Family Is All I Need

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Anthony Kim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Inches Essence of Wood Rose
So, I have been thinking about posting here for like a few weeks now, and here I am! This is Anthony, my Death Eater, and I am looking for anyone(s) willing to make a adoptive father, mother and a cousin for her. I already have one cousin for her, Jessica Lainge, and I need Jessica's younger brother to be made. Some background on Anthony is that her real parents abandoned her in front a her adoptive father's door. Her father is dead because he got hit by a car. Anthony grew up with many doors of opportunity open to her. She is spoiled, and has always knew that her adoptive father kept her from meeting her real parents. More information about the characters I need made are below.
Characters I Need Made

Julian Lainge, 17, Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin- Julian is Jessica Lainge's younger brother. He is very spoiled and conceited. He is in his last year at Hogwarts New Zealand. His relationship with his sister is good. The two get along quite well, minus the very rare fights they get into. When not a school he is at home in Scotland living with his mother and aunt. The first name you are free to change, but the last name has to stick. I do not have a playby for him, but if you want I can help you find one that will fit the character.

Chris Kelly, 39, CEO of Kelly Fashion&Design, Attended Durmstrang- The first name you can change, but the last name sticks. Chris always wanted to provide everything he could for Anthony. He accepts her beliefs and alliances, and he does not try to convince her to do anything. He loves Anthony like his own daughter, and always avoids the topic of her real parents. He does not want to lose her, so he keeps her in the dark about her parents. There is playby for him either, so if you need any help contact me.

Doctriene Jameson, 33, N/A (Occupation), Ravenclaw (Hogwarts Scotland)- The first and lat name you are free to change. She is a widow, so she still has her husbands last name. Doctriene's mother was half giant, so that gene pasted on to her and Anthony. The two are not so tall, but they are able to look down on you. She was only 17 when she had Anthony, and she and Anthony's father, Roger, were not able to take care of or provide for her baby. She left her 3 month old baby on the doorstep of Chris Kelly's mansion. She got married at 20. Her husband died when she was 24, and now she is a very sad woman. She wants to see her daughter again, and her husband's death starts to bother her at times. Doctriene was always close with her niece Jessica, but she never saw her as a replacement for her daughter. She now sees she made a very unwise decision. There is no playby and if you need help finding one just contact me.
Anyone that makes either one of these characters I give you a HUGE thanks. Now I do not have to make all of them, and look like an absolute weirdo RPing with them all. I do plan on having Anthony RP all of these people. If you would like more information on what I have in mind just PM me.​
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