Evelyn Valerie Mosca

Evelyn Mosca

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood, 15 ¼", Phoenix Ash.

evelyn mosca .

basics ,

f u l l n a m e a n d m e a n i n g
[ ev•a•lin ] From the Latin "avid", the meaning of which is "bird". Often interchanged with "Eve [ eev ]" or "Eva [ ee•vah ]", a Latin/Hebrew name meaning "life, animal".
VALERIE [ val•er•ree ] Of Latin origin, meaning "strong, healthy". Feminine form of "Valerius", a Roman family name.
MOSCA [ moss•ka ] A surname first found in Pisa, Tuscany; a town involved in the inter-city war of 1003. To have a name discovered from this time, the beginning of recorded history, indicates noble ancestry. Mosca is a direct Italian translation of the word "fly".

b i r t h d a t e a n d b i r t h p l a c e
Evelyn was born to Christina Maria Mosca in a Muggle San Diego hospital at 11:42am on August 16th, 2017. The identity of her father was never known, or it may have been known but just never announced on the birth certificate. Her heritage is Italian-American, and she speaks fluent Italian as well as English.
s t a r s i g n
Those born between July 23rd and August 22nd are of the astrological sign Leo, the symbol of which is a lion. They represent spontaneity, generosity, creativity and faithfulness. They have a sense of grandeur and courageousness, though they can also be bossy, dogmatic, prideful and egotistical. They are the most dominant sign, often seen as that of leaders, or "kings of the jungle".
r e l a t i o n s h i p s t a t u s
At eleven years old, having a relationship is the last thing on Evelyn's mind. Besides, she is yet to even feel attracted to boys like some of her peers are beginning to. While she can appreciate the boy-girl relationships that she sees in movies and books, Evelyn has always felt more connected and drawn to the girl characters, though is yet to understand what that may mean for her sexuality.
b l o o d s t a t u s
Her mother's side of the family is of purely Muggle blood, and it can be presumed that her father's is the same (as Christina's family have no connections to the Magical world). While she often wonders if her father might actually be a great wizard, Eve is in fact a Muggleborn Witch.
e d u c a t i o n
From age five to eleven she went to a Muggle elementary school in San Diego, California. Concentrating was Evelyn's main problem, but she still managed to get good marks and stay out of trouble most of the time. She now attends Hogwarts New Zealand, and was sorted into the house of Gryffindor upon her arrival. This is due to her bold, impulsive, adventurous nature. She looks forward to learning all about Magic and the knowledge that she'll need for the future, but Eve has promised her grandparents to keep up her maths and English skills to be well-rounded.
e m p l o y m e n t a n d r e s i d e n c e
She is currently a student, and during the holidays lives with her maternal grandparents (known as Nonna and Nonno, Italian for grandmother and grandfather) in their San Diego home. Their neighbourhood is very working class - standard houses with one or two cars, nothing flashy. Though prior to living with her grandparents, Evelyn lived with her mother until she was three in a crowded, lower class apartment building only ten minutes away. Because of this, and the diversity of her elementary school, she has had exposure to people from many different backgrounds and knows to be grateful for what she has. Her mother left because she couldn't handle being a parent, and has not seen Evelyn since.
w a n d

Bloodwood is said to reveal secrets both of the past and of the future, and to aid in understanding and interpreting the given knowledge. This suits Evelyn, as she has many unanswered questions regarding personal history and uncertainty for who her future self could be. Her bond to this wand helps her to feel at peace about the unknown. It is also known for its bright red colour, and is perfect for spells regarding matters of the heart, healing, and use in divinations.
m i r r o r o f e r i s e d
If Evelyn were to look into the Mirror of Erised, she would see a successful and happy young woman; one who was secure in herself and able to feel as confident as she looked. Ideally, Eve would be a Broadway star, having won Tony Awards for acting or direction. Children would not appear to her in the mirror at this point in her life, though possibly in the future.
b o g g a r t
Her biggest fear, asides from the obvious things like bugs and horror movies, would be a second rejection from her parents. While she admittedly doesn't think of them often, when she does, the thought is usually a sad one. Eve hopes that they are normal people going about their lives, but can't help worrying that she may be the daughter of horrible, bad people that were able to abandon her without a second thought.
p a t r o n u s

