounded hilarious to her ear. When her name was called up, "Castillo, Felicity!" the young Hispanic girl walks gracefully up the stairs and sat down on the chair. Her hair, puffy and all was tangle in a mess, it took them a while to plant the hat on her head. Eventually when it fell on her head, she waited a tiny nervous that she be sorted in a house in which she did not belong in.
"I've never been known to place someone in a house which they didn't belong in. For instance, you are a RAVENCLAW!"
Everything was like how magic supposed to feel, except for the hat, it was old and rugged looking. She wanted to ask anyone why they would use an old hat to determine the house you were sorted in. She found it to be very weird, cause in elementary school she was never sorted into class. Rather you were assign to one teacher, back home in Cuba there was only one teacher per grade. Due to the restriction there, Felicity old school house was heavily packed with children from the neighborhood.
Soon enough, the old mangle up hat started to speak, more like started to sing for them all to hear. She heard each house by name, they all sounded hilarious to her ear. When her name was called up, "Castillo, Felicity!" the young Hispanic girl walks gracefully up the stairs and sat down on the chair. Her hair, puffy and all was tangle in a mess, it took them a while to plant the hat on her head. Eventually when it fell on her head, she waited a tiny nervous that she be sorted in a house in which she did not belong in.
"I've never been known to place someone in a house which they didn't belong in. For instance, you are a RAVENCLAW!"