Evanna Leila Farley

Evanna Farley

Active Member
OOC First Name
[sub]Life can be so hard to breathe, when you're trapped inside a box,[/sub]
[sup]You're waiting for a break to come, it always comes too late,[/sup]



Evanna Leila Farley!

[sub]You're on the edge just stumbling and the road it starts to wind,[/sub]
[sup]But every time a page is turned, a chance to make it right,[/sup]


FULL NAME: Evanna Leila Farley
ETYMOLOGY: Evanna meaning "young fighter", --- Leila meaning "night, dark beauty", --- Farley as a habitational name, consistent of 'fern'+ 'leah', meaning woodland clearing
PRONUNCIATION:Evanna being pronounced as Ee-von-ah, --- Leila being pronounced as LAY-lah, --- Farley being pronounced as FAR-lee
WHY:</FONT><i></i> Evanna doesn't know how she got her first name or why, but it's something she wonders about sometimes. She got the name Leila from her adoptive parents, both of them felt like it suited her.
NICKNAMES: Evanna is often called Eve by her family. The few friends she has in the Muggle world call her Evey. Her brother on the other hand likes to call her Vanna and doesn't like it when others copy that.
BLOOD STATUS: Unknown. Not knowing what the status of her blood is something Evanna shouldn't worry about, but she does and will do so even more once she gets a bit older.
ROOTS: The only thing Evanna knows is that either of her parents must have British roots, she was left at an orphanage in a village close to London and has a British accent.
CURRENT RESIDENCE: The Farleys currently live in Auckland, New Zealand.
LANGUAGES: Evanna speaks English and has also learned quite some French, however her pronounciation lacks some serious skill.
DOMINANT HAND: She's right handed.
ALLERGIES: Evanna is alergic to mosquito bites, it's something she hates with her entire heart.
WAND: Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Length. A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
Style. Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood. Larch is a durable wand wood that helps realize new talents and always seems to have some unexpected qualities influenced by its owner.
Core. Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.
Flexibility. Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.</FONT></COLOR>
[sub]Oh the sun will rise, like a flame ignites,[/sub]
[sup]We're not done till we say it's over, we won't fade away,[/sup]


D.O.B: Born on the 18th of August, 2030
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unknown, most likely somewhere in England
ZODIAC SIGN:Leo.The centre of our solar system is the glowing Sun, which just so happens to be your ruler, Leo. Just like the bright and shining celestial Sun you too bring character, support and energy to our world. In reflecting the characteristics of the Sun, you’re full of dynamic energy. Few star signs have the same level of drive and self-motivation that you do. Your fire element is at the heart of this leonine energy and is recognisable in every asset of your life—work, love and play. You have a pioneering approach and love to be the first and best at everything you do. Because you exhibit so much self-confidence, you tend to outshine many of your peers who are usually quite prepared to let you take the lead because you do it so well with a sense of generosity and love.
HOUSE ASTROLOGY:Slytherin Leos can be either very good, or very bad. At their best, they exemplify all that "nobility" is made of: confidence, openness, charm, initiative, generosity of spirit, wisdom, judgment, and poise. At their worst, they become elitist, bullying bigots. How they end up depends on the company they keep, and how they are encouraged to act early in life. Either way, they never lack attention - it's hard to ignore a Slytherin born under this sign. These Slytherins usually end up in positions of responsibility and leadership, because of their charisma and natural ability. Their creativity and drive also makes them very resourceful.
PLANET: The ruling planet for Leo is The Sun. The Sun represents the Self, one's way of being in the world. It can represent, on different levels, both the ego and the higher Self or soul purpose. It rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. The Sun is the most important 'planet' in the chart and symbolizes one's will and sense of vitality. When the Sun is afflicted (poorly placed or poorly aspected) it could indicate problems with the father, or male role model. The Sun energizes your entire chart, and planets in close relationship to the Sun (by planetary aspect) are emphasized in your personality. If your Sun is prominent in your chart, you will exhibit great power to do and to be.
PLANET: The element related to Leo is Fire.
The Fire element is masculine or yang, and is active and outer expressive in its basic nature. It corresponds with the Jungian typology of Intuition. Fire is a radiant form of energy that brings light to the world around it, enthusiastic and excitable, self-oriented, impatient and essentially optimistic. It is represented in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire people are honest to a fault, freedom loving and often insist on their own point of view. They live in the idealism of great thoughts and deeds.
[sub]Oh the sun will rise,[/sub]
[sup]Tomorrow never dies,[/sup]


PLAYBY: Ashley Benson
HEIGHT: Evanna is about 5'3 but she's still growing, she is estimated to be of a regular length.
WEIGHT: She doesn't know how much she weighs and she doesn't want to now either. She believes she's fine.
HAIR: Evanna has light ash blonde hair. It's wavy and reaches past her shoulders, she likes it long. She often wears it loose but likes to tie it up from time to time, be it in a ponytail, a braid or a knot.
EYES: Her eyes are of a baby blue color. She finds it funny how her eyes are so much like her brothers whilst they aren't blood-related.
BUILD: She has a slim body, but it's nothing out of the ordinary.
VOICE: Evanna has a pleasant voice, it's combined with a slight British accent but that seems to be fading away.
[sub]It's hard to see the enemy, when you're looking at yourself,[/sub]
[sup]Maybe your reflection shows you, screaming out for help,[/sup]


