Esme Lively

Esme Lively

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


Esme Lively
[sub] t h e y t ri e d t o m a k e me go t o r e ha b b u t I s a i d 'n o, n o, n o'
ye s I'v e b e e n b la c k b u t w h e n I c o m e b a c k y o u'l l k n o w kn o w k n o w[/sub]

THE 411
Character's Name:
Esme Lively
Nick Name:
Shilo,Esme, Meme
July 17, 2009
Born in Barcelona, Spain
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Own None
Hogwarts House:
a ¡PUFF! [sub]drop out [/sub]
Now Salem in the house of Aer [sub]drop out[/sub]

Brown, short or sometimes long and in layers
Brown like her mom Helena
5'2 Very SHORT
Body Type:
Personal style and General Description:
Very Bostonian STYLE! Not really the emo punk maybe? Zombie style definite!
Other Distinguishing Features:
Does Beauty Mark Count?
And new sleeve tattoo, blame Willow's bad influence
Overall Appearance:
Esme lighter than her cousin and sister put together. Unlike her cousin's she was born in Spain, her mom being the lightest one in her family since she last could remember. Esme has very long hair but its always cut in layers, Esme wears in different style somedays. Others she let it out and down by her shoulders. Type of clothes she wears anything really, if it looks good she'll wear it. Hot Topic being a favorite store she don't mind shopping at, other places similiar to that store her place to go.

-Listening to mellow music anything between Yellowcard and The Fray Good, don't mind 3 Day Grace either
-Hair Dye, love to dye my hair
-The color purple, vibrant purple my favorite
-Watching movies, rather watch old flicks of muggel movies anything day
-Hanging out somewhere interesting, maybe the coffee shop down Jon's place or the beach
-Her uncle Ross and his family
-Laylah's caring affection towards her
-Clingy Boyfriends/girlfriends
-Being tame
-Being told how to run her life
-Her Father
-Her Mother
Favorite Place to Be:
-The Coffee Shop on New bury street in Boston, Ma
-Really anyone company besides being alone
Worst Fear:
I fear knowing the truth sometimes, I rather dismiss reality if I could but I know I can't, I run from it often. Still it comes back to me
-That I don't know what I want in life
-No one ever knew of my relationship with Andy Stonem (Girl)
What do you inspire to be :
Me, Myself and I !
What are your wishes:
I don't wish on anything, so I guess I have none

Esme was born and raise in Barcelona, Spain. She is the only child conceived by her mother, but has a sister and brother (Willow and Leonardo) on her father side. Her mom, Helena and father, Rafael were never in love with each other. It was lust at first time that ended up being more than just a one night stand between both young adults. Rafael, a professional soccer player on a muggel team knew how to work his way into many young woman hearts, including Helena. In the end Helena, a workaholic, ended up being pregnant. When she went to tell Rafael he was already gone, and ended up finding through word of mouth.

Without a father in her life and her mom always working, Esme well Sara was raised by her baby sitter, most of the time the woman who look after Esme was always there. Her mom never around, didn't bother with Esme upbringing. She made the baby sitter into her tutor, caretaker, cook, basically everything that Esme needed, the baby sitter Rosalyn was there. Rosalyn was also a witch and taught as much as a young witch to be needed to know. Rosalyn strong points in magic, was charms. With all the house work she's done around for Misses Holland, she had a great deal of knowledge in Charm. however couldn't teach Esme much, she was to young to learn. She had to wait till Esme attended school for her to follow through the lesson.

Unfortunately, Esme first year was cut short. She didn't make to a whole year were her cousin Maddiie Holland (Hollawarth at the time) attended school too. She came back into the arms of Rosalyn, and finished off the year and two more with Rosalyn. It was when Rosalyn pass away in the fifth year, that Esme had to force herself to leave Barcelona once again and be with her
Mini Pros Everyone Likes that

Hello Everybody Bio made by me!

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