Evelyn's patronus animal is the summer tanager, for several reasons. Firstly, her name means "bird", and she was born and raised in the United States. The tanager is an American bird, one that often migrates from East to West just as Evelyn's family did historically. They're known to forage high in the trees, while Eve is often noted to have her "head in the clouds". And of course, they both have distinct dark eyes and red hair/feathers. Her patronus memory would be that of watching the musical Wicked on Broadway for the first time. It was all just so magical, no pun intended.

personality ,
g e n e r a l t r a i t s
Having grown up without knowing her parents, one would assume her to be insular and guarded. However, the love and security provided by her grandparents has made Evelyn Mosca a friendly and likable young girl. She isn't one to brag, and has a grounded belief when it comes to modesty and appreciating what one has. This is likely due to her varied upbringing and lack of judgmental teachings. She makes friends easily, and appears to be very confident and happy. However, she sometimes feels quite fragile and insecure on the inside, mainly because of her subconscious fear of loneliness and rejection. That doesn't rule her life, though, as positivity and focusing on the good things is a trait she easily possesses. Eve has a huge imagination, stemming from her childhood dreams of things unknown - who her father was, why her mother left her, etc. She has a strange sense of creativity, leading most people to think of her as quirky and unique. She can appear almost spacey and oblivious at times, but this is more because of her careless nature than a lack of intelligence. Eve doesn't often consider consequences or the feelings of others, instead being an impulsive and energetic young girl. Lying and secrecy are horrible traits in her opinion, with herself being painfully honest and blunt at times, in terms of how she deals with others. She is stubborn and forthright, and much more of a trailblazer than a follower.

Eve is very determined and aware when it comes to her hobbies, and has big goals that she intends to achieve in her lifetime. Her level of commitment to other pursuits is not the greatest, as she easily feels the restless need for something fresh and new. Almost a "the grass is always greener on the other side" mentality. In terms of friendships, Evelyn is a very fun and loyal person to be around. She avoids drama, and sees no point in backstabbing and betrayal. However, she isn't the most caring or helpful person, though she means well and would try to give advice if asked. Whether that advice would make any sense is another story. Though they are cute, Eve does not care to have children. She loves to hang out with her younger cousins, but being a nurturing mother-type is just not her. She is very spontaneous and immature, though her heart is certainly in the right place. Evelyn is a sweet and loving young girl that happens to have a terrible attention span. Her amount of enthusiasm is commendable, and she has an ability to find beauty and joy in the mundane. Evelyn Mosca has a sensitive core, and a confused sense of self. She hopes to do good in the future, as well as solidifying her place in the world.

i n t e r e s t s a n d h o b b i e s
Through her grandmother, Evelyn has inherited a great love of singing. Nonna would often sing lullabies and old songs to calm her down if she was in a bad mood. The family are big lovers of theatre, which contributed to Eve developing an interest in Broadway. Since childhood she has dreamed of writing, directing, and starring in musicals in New York. Though upon discovering her connection to the Magical world, Evelyn has become a huge fan of it all, including quidditch. She still wants to pursue Broadway in the future, but the idea of living as a witch is very appealing to her. She has also begun cooking a lot, and is compiling a folder of secret family recipes. Food and family are big things to the Mosca's, being a large group of Italian-Americans. Eve loves drawing and painting, but it isn't really her forte. Her main interests lie in story-telling; like making up characters and fantastical places in her head. She often puts on one-woman shows for friends, or pretends to be somebody else for a day, by dressing up and putting on an accent. She loves to collect things, with several shoeboxes full of Playbills, letters, gemstones, stickers, pieces of string, etc, under her bed.
l i k e s a n d d i s l i k e s
LIKES Musicals, quidditch, singing, dinner with family, hugs, entertaining others, Disney movies, old Hollywood, cats, stuffed animals, card games, reading, sugary sour candy, the Magical world, comedy movies or TV shows, Nonna's cooking, working at the family store, the number 2, cosy jumpers, her Playbill collection.
DISLIKES Barbie dolls, cold Winters, fake tans, grossness, judgmental people, following instead of leading, dull colours, disrespect, secrecy, scary movies, homework, brussel sprouts, unreliable technology, rude customers, the dark, long camping trips, bad voice days, untuned instruments, losing things, being alone.

