Open Exploring the Sights

Theodore Harper

"theo" 🎸 eldest harper 🎸 laidback
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
11 (09/2051)
Theo's parents had been dragging him and the rest of his siblings around Obsidian Harbour. Which had more to do with the errands they needed to run more than anything. He had convinced his parents long and hard for him to linger around the harbour by himself to explore for while, while his poor younger siblings had to continue on with their parents. Theodore ventured down the cobbled street, looking at the shops with awe. He gasped with amazement when he had noticed the wand store near by. Theo knew he'd be getting his wand soon, but it still was quite far until he could grab a hold of his own wand. The young boy made his way towards the wand store, looking through the window with amazement, images playing in his head with what he'd be doing if he had his own wand right about now.
It was still almost a year before Miles would be heading off to Hogwarts, but that certainly didn't mean he couldn't already be excited about it. Sometimes he just liked walking around Obsidian Harbour, already plotting out his eventual route for his school shopping in his head. Getting his very own wand was at the top of his list, and he did often like to peer in through the window of the store to look at all the wands. That day, however, he didn't seem to be the only one with that idea as there was another boy around his age doing the exact same thing. "Exciting, ain't it?" He offered with a friendly smile, "Imagining what your own wand is going to be."
Theo whipped his head around at the sound of another voice, not expecting someone else to join him, which he didn't mind. "Oh yeah mate! Totally" Theo says with a chuckle and a nod. Theo was definately excited about it all and he couldn't wait for his turn. "Yeah! And what spells you're going to do" Theo then adds on to what the other boy was saying. Theo was excited to get a hold of his own wand, which he was very excited to do. He wondered what you had to do when you get your wand. "Are you going to Hogwarts next year too?" Theo asked the boy, hoping that maybe the boy was around his age. It would be nice to know someone who was also going. He knew he was going to have to make new friends at the new school he was going to.
Standing in front of this shop this close to the window, it was hard not to lean in to press his face right up against the glass to really get a good look inside. A part of him wanted to just march in there and demand his wand right now. How could he possibly wait until later, when it was all right there for the taking? "Being able to finally do magic is going to be amazing," he couldn't possibly imagine it being anything less than the best thing in the world. He'd grown up watching his parents perform magic in their daily lives, and now finally it was almost his turn. At the question, Miles nodded his head, making a small noise in the back of his throat as he did so. "Yeah. You?"
Theodore was trying his absolute best not to press his face against the wand store to peer in like he usually did. At this point, he wouldn't be surprised if he was going to be told off by a worker in the store. Theo nodded his head in agreement with the boy. "Yup! Super duper cool! I wonder what spells they teach in the first year" Theodore nodded his head in agreement and thought the last part aloud. Theo smiled happily when he found out the other boy was also going to Hogwarts. It would be good to know someone or at least have a friend who was going to Hogwarts. "Yup! I'll be going to Hogwarts too! I'm Theodore, but call me Theo! What's your name?" Theo introduced himself to the other boy, curious about what his new acquaintance's name was.
A part of him was worried that one of the people inside was going to come out and tell the two of them to move on at any moment. But, until that did happen, Miles was more than perfectly happy to stay right where he was, trying to get a good look at all the wands. Maybe if they waited around for long enough, they might actually get lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a wand matching. He'd always wondered what one of those was actually like, and it was exciting to think that he'd finally get to find out in a few months. "I don't think they teach us anything super exciting, but I just want to get to learn magic in the first place." All the cool spells would come when they were older, but it was still just as exciting to learn the basics. Then, he had the other boy's name, grinning slightly, "I'm Miles! Nice to meet you, man."
"That makes total sense" Theo joked with a slight pout. It made sense that they'd be learning the cooler spells when they were older, but he guessed learning the basics when they started school also made sense. Theo continued to look into the store window, still amazed at how cool the store looked. There were so many stacks of boxed wands in there, he was trying his absolute best to stop himself from actually going into the store. "Do you reckon someone would be getting a new wand today? I wonder what the process is like" Theo thought aloud to the boy, as he looked between the store and his new friend. Theo looked directly at his friend as he introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, Miles!" Theo says happily, glad to know the boy's name. "I'm guessing they'll be teaching the basics with all the subjects in the first couple of years"
He could totally understand the appeal of wanting to go to Hogwarts and immediately learn all the harder and cooler spells. Unfortunately, Miles knew to think a little more practically about it and understood they probably wouldn't be learning that kind of thing until much later on. Of course, there was nothing stopping him from reading up on everything in advance, just so he was prepared. "I hope so! I've heard what it's like to get matched to your wand, but I want to actually see it in person. It sounded really cool!" Unfortunately, as he stood and looked around, it didn't seem as though anyone else was approaching the shop at the moment. And he hoped it wasn't because two excited pre-Hogwarts boys were standing with their faces up against the window. "Sounds boring," he admitted with a small huff, "But I suppose it makes sense. We can't learn all the difficult stuff without knowing the basics first."

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