Exchanging of Words

Jaden West

Apothecary's Owner ☠️ Potion 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Jaden West return to New Zealand didn't set so well for the young red head. In the second day she been here, all her father had done was spent less time with her and more time doing his job. Than he wonders why Alexandra filed for divorce. "Just go out and meet some of your old friends from school. Didn't you had any when you attended that old school?!" Rayden said while rushing. Obviously he didn't know Jaden well, she had none.

Before she could protest that idea and forget what he suggested, Rayden was gone. Out of sight, already driving fourthy or some mile an hour, heading for New Zealand gazette. Jaden lone, both her siblings up in Salem, left her to be bored as hell by herself. She grab a quick sleeves sweater and headed out the doors. Her bright red hair became completely cover by her violet parka covering part of face. Instincts told her to head for the Parks, and that's what she force her legs to endure.

"Its Brightstone Week.."she mumble as if she were talking to someone, somebody did look at her strange, a girl talking to herself didn't seem normal to them. "What? Ever done a monologue for a play?" she hissed, rolling her pale eyes that lack the usual glow of a human being. The old man turn his eyes up at Jaden attitude, Jaden shrug, she walk some more till she found herself wandering towards the village, in sold desperation to see if she could recognize anyone she knew from Hogwarts.
Dyfan walked along the main street of Brightstone glad to be outside for once instead of studying. He still had a few months before he had to choose the right school to attend but he wanted to be prepared and be accepted. So he continously studied through out the weekdays and unlike his siblings he was getting very high grades all the time. But his studying didn't leave much time to be out of doors and so today he was granted a relaxing day to spend in the village. He noticed multiple amounts of Hogwart students about and decided to look for a more quiet place to relax. Dyfan walked by the enterance to the park and found himself drawn in, never have been there before.

He leaned against the gate, watching the kids play on the playground for a few moments. He moved over to a bench and sat down sighing. Enjoying the Autumn sun he closed his eyes and put his face towards the sun.
The village ended up being to crowded to search the many sea of faces. Retracing her steps, Jaden ended up near the park again. Not crowded and less bodies around, Jaden stride in. She saw a boy sitting alone, Jaden been the type to just talk to anyone sat down right on the same bench. "Hey,? Do you go to this school?" she asked him. She was there just a couple months ago, but that's how bad she didn't know anyone in there except for a few like Lily, Henric, and Rory if she return back to school. "Hogwarts? If so, what house are you in?" Jaden kindly, in a weird way ask the boy, she wanted to know if he was in Slytherin, just to if any of her old mates were asking about her.
Dyfan turned at the sound of a voice next to him. It was a girl around his age, she had a different look then his sister did and mildly wondered who she was. "Hogwarts? No I'm home schooled by a tutor, I was suppose to have transfered in this year but they didn't except transfer students for some reason," he said unsure of what he should say to her. She seemed really interested in Hogwarts for some reason, prehaps she had friends there.
"Oh....nevermind than..."she thought wrong, expecting to think he went to hogwarts. With little than nothing to do, she force herself to sit there. Transfix, her gaze merely vivid with emotions. "its just I thought you went to hogwart"she said in a almost automatic voice, her tone sounded strange when she was staring at nothing really. "Can you do magic out here? If so what kind?" she ask him another question. It was better talking to him than herself, few times she's done that, just to practice basic spells and than her brother calls it crazy talk. So she stop doing that a while ago.
Dyfan looked at her as she stared at nothing. She seemed upset that he didn't go there, but he was glad he got another year of tutoring, he was already ahead then most kids of his age would be. "I can't that's underage magic, I can only do magic with my tutor in the room we set up in my siblings and mine hotel suite," he said wondering why she wanted know, though he didn't feel like pressuring her into an answer. "Do you know people at Hogwarts?" He asked trying to learn more about her as she was doing with him. Dyfan didn't have the best people skills but he was trying.
"Oh...so your about my age than?" just a bit of information like that told Jaden enough about this guy. He didn't go to regular school, he wasn't from around here, and wasn't afraid to speak to her. Another strange fact, almost everyone didn't speak to Jaden unless she spoke to them back. Kind of what he was doing now, but he didn't seem to care to share. "I know a few students. Not that many, its a big school. So many faces, a point in why ask if you went there" she went onto staring more, now she felt more ease cause she was speaking normally and nothing seem harsh spilling out of her mouth. "If your not from here, where did you come from?"
Dyfan watched the girl curiously, she seemed to be relaxing more now, but that confused him slightly as she came to talk with him and not the other way. "That would depend on your age, but yes I do believe we are the same, I might be a year older or so," he stated thinking she seemed younger then him whether it be a couple of months or a year. "Ah, I see. Well my sister is going to transfer in this coming year I'm not sure about myself. And I come from Aussie next door, my parents are travling and so we came here," he said sitting back in the seat with the urge to shrug his shoulders but it wasn't a whatever moment so he didn't.
"You live so close to here. Lucky, I live so faraway" she gave up the weakest smile. She failed at being nice, she came across intimidating. Jaden's parents always told her to relax when speaking to someone, she tried. She really made an effort, especially now. With her sister somewhere around and her father at work, her only company would be her Scarletta Goody. A very grown house cat, who was no longer a kitten. They grow so fast, she dislike aging. She wished, if there was anything to wish to stay young, till she got a pretty good sense at what life meant to her. Finding her true purpose, than she can grow old, wither and die. "What's your name? If your okay with me asking?" one thing for sure, she had manners. Well whatever she call it when she wanted to get a bit of information from someone, acting nice. That's how she saw it when she was, or acted that way.
"I live here now with my siblings. I don't think I'm so lucky," he said shaking his head to her. She didn't know the dynamic differences between him and his two siblings and between them. Coming here seemed to do the opposite of what their parents wanted, they were getting farther and farther apart from each other. When they used to hang out with each other everyday, now they just went their own ways after breakfast and lessons. "Dyfan Venturino, you?"
Oh? Dilemma. "Why wouldn't you consider yourself lucky? If you'd don't mind that I ask you this? Its just where I'm from, well I'm from the united states. So moving is kinda hard for me, everything seems foreign" she unravel without looking up. It was much more than she let would let anyone know. From what it felt like, they might have more in command. Its likely for that to happen, Jaden research it once when she felt curious to know how many girl's her age felt strangely attractive to other girls. A secret side of her, that she still hide. After dating Anastacia briefly, she still wasn't sure about that part of herself right now. An identity she struggle with, it kinda like living a bit without seeing and you want to trust yourself to decide eventually. But than its like not, it was all to confusing to the redhead. "I'm Jaden West, I guess it wasn't bad meeting you today"she kept her smile up, still pushing it till she couldn't push it any further.

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