Eva Abramo

Eva Abramo


Name: Eva Irene Abramo

Name Meaning: Life / Living One

Name Origin: Greek

Birthdate: June 7th 2021

Age: 23years

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Single

Heritage: Italian

Languages: Italian | German | English | Latin

Blood status: Halfblood

Hair: orange-red

Eyes: green

Height: 5' 9" | 180cm

Weight: 9stone | 57kg | 126 lbs

Scars / piercings / tattoos: Belly piercing

Birthmark: black round mole below right back shoulder

Permanent Residency: Siena, Tuscany, Italy

Dominant Hand: Right

Wand: 10” Birch with phoenix feather core

This vigorous wood is associated with stored energy and renewal. Birch people are full of life, with seemingly endless reserves of energy to bestow on those around them. Birch people should always trust their ability to see straight through to the heart of any matter.

Phoenix feather core

This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.

Occupational Information:

Eva is a trained medi-witch and alchemist. She works solely for the family enterprise, whatever they ask of her she gladly does. She has a strict sense of loyalty and it is completely for her family. Her latest position within the family ranks has been as a Guardian of the Next in Line to the position of Matriarch within the Caliburn family. This position is for two years by which time she is then free of all oaths to the family and can go on to seek her fortune where she chooses.

Values and Beliefs:

Extremely loyal, honourable and determined, Eva tells it like it is - is honest to a fault no matter how often this has gotten her into trouble. She believes that lies do more damage than truth. Her family mean everything to her, especially her twin brother.

Boggart: losing her twin brother

Amortentia: chocolate, freshly baked bread, dew fall

Likes: [ul]
[li]long walks</LI>
[li]fresh air
[li]Early mornings
[li]Dueling practice
[li]Dueling tournaments
[li]books, magazines

[li]irrational behaviour
[li]anyone that acts against the family
[li]Being alone
[li]being confined
[li]repetition and routine

International Dueling Champion – Red Division – 2039-2040
National Dueling Champion – Italian A Division – 2038 -2040
Graduate of St. Saint Pantaleons - Medi-Witch - 2036
Graduate of Durmstrang - NEWTS - 2032


[li]ability to learn quickly
[li]exchange ideas[/li][/ul]


Magical Skills and Abilities:

Non-magical skills and abilities:


School: Durmstrang

School achievements / Awards:
Best subject:
Worst Subject:
Owl grades:
Newt Grades:


The Abramo family history has dark deep roots in the Italian magic world. For generations the Abramo's lived in the town of Benevento most commonly known as the 'City of Witches'. For centuries they lived in what they had always considered harmony with muggles and felt at ease practicing magic in public. It was not until 1639 when Christianity came to the city that fear and ignorance among the simple town folk grew and witches and wizards became abhorrent and soon would be hunted down. With no school to teach their children at the time, parents had taken it in turns to sit by the walnut tree outside of the city to teach magic to their children there. The simple minded muggles with their new insight to Christianity believed that these were all evil doers and in league with the devil, they would have to be burnt at the stake.

The legend of Benevento is such that even today, muggles and wizards alike go to see the strange haunting area of the walnut tree. Men, women and children were rounded up and the large tree was chopped down. The tree was cut even further, into piles and stakes in order to make 12 piles in a circle where the walnut tree had originally stood. Flames rose up to burn the wizarding families but they created flames that would not burn and outed the muggle fires. They screamed and cried so loudly that the christians that stood to watch grew horrified and ran back to their homes.

Then the rain came and the winds rose up and as a ghastly storm broke across Benevento, the wizarding families freed themselves from their binds and left. Dispersing all over Italy and Northern Europe but no longer practicing their magic openly for fear of more reprisals by muggles. A year to the day that the wizarding families fled from Benevento, 12 walnut trees grew over night tall and strong that withstood the blade of an axe and muggle saw, fire and any other tool the muggles could think of to tear the trees down. Believing the place to be haunted forever more, the muggles began to leave the town until it was completely empty.

The Abramo's moved to the North of Italy and here kept low for many years, until it seemed again as if wizarding people could live in towns and villages of their own without fear of muggles. It was not until the beginning of the 20h century that Benevento became known once again to the public, the entire town was bought was the Italian pureblood families, Fiorelli, Caretti, Greco and Caliburn. The city was charmed to be unplottable to everyone except family members, it was to be a refuge, a safe place for any of them to go to in times of wizarding or muggle wars.

Eva was born in June 2015, the youngest twin by 3 minutes. Herself and her brother Emilio were born under the planet Mercury and are true Geminis. They are very much ying and yang, one preferring healing magic while the other prefers more destructive magic. Eva hails from a very old wizarding family that have married in to pureblood families, into other halfblood families and into muggleborn families. When the Abramo family first bound itself to the Fiorelli and Caliburn family, it was for love but generations stayed close within the family boundaries in order to protect and serve the legacy of the great families.

Eva and Emilio both knew that at some point between the ages of 20 and 30 they would be called upon to act as Guardians for a period of at least two years. Until then they were to train regularly, work in one of the family businesses and wait. Once their two years is served, they will be free to either leave the family to follow their own dreams and goals or they can stay and take up a position of interest in any firm belonging to the family that they so wish.

She attended Durmstrang for her wizarding school life and excelled there in Potions and Charms before she then went on to train at Saint Pantaleons in Rome where she graduated as a Medi-Witch at 21. Since then she has worked and trained ceaselessly within the family and became renowned for her skill with a wand when she began entering dueling tournaments.

She has had two relationships but neither of which was very serious, though both did last for the duration of 10 – 11 months. She does not believe that she can give herself over to feelings of love until such a time as when her commitment to the family has come to pass.


Eva is quiet and discerning, she is polite and compassionate and yet she is also fierce and strong willed. Expressive and quick-witted, she is a true Gemini which is represented by two different personalities in one and you will never be sure which one you will face. She can be sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restless. She can be fascinated with the world itself, extremely curious, with a constant feeling that there is not enough time to experience everything she wants to see. Family is very important to her, and responsibilities carried by her family life can stand to be a challenge for her nature but she will find a magical way to be in two places at once, getting everything done just as she is supposed to.

Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Colour: Light-Green, Yellow
Day: Wednesday
Ruler: Mercury
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 14, 23
Date range: May 21 - June 20

Playby Used: Katherine McNamara

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