playlist ,
click the songs to listen
01 Cosmic Love . Florence + the Machine
02 Flowers Everywhere Balkans
03 Hide and Seek Imogen Heap
04 Radar Detector Darwin Deez
05 I Feel It All Feist
06 Lost in the World . Kanye West
07 Are You Satisfied? Marina & the Diamonds
08 Baby Warpaint
09 Lisztomania . Phoenix
10 Set Fire to the Rain Adele
11 Rock It Little Red
12 Favourite Food Tokyo Police Club

appearance ,
g e n e r a l a p p e a r a n c e
Evelyn has large, almond-shaped eyes. They look to be mahogany brown in colour, framed by arched eyebrows which give her an inquisitive look. Her hair is naturally wavy and dark brown, but is currently a deep magenta colour called red velvet. She dyed it upon discovering her magical abilities and acceptance into Hogwarts - almost a reinvention, or celebration, if you will. Eve usually straightens her hair or puts in in a ponytail or braid. She has prominent cheeks and dimples, with a straight, rounded nose. Her face in general appears very sweet and childlike, though her expression often showcases the feisty girl behind it. Her posture is strong and confident, and she walks with a skip in her step. Due to her Italian heritage, Eve's skin tone is pale olive. She has no tattoos, or prominent scars and freckles, but has had her ears pierced since age eight, and writes with her right hand.

h e i g h t a n d w e i g h t
Evelyn is of an average weight for an eleven year old, though her activeness keeps her healthy and slim. Her height is much the same as others, though in adulthood she will probably end up to be a few inches shorter than most people - a lot of energy packed into a small frame.

s t y l e
Her clothing choices generally reflect the trends. Eve has never really been a "jeans and t-shirt" kind of girl, favouring skirts and tops with cool details like prints or lots of colour. Anything with a floral pattern or a bow will instantly draw her attention. She doesn't have much money to buy just anything, so she has a lot of fun thinking up different outfit combinations, and would be considered quite fashionable. Eve usually paints her nails a bright or pastel colour, but with minimal make up. Her style reflects her bubbly personality very well.

history ,
e a r l y l i f e

Evelyn Valerie Mosca was born in mid-August, 2017. Her mother's name was Christina Mosca, the identity of her father was never known. Eve and her mother lived in a crowded, lower-class apartment building in urban San Diego, with Christina working as a waitress and relying on a rotation of boyfriends for support. After a while, the financial and emotional strain of raising a daughter became too much for the young woman, and at three years old, Evelyn was left with her grandparents when her mother moved to Florida to pursue a new life. Stefano and Roberta Mosca were part of a typically large Italian-American family, and were a prominent part of their middle-class community thanks to the local store that they owned next to their home. Though the aging couple couldn't help but feel guilty and responsible for the bad decisions of Christina, their youngest daughter, they really had given their four children a wonderful upbringing, and didn't hesitate to give Eve the same, as if she were their own.

Evelyn proved from a young age to be a rambunctious little girl, and often forced Stefano and Roberta to drive her to talent shows and watch the plays she would frequently put on in the living room. She was a hit at family get-togethers, and always managed to entertain people with her curious nature. At elementary school, she managed to fit in well, thanks to her varied background from living in two different areas of San Diego. Eve's grades were pretty good, though most of her time was spent dreaming of Broadway and writing stories in the back of her notebooks. Every few years she would receive a Christmas card and $20 from her mother, with the return address changing each time. Replies were never sent, because Eve just didn't know what there was to say to the woman she barely remembered. Sometimes she would try to write something, but these letters always ended up in her shoebox of treasures, along with the cards and unspent money - by the age of ten she had accumulated $60.

