- Messages
- 62
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Maggie
- Wand
- Knotted 11 Inch Swishy Poplar Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
- Age
- 4/2034

Am I brave enough?
Am I strong enough?
Full Name: Eutropia Zyke Vetrov
Pronunciation: U-tro PiA; Zseek; Vet-rove
Nicknames: Ro
Name Origins: Eutropia This name derives from the Ancient Greek name “Eutrópios (Ευτρόπιος)”, composed of two elements: “eû (εὖ)” (well) plus “trépō (τρέπω)” (turn, bend, fold).
Zyke Zyke is of English origin and means "A way of living.- a certain mind set".
Date of Birth: 16th April, 2034
Current Age: Ro is currently sixteen years old
To follow the desire
That burns from within
Basic Appearance: Eutropia is roughly six foot tall (he'll lean more into the six foot than he will under it) and stands at slightly below average height for his age. He has thick, brown wavy hair that he likes to leave shorter at the sides than at the top and likes it to be fluffy as he runs his hands through his hair a lot. He had big brown eyes and generally unmarked skin, though he does have a few tiny scars from when he contracted dragon pox as a baby that never quite healed properly as he used to scratch them. He wears glasses as he needs them for reading and since he is almost always reading something he wears them frequently. Ro has dimples when he smiles and his hands are usually stained with ink.
Personality: ISTJ - The Inspector
Eutropia is overwhelmingly shy at the best of times and has trouble showing off his personality. At first glance, he can often come off as quite intimidating, he appears to be formal, proper and not like the kind of person who wants to have fun. For the most part, social gatherings of any type worry him, and he would most often be found at the edge of the room watching others than actually participating himself. He loves tradition and values what has come before. He doesn't like to upset the balance or make any big changes to the way things work. He's reserved, calm and quiet, often retreating into his own mind rather than confronting what he needs to do. He is often easily perceived as cold and distant, like someone who would not like to open up or have an opinion. He prefers to work alone, but likes to have people around him on occasion and work in a group when he feels lonely. He has the sense to be quite messy a lot, however and will often be working on many projects at once to distract from what he considers to be his lake of humanisation. He considers himself more of a robot sometimes, as he struggles to express his feelings and emotions, even though feels very deeply about things and situations. He likes to follow the rules, which makes him hard to convert to other people opinion. He's non confrontational and doesn't like to get involved if he can avoid it. He does have a very witty sense of humour though and often has a good comeback for things, though he generally finds himself unwilling or unable to express himself around groups of people. He prefers to remain one on one with people as it is a situation he is much more comfortable with and able to control. He is not naturally able to pick up on the emotions of others and will generally have to be told how someone is feeling. However he does have a strong sense of duty and a good ability to analyse a situation and figure out what might be needed, because of this he can usually fairly easily overcome his other shortcomings and support and care for others in his circle.
Immediate Family: Mother: Nadzieja Polina Vetrova
Father: Zyke Urie Vetrov
Brothers: Kazimir Vanya Vetrov and Octavian Iakov Vetrov
Sisters: Valentina Yaroslava Zhefarovich, Acacia Shara Vetrova, Agrippina Yelizaveta Styx, Masha Anastaja Vetrova, Vaska Vasiliya Vetrova and Euthalia Agnessa Vetrova
To push away my fear
To stand where I'm afraid
Pets: Ro has no pets
School: Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff (Pufflehuff when he talks to Maggie)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Russian
Interests or Hobbies: History first and foremost - he likes books and wants to be a historian when he finishes school
Flaws: Fatal Flaw: text
Major Flaws: text
Minor Flaws: text
Values: text
I am through with this
'Cause I am more than this
Describe your character in five words: Witty, Passive, Shy, Logical, Reliable
Best school subjects: History of Magic
Worst school subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts
Current Job: Student
Plans for the future: He wants to become a historian
Patronus: text He does not know, but it would likely be a mouse of some sort
Patronus memory: He doesn't have a strong enough memory
Boggart: Amnesia - Ro is terrified of forgetting everything, or being forgotten. He wants to make his mark, but doesn't know how.
Ridikkulus: His name in lights
Animagus: A mouse
I promise to myself
Alone and no one else
Credits; text for the Lyrics, Google for the Images. Template is made by me.