Feeling Sorry

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Sam didn't really know what was bothering him in the past weeks. He had barely spoken to any of his friends, which he kinda felt terrible about and he didn't leave the castle in days. The last time he had spoken to a friend was with Taylor at the Yule Ball. He hadn't spoken to Scorpius since his birthday! Everyone was drifting apart, yet, he was doing nothing to stop it. He had given up trying to tighten the bonds between the group of friends, there was no point. Something would always happen that would just tear them apart again. Sam ran his hand through hair as he stood out into the summer afternoon. He squinted as the blazing sun reached his eyes, the familiar sensation suddenly became unfamiliar. It didn't really hit him how long he was spending inside, on his own, until that moment.

He wore a casual check shirt and jeans with his scruffy black converse. Sam put his hands into his jeans pockets and walked slowly down to the lakefront. His dazzling blue eyes scanned the scattered groups of students that were either just 'hanging out' or studying. Playing the 'hermit' had payed off in that area especially, for once he had actually caught up on all of his work. He couldn't really believe it, Sam was never on top of things! Yet, he had no one to share that with. Sam sat down on the edge of the lake. He propped his knees up against his chest and looked into the vast lake around him. Surprisingly no one was swimming in it. The last time he had swam in the lake was with Toni, another person who he was sadly seeing less of. His own girlfriend! Sam picked up a small pebble and shot it into the lake. The pebble skid the calm lake several times before completely disappearing into the deep water. Sam's handsome face remained neutral as he stared at the ripples spreading in the water from where the pebble struck.
The minute Jennifer returned to Hogwarts New Zealand, she was no longer Jenny. It was just a negative aspect of being back at school without Jessie and Matthew but she would see them soon. The next chance she could see them she would take it, mainly because she wanted to avoid her mother and her new baby sister she had made her visit for a day before she had run off to Jessie's home. As of late it seemed that she was being more social, perhaps not with her group of friends but with others, ones that she had missed or hadn't met before.

With this in mind, Jenn made a mental note to go find Scorpius and Sam, perhaps even Hoshi even though she had her Goth friends. Today though, she wanted to spend time catching up on letters to the family. Her Aunt and Uncle had written her before the break and she needed to write back to them and wish her older cousin, Peyton, a happy birthday. But it was such a lovely afternoon out, she decided to go outside to the Lake.

The lake hadn't been a place she had been since finding out her brother's sickness simply because she would prefer to avoid going there but she thought she might go for a dip. Jenn opted for a cute summer dress that showed off her tan and unfortunately tan lines.

With a soft smile she walked out of the school and onto the grass with her parchment and quill in one hand and her flip flops in the other. Jennifer walked with the sun beating down on her face, lighting up her cerulean blue eyes that had never showed so much happiness as they were now. Soon they set upon a boy that looked a little familiar so she skipped over to him and as she realized who it was she grinned widely and sneaked over to him. She wrapped her arms around Sam tightly from behind as she called "Boo!" into his ear.
Sam curled his fingers around another pebble by his side when he suddenly felt the comfort of someone arms around him followed by the ever-so-familiar voice of Jen. She too, was someone he had not spoken to in a while. He didn't even know if she stayed at Hogwarts over the break. He returned to Colin for Christmas and although Ava was there it was a pretty good Christmas. Sam pulling his head back to look up at Jen with a content smile on his face, "Hey you!" He hadn't seen Jen so happy in such a long time. She looked well wearing a smile. It was like she was back to herself, before any of the trauma with Owen happened. He released the pebble from his hand and it skid across the lake a couple of times before disappearing just like the one before it. Sam indicated for Jen to sit down beside him and asked "So how are things with you? How was your break?" Sam searched casually for another pebble around him as he awaited Jen's answer.
Jennifer smiled brightly once more at Sam as she released her friend before sitting down beside him. She watched as he searched for a pebble to skim across the water as she answered, "My break was the absolute best. I mean other then my dumb mother not telling me ahead of time that she was pregnant and that now I have a baby sister." At this the Hufflepuff rolled her blue eyes at the thought of her mother before she grinned at her friend. "I went over to Jessie's and Matthew's and we had an amazing time! They gave me a bedroom in their new house can you believe it? I can live with them most of the time," she said brightly.

