Far From Ok

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alexander Fields began his afternoon walk down towards the lake, he was in need of some relaxation and thought the lake would have to be the perfect place for him. His White hair sat messily on his head, covering his green eyes from the setting sun. It was late out and soon he would have to head back in, but Alex couldn't help but want to be away from the rest of the castle. He walked past numerous people, that where beginning to make there way back into the castle for the night. His white T-Shirt remarkably clean sat loosely on his slightly tanned body and his baggy jeans frayed at the end, where looking like they could use some attention. He stopped when he arrived at his favorite spot on the lake, it was peaceful here and there where a large pile of rocks in which he could cast out into the lake and see how far he could get them to skim. He picked up a quite large and rather smooth stone and tossed it out into the lake causing it to skim about six times before going under the surface. He often wondered what it would be like to live under the water, what the world would look like from that point of view.
After a long relaxing day by the lake Kailey looked at the sun which was almost completely hidden under the horizon. She gathered her things and put them back in her bag before heading back towards the castle. She did still have some homework she had been meaning to get around to. She had thought a quick trip outside would help by clearing her head but it had instead just egged on her instinct to procrastinate and turned from a quick trip into a full day lounging around in the warmth of the pale sunlight. Listening to music, doing some light reading, and having a snack. All the while not getting a bit of her work done. Oh well, I've still got three days before it's due anyways. she thought as she walked. But that still didn't stop her from rummaging through her bag as she walked along the lakes edge. After a few seconds she shook her head and snapped it closed once more. She knew from plenty of experience that walking while looking for something was not the best idea.

She slung the bag back over her right shoulder but before she could even move her head to look infront of her she felt her feet make contact with something large and felt them fly out from under her. Her hands flew out infront of her to break her fall and she landed with a soft thunk in a patch of grass nearby. Her bag on the otherhand had landed in a large glob of mud. "Oh damn it all to hell." she muttered to herself, cursing her perpetual clumsiness as she got her wand out of her pocket and pointed it at the bag. "Scourgify" she said glad that all the mud came off in one go, not even a stain left behind. She turned to whatever she had tripped over prepared to glare at it when she realized it was a guys legs. She looked up at the owner of the legs that had tripped her and gave a sheepish smile. "Crap, sorry... I should have watched where I was going." she said, She noticed that she hadn't seen him around before, and there was no way he was a first year. Probably another transfer, HNZ attracted them like cookies attracted Ravenclaws.
Alex was taken completely by surprise, he wasn't expecting for someone to trip over his feet, he wasn't even aware that anybody was around at the time. " I'm so sorry, Are you alright?" He asked genuinely concerned, he hoped that he didn't hurt the girl. He walked over closer towards the girl." I'm Alexander Fields." He said extending his right arm towards the girl he had tripped over, just moments before. He scratched the back of his head with his left hand feeling quiet dumb, seeing as he could swear that he had never seen this girl around before. ( im saying that he has been here since his first year.) The was she spoke she came across as being a friendly type of a person, which was good seeing as he hadn't talked to any one who he wasn't now friends with and he wasn't planning on making any enemies any time soon.
Kailey nodded, "Oh yeah, It's no problem, I'm fine." she assured the man. "If it hadn't been your feet I probably would have tripped over my own before I got back to the common room." she added with a light laugh. She no longer got very embarassed at her clumsiness. She found laughing about it was easier. "Nice to meet you Alexander, I'm Kailey, Kailey Paramore." she said, introducing herself, she was in an oddly good mood that evening and it showed, she was always in a better mood in the days approaching Brightstone weekends when she could see Demitris. "So, I hope you don't mind me asking but are you new around here? I haven't seen you around and you certainly don't look eleven." she said ending with a joke, hoping she hadn't came across as rude, she was just curious.
" Well it is very nice to meet you Kailey." Alex said as he smiled when she asked him if he was new or not, most people did and it was starting to get a little annoying, but the way Kailey asked was quiet humorous." Um actually no, I've been here, since my first year." He said with a smile, most people didn't believe it when he said it. Due to the fact that they have never seen him around before, or just haven't noticed him seeing as he used to keep to himself and never talk to anyone. He swiped the hair our of his eyes, then thought to himself about how much he needed a hair cut, seeing as his hair was a just getting a little bit to long.

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