Family Correspondence

Aroha Jennings

Well-Known Member
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Aroha sat at the desk in the library and began to write her letter.
Mary said:
Dear Grandma.

I know its been a long time. I haven't heard from you in ages, but, I think I needed to talk to you.

Grandmother has been keeping me from talking to anyone from dad's family. She says that its dad's fault that he and mum were killed all those years ago. I don't believe her, and realized that while I'm at Hogwarts I can at least talk to my family. Can you please tell me the story? I need to know.

Missing the Ireland crew heaps, say hi for me?

Love, Aroha.
Ellie was washing dishes in her dingy kitchen when she saw an owl coming towards her window. She frowned; owls don't normally come into Dunedin at this time of day. She opened the window and recognized the owl as her mother's old owl. But mother's... her thought disappeared as she saw the handwriting on the letter. So much like Peters? Ellie asked herself with a frown. She read the letter and realized that it was her niece, Aroha. After reading the letter, she sat down with a sigh. She had only just returned from Mary's funeral in Ireland, and all Mary's mail that was still coming was being redirected to Ellie.
Aroha said:

Mary died last month. I can't believe you didn't know.

Your grandmother had no right to keep you away from us. I bet you don't even know me!

I'm your Aunty, Ellie. I live in Dunedin, only a few hours away from Kurow.

I don't think I can fill in the blanks for you. I hardly know anything about how Peter and Alice died, except for the fact that they were fighting death eaters. I'm sorry, but the only one that really knew was my mother.

Maybe we should meet sometime? When do you next get out of school?

I have to work now. It's lovely to hear from you, even if it was indirectly!


Your Aunty Ellie x
Aroha sat in the hospital wing, after the incident in Brightstone. She seemed to have a habit of falling. Aroha watched out the window, hardly registering the owl. She heard a bang at the window, and realized that there was an owl there. Noting that the other paitents in the hospital wing were waking up from the noise, she sneaked out of bed and single-handedly opened the window. She struggled to untie the muggle paper, and read the letter excitedly. Her excitement faded as she saw that her grandma was dead. She picked up the quill that the nurse had left on the table and began to write.
Ellie said:
Aunty Ellie

Wow. I didn't realize I even had any of dad's family in NZ! This is... anyway. Sorry to hear about grandma.

This is going to be a short letter, its hard to write with a recently broken arm. How are you? Hows the family? Everything is going so fast through my head

I don't think there are anymore Brightstone weekends... its hard to tell. I haven't been paying much attention to whats been happening. Maybe once the semester is over? I dunno. I'd better go, my light is waking everyone up.

Missing you all heaps,

Aroha <3
Aroha tied the parchment onto the owls leg and let it out the window, then fell asleep.
Ellie got a reply from Aroha almost immediately. She ripped open the parchment, hoping that it was from her niece.
Aroha said:
Dear Aroha

How did you manage to get a broken arm? You poor thing, how long before itll heal?

The family are good. I havent heard from them for a week, but id know if something big happened.

Its a shame about the brightstone weekend. Id love to have you visit...?

I hope your arm gets better soon (itd better...)

Love Aunty Ellie x
Aroha woke up the next morning, dizzy and headachy. She knew it was just because of the concussion, and that she'd still be able to go back to the main school, but it still bugged her. Aroha sat up as the nurse bummed around sorting things out, then was discharged. Her arm had been completely healed, and Aroha enjoyed being able to use it again. She sat down at the Gryffindor table and began to eat, when a plain brown owl arrived for Aroha. She read it, noting the word love at the bottom. She smiled and wrote a reply, forgetting about her cornflakes.
Ellie said:
Aunty Ellie,

Don't worry, its healed now. I only had to stay overnight coz of the concussion
. I think I can visit in the holidays, Kurow isn't far from Dunedin! I'm looking forward to being home, these exams are too annoying. I'll just have to get an escape permit from Grandmother!!

Rushing to study now,

Aroha x

Aroha tied the letter to the owl and watched it fly away, realizing that she was late for class again. She rushed to Transfiguration with a large grin; somewhere there was an escape.

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