Jen smiled at the thought of being with Jessie and Matthew, Matthew especially. Her cheeks suddenly began burning, without her knowledge and an unintentional smile washed upon her face. Chewing her bottom lip she smiled to herself at the thought of her older friend.
Sam stopped searching for the pebble suddenly when Jen annouced casually that she had a baby sister. "What? Really? And I wasn't told?" He said with a chuckle, "Seriously though, thats really great. Whats her name?" He said adding another question onto the many he had just asked. He was slightly confused about how she had said it, she seemed to be more excited about getting a bedroom then getting a new sister. Sam scratched the back of his head with a timid smile, "Eh, well I don't think my present will match up to a bedroom but..." Sam's distinct voice trailed off as he released the newly found pebble. "This is the friend that you were on about before right?" Sam asked her. The difference in Jen when she spoke of these people was incredible, she became so happy. Sam couldn't help but be happy for her. However he did want to see what was so special about this girl, what made her so different from himself, Scorpius or Hoshi he didn't know.
Jennifer shrugged her shoulders as Sam asked what her sister's name was. Honestly, she couldn't remember. Maybe it was Marie? Or Ellen? No neither of them were what her mother had told her. "I think her name is Anna, I can't really remember," she said, not caring at all if it was Anna or even Dumb McDumb-Dumb. Right now, she didn't want anything to do with her family other then her twin brother. "Yup," she chirped brightly, beaming at Sam.

She knew that he wouldn't really understand why she was so happy about being with Jessie and Matthew, but they were her friends, her best friends even before Sam, Scorpius and Hoshi. Jennifer thought of Jessie like her sister, she didn't have a weird history with either Matthew or Jessica and their family was one that she wished she could really be a part of, they were possibly the greatest people.. well compared to her family.

Now, while she felt like this about the Reed's that didn't mean that she didn't like Sam, but she knew that on some level there was animosity and Scorpius was the closest out of her friends at Hogwarts New Zealand right now. "So what happened over your break? Stay here as usual?" she asked.
Sam laughed in surprise when Jen seemed so unsure about her new siblings name, "Well don't over-enthuse or anything" Sam said as he shook his head several times. He couldn't really understand how Jen was so un-interested in her baby sister, Sam too disliked his parents but if he got word that he had a baby sister, he would certainly fly back to England to see her. Then again, maybe that was just because he never had any siblings? He didn't know, but he wasn't going to get involved in this, he guessed Jen would show her stubborn side on this subject.

"No, I actually stayed with Colin. I was kinda sick of Hogwarts to be honest." He forced a small smile. "Even though Ava returned home too, it wasn't half bad. Colin got me tickets again to see the Chudley Cannons play over the summer." He had another ticket and the first name that popped into his head was Scorpius, even though he wasn't a Chudley Cannons supporter, Sam knew that he would enjoy the game. However now he was having second thoughts, his 'best friend' had not bothered to talk to him since his birthday, he didn't even inform him about his break up with Taylor. Sam could truthfully say that he was annoyed at his friend, however that still didn't mean that he didn't miss him.
"I could not care less about my mother's spawn, other then my brother," Jenn said bitterly before shrugging her shoulders. This was not something she took lightly, her mother hid that she was to have a sister for nine months then expects her to be so excited when she springs that on her through letter. She would be as stubborn as she wanted about this and right now, that was a lot.

Jennifer smiled gently at Sam as he said that he went back to his uncles house. "Oh that is so cool Sammy. Is your uncle going with you?" she asked curiously, she could assume that he got a few tickets but she would no expect the offer for she had not gotten him a present and she well wasn't a supporter of the Cannons. She preferred the Foulmouth Falcons herself and used to live by their violet motto, "Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads."

"Who are the Cannons going to play against?" Jenn asked curiously as she picked up a flat rock and tried to skip it into the water but it hit the water with a snap then sunk. She rolled her cerulean eyes, she had never been good at skipping stones.
Sam shook his head, "Wierdly enough, Colin isn't a great Quidditch supporter." He said turning his head to look at Jen. "I was thinking of bringing Scorpius...but I dunno..." he trailed off almost as if to avoid talking about his friend. "But, I'm looking forward to it all the same. I'll go alone if I have to." He laughed softly. Sam was sure that he wouldn't have to take that option, he could always bring Toni or Taylor and even though Jen didn't particulary like the Cannons, he could bring her either. He didn't have a problem with bringing one of his girl friends, it was just that he knew being at the match with Scorpius would definitely have a different atomosphere. Sam looked out onto the lake as Jen attempted to skip a stone. He smiled light heartedly at the failed action. Sam picked up a small pebble and placed it into her hand, "You have to put more of a dip into it." He cupped his hand behind hers, "When I say let go, let go of the pebble okay?" He pulled back their hands, "They're playing against the Wimbourne Wasps." Sam added to answer her question. He swung his arm forward and said, "Let go."

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