- Messages
- 1,479
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Wand
- Curly 11 ½ Inch Rigid Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
- Age
- 5/2024
Esm? Lancaster
</e></CENTER><SIZE size="150"><s></s><br/>
<SIZE size="50"><s></s><FONT font="Times New Roman"><s></s><COLOR color="#000"><s></s><B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>General Information:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Esmé Gweneth Lancaster<br/>
Meaning: <I><s></s>'Esme', (pronounced Ez-may) of french origin meaning 'esteemed' or 'beloved'.<br/>
'Gweneth' of welsh origin meaning 'fair, blessed'.<br/>
'Lancaster' deriving from anglo-saxon origin, meaning 'moon fort'.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Date of Birth:<e></e></B> May 7<SUP><s>[sup]</s>th<e>[/sup]</e></SUP> 2022<br/>
<B><s></s>Place of Birth:<e></e></B> Salem, Massachusetts<br/>
<B><s></s>Current Residence:<e></e></B> Hogwarts, New Zealand<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Sexuality:<e></e></B> Heterosexual<br/>
<B><s></s>Education:<e></e></B> Hogwarts New Zealand<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupation:<e></e></B> Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Past or Present Affiliations:<e></e></B> Slytherin House, Student Defence Association, Conglomerated Arts Club<br/>
<B><s></s>Star Sign:<e></e></B> Taurus<br/>
<I><s></s>text <e></e></I></COLOR></FONT></SIZE></SIZE><br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Wand:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Features:<e></e></B> Curly 11 1/2 Inch Rigid Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core<br/>
<B><s></s>Wood:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>An enigma of a wand wood, Hawthorn both heals and has a propensity for the darkest of arts: ultimately, the Hawthorn wand chooses any <br/>
wizard that suits it - there may be no rhyme or reason.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Core:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>Since so many wizards are afraid to go near Augureys due to their association <br/>
as omens of death, Augurey tail feathers are rare as wand cores. They are good for use in divination work.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Flexibility:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Inches:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Carve:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Appearance:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Hair Color:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Eye Color:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Skin Colour:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Body Type:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Height and Weight:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Distinguishing Marks, Piercings or Tattoos:<e></e></B><br/>
<SIZE size="150"><s></s><B><s></s><U><s></s>Favourites: <e></e></U><e></e></B><e></e></SIZE><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Colour: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Food: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Flavour: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Store: <e></e></B><br/>
The Inner Eye<br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Book: <e></e></B><br/>
Anything divination related<br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Season: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Subject: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Animal: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Insect: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Smell: <e></e></B><br/>
The after-scent of fireworks.<br/>
<SIZE size="150"><s></s><B><s></s><U><s></s>A Little Deeper<e></e></U><e></e></B><e></e></SIZE><br/>
To be done soon!<br/>
<B><s></s>Patronus:<e></e></B> <br/>
Though incapable of of conjuring one at this point, Esme's patronus takes the form of a swan.<br/>
<B><s></s>Special Talents/Abilities:<e></e></B> <br/>
Seeress; Esmè is capable of seeing into the future, however this ability has not fully manifested itself and cannot be done so at will without further training.<br/>
<I><s></s>First-Seventh Year<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Accomplishments<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>1st-7th Year:<e></e></B><br/>
Sorted into Slytherin House<br/>
Started Seer training in fifth year<br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Health:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> <br/>
Pureblood (Descended from magical blood, with no known muggle relatives)<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Type:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Allergies:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Conditions:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Admissions to Hospital:<e></e></B><br/>
While having never visited the hospital wing for ailments or injuries herself, she's sent multiple students there.<br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Relationships:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>First Crush:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>First Enemy:<e></e></B><br/>
James Adams, though it's debatable whether or not he was really her first. The Gryffindor Prefect challenged her to a duel at the beginning of her fifth year, and it's spurred a fierce rivalry ever since.<br/>
<B><s></s>First Kiss:<e></e></B><br/>
Vulcan Zhefarovich, during a date in Brightstone Village. Though it was interrupted by a dim-witted first year, it only served to improve the date. Esmè is grateful that he was her first, as not long after that, Jakobe Hitachiin also made a move on her, only to be rejected with a face full of bat-bogies.<br/>
<B><s></s>First Relationship:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Current Relationship/Partner:<e></e></B><br/>