FIVE WORDS: Sarcastic, Reckless, Skeptical, Trustworthy, Insecure
LIKES: If there's one thing Evanna likes it's animals. She absolutely adores them. Other than that she's got a guitar back at home and likes to make music from time to time.
DISLIKES: Evanna hates it when people annoy her, she'll get irritated and will probably say things that aren't really nice. She also isn't a big fan of studying.
STRENGTHS: She's a very loyal person. If there's one thing she has learned from getting adopted it is that once you have people you care for you should always stick with them and stick up for them. She's also very caring once you get to know her and deep inside she's a softy, she just doesn't show it a lot.
WEAKNESSES: Evanna deals with some slight trust issues, which makes it hard for her to befriend people because she needs to know to what extent she can trust them first. She's a bit skeptical of people's intentions and can have a bit of a short temper sometimes.
PATRONUS: Jaguar. The jaguar is a bit more secluded and less influenced than other wild cat patronuses, as they tend to use themselves as an individual more as an anchor. They do not rely on groups, but rather tend toward nature and inspiration through it. They are quiet but indulgent, wanting to absorb themselves into things that make them relax. Stress is a terrible trigger in their life, because their lack of ability to rely on others makes them unsure what to do with it.
PATRONUS MEMORY: Not applicable yet
BOGGART: Snakes. If there's one animal she does not like it would have to be a snake. She thinks they're unpredictable and scary.
RIDDIKULUS: Not applicable yet
ERISED: She would see herself doing something good, perhaps being a healer or working in an animal shelter.
AMORTENTIA: The sea, rain and roses.
PERSONALITY: Evanna is a kind, caring and generous soul once you get past her tough side and her confidence act. Due to her being adopted she is struggling with some things she doesn't know about herself, which is something that makes her quite insecure. She always tries to hide this by acting confident and taking things out on others. She's not easy to befriend. Once she trust someone and becomes friends with them she would do everything and anything for them. She is a bit of a closed off person and doesn't like to talk about how she feels or what she's struggling with.
[sub]And you try your best to just keep up,[/sub]
[sup]And your feet they fall behind,[/sup]


BEST FRIEND: At the moment, her brother Abel
FIRST CRUSH: Not applicable yet
FIRST KISS: Not applicable yet
FIRST RELATIONSHIP: Not applicable yet
CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: Not applicable yet
THOUGHTS: Not applicable yet
[sub]But the beat you're marching to,[/sub]
[sup]You're keeping perfect time,[/sup]

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EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand, 2042
HOUSE: Evanna was sorted into Slytherin.
THOUGHTS: She isn't sure what to think of it yet and she was secretly hoping to get sorted in the same house as her brother. However, when being realistic she didn't expect that to happen, they're not so much alike.
sorting said:
Evanna's hands were shaking whilst she was standing in front of the giant doors together with the other first years, however she still tried to keep up her confidence act. Keeping a straight face she casually looked around her, taking in the other kids and hoping to spot her brother's face. Unfortunately for her she didn't. To say she had not been excited for this day would be quite the understatement. She had dreaded this day ever since she got her acceptance letter. She had often thought about not going, but that wasn't an option. Besides, her mother had been gleaming with pride when the two letters arrived and she couldn't tell her she didn't want to go. So here she was, just moments away from being sorted.

As soon as the group made its way into the hall Evanna could feel all the eyes being turned towards them and as she looked around she noticed all the others students staring at them, whispering things to each other. Taking a deep breath she lifted her head and tried to control her nerves whilst moving towards the front of the hall. Once the hat had called out for her brother and he had taken his spot on the stool Evanna made eye contact with him. She knew he could see right through her and she needed him to reassure her that she was going to be fine. "Farley, Evanna!" It seemed as if Abel hadn't even hopped of the chair yet or the hat already called out her own name and Evanna took her place on the stool.
"Hmm...tricky aren't you? Your adventure is just beginning so for you it better be...Slytherin!"
[sub]Oh the sun will rise,[/sub]
[sup]Tomorrow never dies,[/sup]


ADOPTIVE FATHER: Elliot Jonathan Farley
RELATIONSHIP: Evanna has quite a good relationship with her adoptive father. He treats her as his own and she doesn't mind that he gets angry with her sometimes. The only thing she hates is when him and Abel fight.
ADOPTIVE MOTHER: Evangeline Noelle Farley
RELATIONSHIP: She can't imagine ever meeting someone as friendly and kind as her adoptive mother. She has learned her a lot and Evanna's very thankful for her and everything she has done for her.
ADOPTIVE BROTHER: Abel Jonathan Farley
RELATIONSHIP: Even though she isn't his sister by blood they have a great relationship. Abel's her confidant and she trusts him most in the world. He takes care of her and she takes care of him, that's how it works.

[sub]Oh the sun will rise, like a flame ignites,[/sub]
[sup]We're not done till we say it's over, we won't fade away,[/sup]


EARLY YEARS: Evanna was dropped off at an orphanage just outside of London as a baby together with a small note that contained some information about her. She spent the first seven years of her life in that same orphanage. The people who worked there had always been kind to her, yet she felt like she was going to be stuck there forever. She grew older and as that happened she figured people wouldn't adopt an older kid, most people want toddlers and babies. However about two weeks after her seventh birthday her luck turned and she was taken in by two lovely people, given a brother in the proces. Shortly after that the Farleys moved to New Zealand where Evanna and her brother would attend Hogwarts.

[sub]Oh the sun will rise,[/sub]
[sup]Tomorrow never dies.[/sup]

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5SOS - Tomorrow never dies​

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