Fortunately, Evelyn had a good group of friends around her, so whenever she felt down thinking about her parents, there was a constant source of distraction in their company. As her friends began to notice and talk about boys, Eve didn't feel comfortable joining in. She was still more interested in reading books and watching Disney movie. And besides, the things that others would notice in the boys she considered gross, were the things that she had started to notice in the girls of her stories. She liked their hair, voices, the way they moved. on the one hand, the princesses were everything Eve hoped to be: pretty, talented, loved. But at the same time, she couldn't help but wish to be standing where the princes were. It was a confusing thought process, but Eve never dwelled on it for very long. She'd just have to wait until puberty hit, then she'd start to notice the princes.

In early 2028, Evelyn received an acceptance letter to a mysterious school. She initially believed it to be a joke played by her classmates - they had always rolled their eyes at how she joked about magic, and her childish wish for it to be real. Though after weeks of odd events and constant letters, the Mosca's put the puzzle together and realised that this seemingly ridiculous discovery was actually genuine. For years she had been displaying signs of magical ability, like shattering a window and changing the flavor of food. The spacey little girl was naturally ecstatic, and began preparing for her new life at once. She dyed her hair bright red, and practised some simple spells like Lumos and Nox. Her grandparents, however, worried not only of the impact that yet another lifestyle change would cause, but also that Eve would ultimately choose magic over them. They were nearing retirement by this point, and family was their main focus. However, after a lot of hugs and tears, nobody could stop Evelyn embark on the next chapter of her life.

s c h o o l d a y s

After an arduous journey (first by plane to New Zealand, then by taxi to the station a few days later, by train to the school, and finally by boat across the lake), Evelyn Mosca arrived at her new home, Hogwarts. She was quickly sorted into Gryffindor, and settled in surprisingly well for a Muggleborn. Her interest and excitement in the Magical world was high, so classes and socialising were a lot of fun for her. But of course, this new life could not remain a novelty forever. Things would surely change with time and experience.</SIZE>
{ to be added to over time }

<SIZE size="100">roleplays ,
click the titles to read
2 0 2 8

{ none so far }

etcetera ,
<FONT font="georgia">f i v e d e s c r i p t i v e w o r d s

Friendly, imaginative, forthright, careless, determined

f o u r c o m m o n l y u s e d p h r a s e s

"Hey, hey, imagine if.."
TWO "Don't think about, just do it!"
THREE "Today, I think I'll be a pirate."
FOUR "I wish I had a hippogryff."

t h r e e w i s h e s
<COLOR color="#6b0702">
To direct and/or star in a hit Broadway musical.
TWO To win at least three Tony Awards in her career.
THREE To somehow repay her grandparents for the childhood they gave her.

t w o f a v o u r i t e s
<COLOR color="#6b0702">
Red velvet & sky blue
ANIMALS Summer tanagers & narwhals
MUSIC Musical OSTs & Adele
MOVIES The Wizard of Oz & Pocahontas
TV SHOWS Glee & How I Met Your Mother
BOOKS Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Will Grayson, Will Grayson
SPORTS Quidditch & swimming
FOOD Lasagne & homemade cookies
AMORTENTIA { not yet known }

o n e l a s t t h i n g

credits ,
Coding, content, and graphics by me. Images from Ariana Grande Net and Birds of Ohklahoma, GIF by gifs-2u on Tumblr. Name meanings from Think Baby Names and House of Names, star sign information from Astrology Online, wand information from Hogwarts New Zealand's Ollivanders; all put into my own words. Playlist songs from their respective artists, hosted by Youtube. If anything else appears to have gone uncredited please let me know. Stealing is for lame-o's.

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