Everyone's Invited

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Samual Kaster

Father of 2 | Retired Auror
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Hey everyone!
So, Samual and Hazel are getting married! :woot: :party: :cry:
Anyway, so I cannot quite remember everyone that needs inviting. If your character knows Samual or Hazel (even remotely, I'm quite serious on this as it is Sammy, he would invite the whole of New Zealand were it possible) then PM me or just jump into the roleplay, it's all sweet. I'd prefer a PM just to know your character's coming, and maybe to establish a relationship basis (in case they have not rped for some time) But otherwise, i'm quite lax. It is Sammy, and he would invite virtually everyone he has ever had a good relationship with. Professors, old friends, someone he's randomly met on the street, etc - all invited!
Anyway, so that's about it really. Everyone remotely tied to Hazel and Samual in any way is welcome to join (after the bride has posted, of course! :o ) It's going to end quite hilarious and fun, and it'd be great to see everyone there. Did I mention I'd love the day to be ruined somehow? (or at least mildly screwed up? :r ) Since Samual worked ever so hard on it being perfect, why don't we all take this time to ruin it? :p
Thanks guys! :hug:
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