Feeling Mad Love

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Akira Kazama

OOC First Name

This is Jane, who is starting her first year long with her identical twin, Jewel. Jane doesn't trust most people and has a hard time making friends being almost reclusive. It may take a long time for her to trust anyone but once you have gained that trust and her friendship, she will have your back.She cares for those closest to her and would do anything for them. She is fiercely loyal to those she truly trusts. She dislikes her loved ones being hurt and would be quick to recompense the damage to those who harmed them. very likely she would have a few enemies. She can come off as snobby though it is only because she isn't the biggest fan of other people. She is also highly standoffish around new people and those she does not trust. She can hold a grudge for a very long time. Those who have angered normally stay on her bad side for a very long time. Jane is cunning, intelligent and very good at messing with people's heads. Her messing with others heads may have earned her a few enemies. Anyone who messed with those she actually cares for would also be considered enemies. Jane hasn't had much time for love and it has never figured into her plans. She doesn't really believe in it.​

Nadine is the younger half-sister to my twenty year old twins Jazzella and Jadelyn Kennady. She isn't known for holding back. Wanting to experience everything there is to experience, she doesn't mind stepping out of her comfort zone when no one else is willing. Nadine  loves to experiment with new styles, and constantly find new ways to stick out in the crowd. She injects artistic creativity into her words and actions. Every day is a performance, and she loves to put on a show. To Nadine, the world is meant to be felt and experienced. Truth is stranger than fiction, and she prefers to see and do than to wax philosophical about "what-ifs". With all this focus on the here and now, on doing and acting, it makes sense that she is a natural when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes. More so than things though, she loves to pay attention to people. She is talkative, witty, and almost never run out of things to discuss. For Nadine, happiness and satisfaction stems from the time she spends with the people she enjoys being with. She is strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism. This is probably her greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light. She sometimes ignores and avoids conflict entirely. Without constant excitement, she finds ways to create it herself. Risky behavior, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things she gets into a little too often.​

This is Vincent, he was born in London, England but moved to New Zealand when he was eight.He is now eleven and has been sorted into Gryffindor. He was adopted when he was a baby because his biological parents didn't want him. He has since had contact with them and they explained how his biological father was a wizard. Vincent has a little sister, Lily who was also adopted. Vincent is a mischievous one, loving to play practical jokes and finding humour in life. He is charismatic and the life of the party. He can be controlling. Vincent understands and cares about others. Friends describe he as charming and creative. Vincent avoids being on his own. He can be very spontaneous. Enthusiasm is infectious. He will side-step the law if necessary. He can bend the rules. Vincent enjoys getting involved. He ignores any long-term consequences. Vincent loves other people. He can hold strong grudges against anyone who crosses him. Vincent has lots of friends. He is very sociable. Vincent is a generous entertainer. Friends describe him as warm and caring. He sometimes goes too far with his jokes and has a hard time apologizing for the things he does wrong. He can also have the tendency to fall into depression every so often. When Vincent is with people he knows well he is very confident.​

Akira was born in Okinawa, Japan and her family moved to New Zealand when she was one. Akira is a reserved and quiet young woman. She prefers to hide away behind a good book over anything else. She values knowledge more than anything. Akira takes life very seriously. She has a keen appreciation of art. Akira is quiet and sensitive. She is artistic. She is sometimes discouraged by criticism. Akira keeps her feelings bottled up. She has a need to show how competent she is. When Akira is with people she knows well she is very confident. Akira is detached and reserved. She is awkward and shy when meeting new people. She can accomplish any task if she decides to. Akira works steadily and will put great energy into tasks she sees as important. She can be very self-critical. Akira is extremely loyal. She has difficulties working with a group.  She never wanted for anything growing up so has an issue with hearing the word no. She likes things to go her way but has come to terms that may not always happen. She will fight for what she wants if she has to. She is stubborn and feisty. She regrets some of her decisions in the past. She has a tendency to make a light sarcastic comment to someone when somebody talks to her. She stays away from social groups, and is the kid who sits alone in the corner while the others are up and talking to their friends.​

This is Ariana, she is a fourteen year old muggleborn and is starting her fourth year at Hogwarts New Zealand. She was sorted into Ravenclaw. She was born in Sochi, Russia and moved to New Zealand when she was nine and she has a pretty strong accent still. She is the oldest of five children. Her mother was a former spy and Ari has been taught the art of espionage since she could walk. She is a clever girl and likes to use her mind over brawn any day. The years of espionage training have made her cunning and suspicious of others. She is very driven particularly about learning new things. She comes across as bubbly and cheerful and she really is to a point, but Ariana's main focus is Ariana and she doesn't mind stepping on a few toes if it suits her. She would be relatively good to any friends she may have.​

