Falon Urie

Falon Urie

Warrior | Gryffindor | Falmouth Falcon Beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Full Name:
- Falon Kaylee Urie

Date of Birth:
- December 29th 2028

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Green, down-turned eyes, straight brown hair.

- Growing up with her brothers has made Falon a bit of a tom-boy. She loves nothing more than being outside, going on hikes, and playing with dirt.
However, because a lot of pranks have been played on her, Falon loves it when she can have control. She wants to be in control of what happens to her, and has subconsciously managed her emotions, so she can play the right mood for the right situation.
Her friends and family mean a lot to her, and she loves to spend time with them, especially her mother. In Hogwarts, she will discover femininity, and will love strong female role-models.
Falon is eager to learn as much as she can about magic.

Element:You are EARTH.
People of the Earth element are hardworking, genuine and determined. You know what needs to get done. You know how to get a good life, and you need to earn it. You have a powerful heart and an appreciation for the smaller things. You could stand to be a bit less rigid and take a breath once in a while. If you keep pushing forward without a rest you'll come off intimidating to others. That aside, you are sturdy and self efficient and make a reliable ally.

- Tom Urie - Father - Muggle; Miner at Super Pit
- Kylee Urie - Mother - Muggle; Teacher
- Finn Urie - Older brother - wizard.
- Felix Urie - Twin Brother - wizard.


Area of Residence:
- Williamstown, Kalgoorlie, Australia

Blood Status:
- Muggle Born

- Australian and Scottish

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Hiking
- Drumming
- Nature
- Music

Additional Skills:
- Knows a lot about 'survival skills' (She loved Bear Grylls)

- Hard-working
- Passionate
- Self - efficient.

- Stubborn
- Doesn't know when to stop
- Controlling.

Describe your character in three words:
- Self - efficient. Determined. Control-freak.

Favourite place to be:
- In the sun

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To learn all she can to make life easier!

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:
- Working with Felix to get back at Finn for one of his pranks.

Your Boggart:
- Being a puppet - in someone else's control.

Your Animagus:
- Tiger
You are known to be the easy-going and sarcastic one. People are naturally drawn to you because of your humour. You are known to be very passionate about your interests and can sometimes get into an argument defending them. You cherish your friends and family and will do anything to protect them.

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:
Hey Donna! ^_^
I know it's not finished, but you can't tame curiousity? :r xD
1) What are the meanings of Falon's first, middle, and last name (if there are any) and where did they originate? Do you think these names reflect upon or suggest something about Falon's character?
2) You mentioned she had two brothers - does she wish she had some sisters, or is she happy with just her two brothers?
3) Is she older than her twin brother?
4) Who is the instigator for the majority of pranks played upon her?
5) Her favourite place is in the sun - does she burn easily, or is her skin quite resilient?
6) Has she gone to the beach? If so, as she ever been stung by anything?
7) Has her older brother told her anything about school and what she should expect?
8) Has she ever had an argument with one of her brothers or parents? What was the cause of this if so?
9) What languages can she speak?
10) Can she play an instrument?
11) Falon has suddenly found herself having to leave her home quickly, and she can only take three items. What would she take and way?
12) If Falon had to relocated to another country, which would she pick and why?
Thank-you for the questions!!! Yay!

1) What are the meanings of Falon's first, middle, and last name (if there are any) and where did they originate?
Falon: In Charge - Irish!
Kaylee: Pure - English, from her mother.
Urie: - God is light
The motto of the surname 'Urie' was originally a war cry or slogan "Sans tache", meaning "Without Stain".

Do you think these names reflect upon or suggest something about Falon's character?
-Only her first name, weirdly, as it wasn't chosen because of that! But she likes to be in charge, and will tend to be a bit controlling.

2) You mentioned she had two brothers - does she wish she had some sisters, or is she happy with just her two brothers?
-She often wishes she was an only child; especially when Finn plays pranks, or when Felix pokes her. Falon definitely loves her brothers, and is happy with them, but - you know what siblings are like ahah. She doesn't much wish for a sister, as she is quite solitary and feels that girls are too dependent so she wouldn't enjoy someone needing her that much. And, when she needs someone, she can go to her mother.

3) Is she older than her twin brother?
-No, Felix is the elder twin.

4) Who is the instigator for the majority of pranks played upon her?
-Finn D:

5) Her favourite place is in the sun - does she burn easily, or is her skin quite resilient?
-Her skin is quite resilient, and she doesn't really like the cold weather, even though it only really shows face a couple of months a year. She still lathers up though - her mother wouldn't let her out otherwise!

6) Has she gone to the beach? If so, as she ever been stung by anything?
- No, the furthest has been Hannan Lake. Falon isn't too fond of the water, but she does like the peacefulness and stillness.

7) Has her older brother told her anything about school and what she should expect?
-Pretty much that if she isn't placed in Gryffindor, she should go home! Haha, but he talks about it a lot, but Felix and her can't decide if and when he's telling the truth, and when he's making something up.

8) Has she ever had an argument with one of her brothers or parents? What was the cause of this if so?
- Falon argues a lot with her brothers, mainly because of their tormenting. More bickering.
Finn once took it to far when he poured Tabasco sauce on her food without her realizing. She didn't - and couldn't - speak to him for a week.

9) What languages can she speak?
Just English!

10) Can she play an instrument?
- Falon loves the drums.

11) Falon has suddenly found herself having to leave her home quickly, and she can only take three items. What would she take and way?
- Falon would take her iPhone (mainly for her music; she can't live without music!)
- Her hiking boots (Because...Australia yo, never know what you'll step on!)
- Depending on the scenario (Afternoon out vs Desert Island), sunglasses or a small but sharp knife. Both for protection! From the sun...and from Australia's crazies animals.

12) If Falon had to relocated to another country, which would she pick and why?
- Falon would love to go somewhere in the Caribbean, like Barbados or Bermuda. She'd be very interested in their culture. Otherwise, somewhere like Yuma, California or Phoenix.

Thanks for the questions! They helped me so much!

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