- Messages
- 78
- OOC First Name
- Vicky
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- ???
- Wand
- 13" Dogwood with Meteorite Dust core
- Age
- 12/2035
Whatever the reason for your criticism is
I know what I am

Whatever the reason for your criticism is
I know what I am
NAME : Étienne Milo de Villiers
NAME MEANING : Étienne is a French male given name and is the equivalent of Steven/Stephen. Milo is the old Germanic form of Miles, as well as the Latinized form. De Villiers is a common French and Afrikaans surname.
WHY? There was a long and heated discussion between his parents between his name when he was born. Neither of his parents had thought to come up with a name before and Etienne ended up going about a week after his birth without a name. In the end, he was named Etienne as both parents liked the names and they couldn't come up with anything else and given the middle name Milo after his mother's father who had passed away a year previous. De Villiers is simply his father's given surname and his mother's married surname, so there was no reason for him to be anything different.
NICKNAMES : One of the main nicknames Etienne goes by is simply 'Ettie', a shorter version of his first name. Other times he sometimes just goes by his middle name, Milo. There are also countless nicknames he was given when he was a baby when they were still arguing over a name which has just stuck with him as he grew up, such as 'spout' and 'peanut'. And more embarrassingly, 'Mon petit chou-fleur', which literally translates from French as 'my little cauliflower'. Etienne never mentions any of these nicknames.
BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn. Both of his parents are plain old Muggles and, as far as he's aware, there is no history of magic in their family. ROOTS : French-South African. His mother is French-born and raised and his father was born and raised in South Africa. However, Etienne was born in New Zealand only months after his parents moved there.
There are hundreds of me's inside of me
I'm facing a new me again today
There are hundreds of me's inside of me
I'm facing a new me again today
DATE OF BIRTH : 14th December 2035
AGE : 11 years old
STAR SIGN : Sagittarius
PLACE OF BIRTH : Hamilton, New Zealand
CURRENT RESIDENCE : Hamilton, New Zealand
PROFESSION : Etienne is still young and is still a student
FATHER : Caden de Villiers. 49. Orthopaedic surgeon. Muggle
MOTHER : Amelie de Villiers. 44. Midwife. Muggle
YOUNGER BROTHER : Gabriel de Villiers. 8. Student. Muggle?
YOUNGER SISTER : Sofia de Villiers. 6. Student. Muggle?
PETS : As a family, they own a ginger and white cat dubbed as Sir Paws The Fourth and a silver tabby called Salmon.
There are hundreds of me's inside of me
I'm facing a new me again today
There are hundreds of me's inside of me
I'm facing a new me again today
HEIGHT : Etienne is above average height for a boy his age, standing at around 5 foot 1
WEIGHT : Etienne weighs in at around 85lbs
HAIR : One of the most notable things about Etienne besides his height is his hairs. It is a very platinum blonde in colour and is usually cut short, though he sometimes lets it grow out a little where it becomes a little wavy. Usually, however, it's simply cut back to keep it out of his eyes
EYES : A mix between a pale blue and green
BUILD : A gangly looking kid who doesn't seem to have control over his own limbs half the time, but he has been told he'll grow into himself more as he gets older.
SCARS : As a boy who craves adventure and loves dangerous and rather stupid experiments, he's gained quite his share of scars. Most of them are small and littered all over him and he treasures them all as trophies that he's survived all the experiments that have gone wrong in the past. The most notable scar on him as the long one down his right arm from where he broke his arm when he was seven.
TYPICAL CLOTHING : He always manages to look scruffy looking no matter what he's wearing or even if he's trying to look smart. Most of the time he just throws on whatever clothes happen to be closest, which is usually a mixture between polo shirts and shorts and hoodie because he has a fondness for them. But when it gets colder he does switch over to jeans of baggy tracksuit trousers which are far more comfortable to go exploring in.
It’s all me anyway
So instead of worrying, I’m just gonna run
It’s all me anyway
So instead of worrying, I’m just gonna run
YEAR SORTED : September 2047WAND : 13" Dogwood wand with Meteorite Dust core
Still, after everything, Etienne was struggling with the idea that magic was all real. Sure, he had been convinced something else was going on after some, apparently, accidental magic from when he was younger, but the blonde had never thought for a second that it was actually all real. His brain was struggling to comprehend it all, even as he stood there in this large hall, a wand in his pocket, robes which were slightly too big for him hanging off his thin form and magic all around him. The whole thing almost felt like a bit of a dream, but he was snapped back to reality when the sorting started, names started to be called out and one by one the rest of the first years started to step up towards the strange hat and were sorted. By the hat. Now that almost made him laugh.
"de Villiers, Etienne!" He blinked with surprise before a grin sprouted on his face, eagerly pushing his way through the first years around him to get towards the stool and this magic hat that was going to sort him. "Hiya there, mister hat," he greeted cheerily as the cloth was placed over his head, "Can you actually understand me? How do you decide where to sort people? Is it just random or something? Does magic make you talk and stuff?" Maybe that was too many questions, but he was really rather curious about all of this. "Sorry," he added after a moment in a quieter voice, "Am I distracting you? I'll shut up now."
"I'm a magical hat, so of course it's magic that makes me determine just where to sort you. The four founders of the original Hogwarts each enchanted me to know just when a student needs to be in their house. There's Gryffindor and Slytherin and Hufflepuff and the house you belong in...RAVENCLAW!"
"de Villiers, Etienne!" He blinked with surprise before a grin sprouted on his face, eagerly pushing his way through the first years around him to get towards the stool and this magic hat that was going to sort him. "Hiya there, mister hat," he greeted cheerily as the cloth was placed over his head, "Can you actually understand me? How do you decide where to sort people? Is it just random or something? Does magic make you talk and stuff?" Maybe that was too many questions, but he was really rather curious about all of this. "Sorry," he added after a moment in a quieter voice, "Am I distracting you? I'll shut up now."
"I'm a magical hat, so of course it's magic that makes me determine just where to sort you. The four founders of the original Hogwarts each enchanted me to know just when a student needs to be in their house. There's Gryffindor and Slytherin and Hufflepuff and the house you belong in...RAVENCLAW!"
coding done by me
lyics - IDOL: BTS
lyics - IDOL: BTS
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