Feeling Miserable

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava was having a rough time. She was sure her grades weren't reflecting her Ravenclaw status. She made her way into the park near Brightstone. It was quiet, and she found her way over to the swings.

She took a seat, feeling dejected. Phillip wasn't talking to her, still, and she hadn't gotten another reply back from Papa. She was feeling rather small and lonely. She missed her Papa terribly, and she missed her mama too. She had been worried about separating from Avarian so soon after her mom's death.

She swung slowly, her feet dragging on the ground. Her head was hung, blond hair covering her face. It was just as well- she was pouting terribley and a few tears had even begun to fall.

Ava was feeling homesick.
Avarian was done for the day,getting acquainted with the people in the new department he was in. Feeling confident that he would settle just fine in the department, he head out upon hearing that students from Hogwarts would be at the Birghtstone. So heading there, the man made his way to the park where he knew Ava would be.

In one of the swings, he found his little girl swinging alone. Looking miserable, he knew the reason for Ava's less than cheerful self. He did not send any letter and they left it in a sad note somehow. Stepping in front of Ava,without her noticing, he cleared his throat before saying, "My little Avaria.", using the words he said when they first met.
Ava's eyes went wide as she stilled. What...? She looked up, blue eyes wet, and her face crumbled. "Daddy," she climbed up onto the seat of the swing. Her lower lip trembling a little, she held her arms up, still too short to reach on her own and too unsteady to jump.

She didn't care that Philip was mad at her anymore. At least, not right now. All she wanted right now was for her papa to pick her up and hold her and somehow she was sure it would make everything okay again.
Avaria noticed the sad eyes of his daughter and without any word, he came closer and picked her up. She may be eleven but in his eyes, she was still his sweet,little Avaria. "How are you, sweet pea?Why the sad face?",he could not stop himself from asking her.
Ava buried her face in her fathers shoulder, sniffling as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I got into a fight with Phillip and I miss mama and I missed you but it's a little better now." She wasn't lying, she did feel a bit calmer now that he was there and holding her. "Why are you here, Papa? Is everything okay?" She asked, a bit worried.
Avarian stroke his daughter's hair,sighing deeply when he heard her sniffles. He set her down on the swing before rocking her gently. "I am here because I miss my girl. Everything is great.", he smiled down at her. Deep inside, his thoughts wandered to Emma Hastings and her daughter.

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