Eve Kane

Eve Kane

•Full Name• Eve Catharina Kane

•Meaning• Eve • life • Catharina • pure

•Date if Birth• November 29th 2024

•Star Sign• Sagittarius

•Appearance• Tall, 5ft7, with long straight dark brown hair. Her eyes are brown with golden sparks. She has an athletic build and long legs. In summer Eve gets freckles along her nose and forehead.

•Personality• Eve is a kind, cheerful girl that always looks on the bright side of things. She is very artistic and isn't amused when people joke about serious problems. You will most likely find Eve behind her camera, or even potentially pulling muggle pranks on the pure bloods. Eve can be quite selfish when she feels insecure, mostly when in big groups. She has a hair fetish, so she enjoys doing/playing with people's hair.

•Childhood• Eve had a very normal childhood. She played with her two younger siblings during her days, climbing trees and adventuring along the beach. She was always happiest during summer when the Kanes would go camping and Eve was aloud to swim and sweat until the stars came out. Her mother would help them make blanket forts and read countless fairy tales to the whole family. She didn't attention school, besides what she asked to learn!

•Pets• The Kanes have a family owl named Lazy Sue.

•Fears• Eve has a fear of fire, especially being burned. Also crows.

•Hobbies• Photography • Reading • Adventuring •

• Mother• Veronica Munro •
• Father • Hamish Kane •
• Brother • Silas Kane •
• Sister • Xanthe Kane

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