Strix, her messenger owl. Strix is an earless owl and handy companion.<br/>
Dusk, a dark-furred, large half-kneazle. Her brother owns it's twin, Dawn. The cats are a reminder to the siblings that they are always there for each other, even where they're far apart.<br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Notable Family:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Father's Name:<e></e></B> Reed Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> text <br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Mother's Name:<e></e></B> Evanthe Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Healer<br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s><U><s></s>Siblings:<e></e></U><e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Emmett Colin Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> Emmett is the only member of Esmè's family who has always stood by her. The two were inseparable until they started attending different schools, but remain in contact on a weekly basis via owl. The share an interest in divination and wandlore. <br/>
<B><s></s><U><s></s>Cousins:<e></e></U><e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Aeon Seralius Summers<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Mixed Blood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Transfiguration Professor, Magical Menagerie Shopkeeper<br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> While they'd rarely seen each other prior to Esmè starting at Hogwarts new Zealand, they've grown closer since her first year. Aeon acts as a guardian or mentor to her, and is one of the few people she's willing to discuss her problems with. He tries to help her with her quick temper and aggression, but she rarely takes his full advice.<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Sern Atheon Summers<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Mixed Blood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Unemployed<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Fenris Calcifer Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Lythande Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Emeric Flit Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s><U><s></s>Other Family Members:<e></e></U><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Eustacia Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Scitorari Necromancy Leader<br/>
<B><s></s>Relation:<e></e></B> Grandmother<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Seralius Seergaze<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Inventor<br/>
<B><s></s>Relation:<e></e></B> Grandfather<br/>
<SIZE size="50"><s></s><SIZE size="50"><s></s>To do: History, Accomplishments, Regrets, Failures, etc.<e></e></SIZE>
</s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><I><s></s><FONT font="sylfaen"><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Esmé Gweneth Lancaster<e></e></SIZE><e></e></FONT><e></e></I></SIZE><HR>
</s><IMG src="http://33.media.tumblr.com/6009d5fecfc57190ba2f07ae0f58ebc3/tumblr_n3r1mjltsR1twc6wuo1_500.gif"><s>
</s><IMG src="http://33.media.tumblr.com/6009d5fecfc57190ba2f07ae0f58ebc3/tumblr_n3r1mjltsR1twc6wuo1_500.gif"><s>

</e></CENTER><SIZE size="150"><s></s><br/>
<SIZE size="50"><s></s><FONT font="Times New Roman"><s></s><COLOR color="#000"><s></s><B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>General Information:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Esmé Gweneth Lancaster<br/>
Meaning: <I><s></s>'Esme', (pronounced Ez-may) of french origin meaning 'esteemed' or 'beloved'.<br/>
'Gweneth' of welsh origin meaning 'fair, blessed'.<br/>
'Lancaster' deriving from anglo-saxon origin, meaning 'moon fort'.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Date of Birth:<e></e></B> May 7<SUP><s>[sup]</s>th<e>[/sup]</e></SUP> 2022<br/>
<B><s></s>Place of Birth:<e></e></B> Salem, Massachusetts<br/>
<B><s></s>Current Residence:<e></e></B> Hogwarts, New Zealand<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Sexuality:<e></e></B> Heterosexual<br/>
<B><s></s>Education:<e></e></B> Hogwarts New Zealand<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupation:<e></e></B> Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Past or Present Affiliations:<e></e></B> Slytherin House, Student Defence Association, Conglomerated Arts Club<br/>
<B><s></s>Star Sign:<e></e></B> Taurus<br/>
<I><s></s>text <e></e></I></COLOR></FONT></SIZE></SIZE><br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Wand:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Features:<e></e></B> Curly 11 1/2 Inch Rigid Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core<br/>
<B><s></s>Wood:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>An enigma of a wand wood, Hawthorn both heals and has a propensity for the darkest of arts: ultimately, the Hawthorn wand chooses any <br/>
wizard that suits it - there may be no rhyme or reason.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Core:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>Since so many wizards are afraid to go near Augureys due to their association <br/>
as omens of death, Augurey tail feathers are rare as wand cores. They are good for use in divination work.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Flexibility:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Inches:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s>Carve:<e></e></B> <I><s></s>Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Appearance:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Hair Color:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Eye Color:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Skin Colour:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Body Type:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Height and Weight:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Distinguishing Marks, Piercings or Tattoos:<e></e></B><br/>
