Evans, Eric

Eric Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
11" Elder wand with Pheonix feather core

Eric Evans

Eric- Forever, Alone, Ruler
Allen- Precious
Evans- gods grace, youth, born of yew

Birth date:November 7th 2004
Blood status: Half Blood
Nationality : half Irish, half German
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Relationship status: Dating

Hair: Light/Dark brown
Eye color: Green
Height: 6’1
Weight: 175lb
Build: Athletic
Other distinguishable features:
Both of Eric’s ears are pierced and he has a tattoo on his back in Latin.

Clothing style:
Eric loves to be comfortable in whatever he wears and also has to look his best and so he wears some of the top clothing brands in both the muggle world and the wizarding community.
Eric wears very little jewelry but what he does wear is noticeable. In both ears he wears rather large diamonds sometimes emeralds but mostly diamonds. He also wears a magical locket given to him by his parents upon his graduation of Hogwarts.
11” Elder wand with phoenix feather core
Wand description:
Quick and powerful, can be unpredictable and equally good in all branches of magic, the effects that are produced by this wand are often strong but sometimes unexpected. The wand calls to those who are strange but have high magical potential.
Eric has the best cellphone that money could buy so that he could stay in touch with all of his muggle friends and so often times he will be typing away. Or when he is working he will use his laptop to due most of his work as he had a huge muggle influence growing up.

Eric is a fun outgoing person with a lot of love and energy about him, He is kind and respectable to all and upon first meeting he is always kind. He tends to be a hard worker and has a passion or success. He believes and values justice and fairness for all.
Birth sign:
Scorpios description:
Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. They are like the volcano not far under the surface of a calm sea, it may burst into eruption at any moment. But those of us who are particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense forcefulness, magnetic intensity, and often strangely hypnotic personality under the tranquil, but watchful composure of Scorpio. In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; they sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.
Ruling planet:
A little Deeper

A Brief History
Eric Evans was born to an upper class wizarding family, both of his parents being half-blood wizards, in Dallas, Texas. Eric was raised in the states and had a rather normal childhood; well as normal as any wizard childhood could ever be especially one that was also part muggle. His dad was a professional Soccer player and his mother was a healer at a large medical hospital in the states. His parents where very busy trying to make a living and so Eric was raised in part by his grandfather on his mom side who was a retired muggle surgeon. At the rightful age of thirteen Eric was sent to start his magical education at the famed wizarding school in which the legendary Harry Potter attended.

Eric was a smart but troublesome boy who loved to be on the more loose side but never out of control. He was made prefect of his house and was later head boy which made his house (Ravenclaw) very proud. Eric was a skilled wizard and took to certain class with vigor and enthusiasm that was much appreciated by his professors, who enjoyed his presence in class. Eric was also a rather popular boy who stuck strictly to the academic level of school rather than the extracurricular activities that was admired by his friends. At the end of his schooling he scored top marks in all of his classes.

After school Eric went home and spent a year or so hanging out with his family spending quality time with his dad going to most of his dads games. Also he shadowed his mother to see if he had any passion for Healing which he felt was boring at the least. He decided that he wanted to go into wizarding Law enforcement and what better way than to apply at the growing magical community in New Zealand.


Father: Lucas Allen Evans
Blood status:Half blood
Occupation: Pro football player (soccer)
Status: Living
Location: traveling

Mother: Laura Denise Evans
Blood status: Half blood
Occupation: Head healer
Status: Living
Location: New York

Grandfather: Alfred Lemont Richards
Blood status: Muggle
Occupation: Oil Owner/ Horse Rancher
Status: Living
Location: Texas

School attended: Hogwarts (UK)
House: Ravenclaw
Years attended: 2017- 2024
Favorite class: Charms
Least favorite Class: History of Magic
Favorite Pastime: Hanging out in the common room
Extracurricular: None
School achievements: Prefect and head boy

History of Magic: A
Astronomy: A

Muggle Studies: EE
Divination: A
History of Magic: D
Astronomy: A

Muggle Studies: O
Divination: A

Eric is capable of casting a successful patronus and is able to also send message via this magical means.
-Patronus animal: Boarder Collie
-Patronus memory: Him and his dad playing Soccer in the backyard and Eric scoring his first goal and his dad being super proud of him.

Disillusionment charm:
Eric is able to cast this spell on small objects and people without much effort, When casting on homes he does struggle a little not able sometimes to get the whole house.

Non verbal magic:
Eric is able to cast spells without having to say them.

Wandless Magic:
Eric is able to cast a summoning charm and disarming charm without his wand but has not tried other spells, however he is unable to do this without the use of his hands and he must cast the spells verbally.

-Certified apparitioner
-Animagus Border Collie

Love, friends and Enemies


Eric at the age of twenty one managed to gather all of his things from the states and moved into a beautiful cabin close to the now bustling Obsidian Harbour. Upon arrivial he transfered over to the wizarding examaniner office after being deny at his first shot at becoming and Auror though it would not be his last he simply excepted the fact for the time being and settled in his new office as best he could.

A week or so later he had managed to unpack all of his boxes and his house had been decorated to his liking he seemed ready to live a more social life like he did when he was in school and back home. It would seem that would agree for the next day at work he would met the woman that would be his first new friend in a brand new world, Irene Finch. She would be a rock for him to stand on when times got rough or the world became to much to handle.
Link:Why so many floors?
LinkThe Night Awaits

Irene would not be the only friend that Eric would make in his time in New Zealand as fate would once again throw another person in fron of his path. It would be the young and rather talented young Casyi Finnigan that would make her appearance in his life and offer anotehr kind of friendship that Eric could rely on when he needed to as well.
Link: OMG! Shoe sale!!
LinkThis is not just any dress...

One of the last major friends that eric would need was to be his life time friend James lock a man with as much energy and passion for life as Eric. They had been friends growing up but through the years they drifted apart until ... you guessed it... fate brought them together and ever since they had been burning a whole in the sky with there wild antics and crazy competetive nature.
LinkPizza and an old friend
LinkJames and Lunas wedding


Eric had never made a true enemy until he met the rather nasty Robert Lock the older brother to his best friend James. Eric hated the man with a passion after the fight that broke out between him and Robert took place that even to this day he is gripped with pure disgust when he hears the mans name.
LinkThe black sheep of the family


Eric had dated around and met a few men in his life but it was one man that had lifted his hopes only to have him crushed into a million pieces at the end of the rather on again off again relationship. Eric had fallen hard and when it seemed that love was within his grasp it seemed as though it was not in the cards for him to be with Sirius.
LinkOmg!! Shoe Sale!!
Link Peter Pan is so much cooler
LinkPool House
LinkGetting Out
LinkAint no sunshine when he was gone
Turning a new leaf!

Now that Eric is slowly recovering from his sad romance with Sirius, he had began to make several life changes such as giving up his party boy life style and grounding himself a little more. He also had placed all the money that his family sent him to a svaing account in case he needed it but he know had become financially self sufficient. He had also had began to rad more and focus a little more on his multiple jobs but it seemed that it was time for Eric to meet ... Fabian.
Link Waiting for Superman

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