Exploring The Castle, With A Side Of Making Friends

Micah Adams

Active Member
OOC First Name
Micah Adams walked out onto the grounds. Carefree as always. He was out here to do what most first years liked to do: explore. He found that the best way to fit in somewhere, was to know exactly where everything was in the castle. That way there were still a thousand places for someone to hide from you, but at least you knew where they all were. Though he knew it would take a while, he was at least glad to be at the school here, it had come as sort of a surprise when he had been given the chance to become a student. He hadn't expected to be chosen, but he was definitely glad that he had come here. It was so big, and he definitely couldn't wait for classes to start.

Micah had brushed up on his classes a little bit, and a little bit more of a background on the whole wizarding world thing. He hadn't been told much by his parents. His Dad had wanted him to learn whatever he could on his own. Maybe that had been a good call, sometimes important details got left out if you weren't learning it all on your own. Micah glanced around the Lakefront, it was large out here, and boy were there a lot of people out here.
Giselle, was glad to be back at school, it seemed to be the only thing that gave her any form of consistency in her life anymore. Just as she was getting used to her new home and her new family her new mother and father had to go and get a divorce. Giselle had kept herself locked up in her room because she kept blaming herself for it happening because she was the only new thing that came in their life and she was sure that it was her fault that they split up. She knew that it wasn’t her fault as she had been reassured by everyone but she couldn’t help but have a feeling of some guilt. She soon got over it as she had to stay at home, with her father who got majority custody of the children in the divorce but she was still able to visit her mother so she was happy enough with that. The reason she had to stay with her father so much and not stay with Aiden was because his girlfriend was pregnant and was due very soon and was doing so much prep in their house so she didn’t feel comfortable being in the house. It didn’t help that Giselle didn’t like Miriah an awful lot no matter how hard she tried to like her for Aiden’s sake she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

Now back at Hogwarts she was happy again and knew she wouldn’t have to worry about having that slight feeling of guilt until the Winter holidays as she didn’t even have to go home during the Summer holidays. After doing a bit of unpacking she got bored and decided to go and get reacquainted with the castle again and knew that she just had to start with the lakefront, it had easily become her favourite place in her two years here already. Running down to the lakefront she noticed it was quite busy today, mostly with people in small groups chattering away, probably catching up with each other after the holidays. She noticed a small boy standing on his own, looking around as if he didn’t know the place – perhaps he was a first year. “Quite a view, isn’t it?” she said as she walked over to him.
Micah heard somebody else beside him speak to him as he stood there, he didn't know what she wanted and he didn't know who she was either. But it sure was cool having someone talk to him! It meant that he wouldn't be lonely. He hated being lonely. He could tell that she was obviously at least two years ahead of him at this school. She had this air to her that told him she knew what she was talking about when it came to the school. She had the experience here that the younger first years like Micah didn't have. But boy, was that an understatement. The view here was amazing. The castle itself was amazing. There were things at the school that couldn't be described by mere words. Though, that was probably just the first year status talking for Micah. He would probably look at the view and see how ordinary it was after his seven years here were up. Obviously the older girl here didn't do that, but she was only probably a third year or so. Micah didn't really know what she was, or who she was. "I must say that's the largest understatement I've heard all day. The view is truly amazing in my eyes." Micah admitted, not entirely sure why though.
Giselle breathed in the sweet spring air. It was a fairly moderate day but not exactly the weather to be out in the bathing suit yet. She enjoyed New Zealand as it was fairly moderate temperature all year round but more so in the later months when it was warmer so she could go into the lake a swim. It was one of her more favourite activities to do while outside and it was perfect to cool down in on the warmer days although she would be lucky if she got much room as the lake would always be full on the warmer days. The lake really was her most favourite place, it was nice to swim in when she wanted to cool down then during the cold months the lake would be frozen over and that just added a whole new beauty to it. Seeing it frozen over and the ice glistening off of it was nothing short of magical and at when at Hogwarts New Zealand, that statement could go a long way. Then again the lake lived up to her standards as one of her favourite places as she had taken the muggle sport of ice skating. Visiting her brother in Bulgaria during his winter holidays she had to be able to do something and with the lake down near his house she found that ice skating was a popular sport and she had was a natural at it. She came out of her small day dream when she heard a voice beside her and she realised that she had reached the boy without even knowing she had ended up standing beside him. She chuckled softly. “You’re a first year, aren’t you?” she asked with a small smirk on her face, figuring she knew the answer already, either that or he was an eager transfer, a young one, no more than a second year for sure.
Micah liked this girl, she seemed to be nice. She wasn't laughing at him or anything for what he was saying, and his obvious inexperience to everything that was at this school. She was just chuckling softly, maybe even laughing with him. He was new, and new wasn't always so bad. Sometimes there were good things that came with being new, because that meant you could make friends with people who had already been there for a good amount of time. Was that so bad to want to make some friends with people that weren't his age? He didn't really know sometimes whether or not it was a good thing or a bad thing. "Yeah, I am a First Year. What are you? Third Year?" He asked, hoping that she didn't think that he was making fun of her at all, because that would be horrible and she would probably yell at him if she thought that he was making fun of her and saying that she looked old, even the slightest bit old. He just had a pretty good sense of how old people were.
Giselle looked down and the little blonde haired guy, she figured that now, with her being a third year, she could look at younger students with a sense of seniority. Sure she could have done the same in second year but she was still pretty young herself then, and was probably no better than a first year as she had just got out of the ‘new person’ zone and second year was the year to prove yourself. Now that she was third year, she was settled in the school, knew her way around things and wasn’t considered one of the little kids too much anymore. She hadn’t felt it until this moment and she liked it. At home she was always the youngest child, even in her new family she was the youngest, so she never experienced the ‘older sibling’ feeling. Being in Gryffindor and considering how close of a family they tended to become she decided then and there that she would start being just that to all other Gryffindor students. At this point she didn’t realise that the young boy was a Gryffindor but she could already sense the ‘older sibling’ feeling. When he questioned what year she was in and answered his own question with yet another question she smiled slightly. “What are you? A Ravenclaw?” she asked with a chuckle. “You must be, to be smart enough to guess my right year.” she added.

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