Jane's identical twin sister, Jewel is a first year Ravenclaw. Jewel's friends and loved ones will come to admire and depend on them for her optimism. Her unshaken belief that all people are inherently good, perhaps simply misunderstood, lends itself to an incredibly resilient attitude in the face of hardship. Jewel has no interest in having power over others, and doesn't much care for domineering attitudes at all. She prefers a more democratic approach, and work hard to ensure that every voice and perspective is heard. A live-and-let-live attitude comes naturally to Jewel, and she dislikes being constrained by rules. She gives the benefit of the doubt too, and so long as her principles and ideas are not being challenged, she'll support others' right to do what they think is right. Combining her intuitive nature with her open-mindedness to allow her to see things from unconventional perspectives. Being able to connect many far-flung dots into a single theme. When something captures Jewel's imagination and speaks to her beliefs, she goes all in, dedicating her time, energy, thoughts and emotions to the project. Her shyness keeps her from the podium, but she is the first to lend a helping hand where it's needed. While others focusing on the challenges of the moment may give up when the going gets tough, Jewel has the benefit of her far-reaching vision to help her through. Knowing that what she is doing is meaningful gives her a sense of purpose and even courage when it comes to accomplishing something she believes in. Jewel often takes her idealism too far, setting herself up for disappointment as, again and again, evil things happen in the world. This is true on a personal level too, as she may not just idealize her partners, but idolize them, forgetting that no one is perfect. She sometimes sees herself as selfish, but only because she wants to give so much more than she's able to. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as she tries to push herself to commit to a chosen cause or person, forgetting to take care of the needs of others in her life, and especially herself. When something captures Jewel's imagination, she can neglect practical matters like day-to-day maintenance and simple pleasures. Sometimes she takes this asceticism so far as to neglect eating and drinking as she pursues her passion or cause. She is often so focused on the big picture that she forgets the forest is made of individual trees. She is in tune with emotions and morality, and when the facts and data contradict her ideals, it can be a real challenge for her. She often takes challenges and criticisms personally, rather than as inspiration to reassess her position. Avoiding conflict as much as possible, she will put a great deal of time and energy into trying to align her principles and the criticisms into a middle ground that satisfies everybody. She is private, reserved and self-conscious. This makes her notoriously difficult to really get to know, and her need for these qualities contributes to the guilt she often feels for not giving more of herself to those she cares about.​

Randy's sister, also adopted. She is four months younger than her brother and was also born in London. Lily is relaxed and warm, and her “live and let live” attitude naturally makes her likable and popular. She easily relates to others' emotions, helping her to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict. Being so aware of others' emotions, she uses creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people's hearts. Beneath her quiet shyness beats an intensely feeling heart. When she is caught up in something exciting and interesting, she can leave everything else in the dust. Ideas are well and good, but she needs to see and explore for herself whether her ideas ring true. A boldly artistic and humanistic vision is often exactly what research needs to move forward - if she is given the freedom she needs to do so. She is able to show her creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. Freedom of expression is often her top priority. Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for her. This can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge. She dislikes long-term commitments and plans. She lives in the present, full of emotion. When situations get out of control, Lily can shut down, losing her characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth. She can escalate small things into intense competitions, turning down long-term success in her search for glory in the moment, and is unhappy when she loses.​
Hello there Hayley!

I don't have any first years, but I do have two fourth years for your fourth year Ariana.

The first is Victoire Fontaine, she's a gryffindor and originally from Belgium. She's a kind person, who enjoys reading and having fun. She's a gentle kind of person and willing to fight for what she believes him and for her friends. Victoire is the oldest child of her parents, but the only girl and that combined with the fact her parents are muggle has meant that Victoire has been to a certain extent cast out from her family. They just don't have the same relationship as they once did.

Second, I have Avie Mitchell, who is a Slytherin. The only way to describe Avie is like a puppy. He's excitable and happy. He loves life and has a drive for always having fun. He's not smart, he struggles at more or less everything within school. but it doesn't really stop him. When people insult him, it does go largely over his head, he doesn't really understand much. I think him and your fourth year Ariana would probably get along, though he'd probably like her more than she'd ever like him

Let me know what you think and if you want to try either of these out!
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