<SIZE size="150"><s></s><B><s></s><U><s></s>Favourites: <e></e></U><e></e></B><e></e></SIZE><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Colour: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Food: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Flavour: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Store: <e></e></B><br/>
The Inner Eye<br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Book: <e></e></B><br/>
Anything divination related<br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Season: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Subject: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Animal: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Insect: <e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Favourite Smell: <e></e></B><br/>
The after-scent of fireworks.<br/>
<SIZE size="150"><s></s><B><s></s><U><s></s>A Little Deeper<e></e></U><e></e></B><e></e></SIZE><br/>
To be done soon!<br/>
<B><s></s>Patronus:<e></e></B> <br/>
Though incapable of of conjuring one at this point, Esme's patronus takes the form of a swan.<br/>
<B><s></s>Special Talents/Abilities:<e></e></B> <br/>
Seeress; Esmè is capable of seeing into the future, however this ability has not fully manifested itself and cannot be done so at will without further training.<br/>
<I><s></s>First-Seventh Year<e></e></I><br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Accomplishments<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>1st-7th Year:<e></e></B><br/>
Sorted into Slytherin House<br/>
Started Seer training in fifth year<br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Health:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> <br/>
Pureblood (Descended from magical blood, with no known muggle relatives)<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Type:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Allergies:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Conditions:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Admissions to Hospital:<e></e></B><br/>
While having never visited the hospital wing for ailments or injuries herself, she's sent multiple students there.<br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Relationships:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>First Crush:<e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>First Enemy:<e></e></B><br/>
James Adams, though it's debatable whether or not he was really her first. The Gryffindor Prefect challenged her to a duel at the beginning of her fifth year, and it's spurred a fierce rivalry ever since.<br/>
<B><s></s>First Kiss:<e></e></B><br/>
Vulcan Zhefarovich, during a date in Brightstone Village. Though it was interrupted by a dim-witted first year, it only served to improve the date. Esmè is grateful that he was her first, as not long after that, Jakobe Hitachiin also made a move on her, only to be rejected with a face full of bat-bogies.<br/>
<B><s></s>First Relationship:<e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Current Relationship/Partner:<e></e></B><br/>
Strix, her messenger owl. Strix is an earless owl and handy companion.<br/>
Dusk, a dark-furred, large half-kneazle. Her brother owns it's twin, Dawn. The cats are a reminder to the siblings that they are always there for each other, even where they're far apart.<br/>
<B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><U><s></s>Notable Family:<e></e></U><e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Father's Name:<e></e></B> Reed Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> text <br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Mother's Name:<e></e></B> Evanthe Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Healer<br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s><U><s></s>Siblings:<e></e></U><e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Emmett Colin Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> Emmett is the only member of Esmè's family who has always stood by her. The two were inseparable until they started attending different schools, but remain in contact on a weekly basis via owl. The share an interest in divination and wandlore. <br/>
<B><s></s><U><s></s>Cousins:<e></e></U><e></e></B> <br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Aeon Seralius Summers<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Mixed Blood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Transfiguration Professor, Magical Menagerie Shopkeeper<br/>
<B><s></s>Brief Description:<e></e></B> While they'd rarely seen each other prior to Esmè starting at Hogwarts new Zealand, they've grown closer since her first year. Aeon acts as a guardian or mentor to her, and is one of the few people she's willing to discuss her problems with. He tries to help her with her quick temper and aggression, but she rarely takes his full advice.<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Sern Atheon Summers<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Mixed Blood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Unemployed<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Fenris Calcifer Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Lythande Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Emeric Flit Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> Pureblood<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Durmstrang Student<br/>
<B><s></s><U><s></s>Other Family Members:<e></e></U><e></e></B><br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Eustacia Lancaster<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Scitorari Necromancy Leader<br/>
<B><s></s>Relation:<e></e></B> Grandmother<br/>
<B><s></s>Name:<e></e></B> Seralius Seergaze<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status:<e></e></B> text<br/>
<B><s></s>Occupations/Affiliations:<e></e></B> Inventor<br/>
<B><s></s>Relation:<e></e></B> Grandfather<br/>
<SIZE size="50"><s></s><SIZE size="50"><s></s>To do: History, Accomplishments, Regrets, Failures, etc.<e></e></SIZE>
Last edited by a moderator: