Closed Falling Down

Tanith Whitlock

Clingy- People Pleaser
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 17 1/2 Inch Rigid Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
13 (7/8/2050)
Tanith couldn't go home for break. She made an excuse, told her eldest sisters that she was staying at the school- she'd lied and said she wanted to spend some time with friends who couldn't go home. Really, she just didn't know if she could handle going home to find her parents weren't there. She was feeling sick with worry, her stomach twisted in little knots. She couldn't really focus on anything she'd been trying to read. Eventually she gave up and decided to go for a walk.

Her mind was racing and she wasn't paying attention. She should've known something would happen. Still, she lost her footing at the last few steps of the first floor, and Tanith tumbled down to the cold stone below. She was silent a moment before just breaking down, curling up and burying her face in her hands, crying softly. It was all just too much.

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