Escape It All

Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
Young girl, Ai Edogawa was frustrated, exhausted and wanted to cry. She was exhausted thanks to preparing for exams but now she had free time to spend with her brother but it was apparently cancelled, causing her to be frustrated. The reason for this, however, was what she wanted to cry for. The young Hufflepuff was featured in the latest gossip magazine in her school. Rumor Has It. It would have been nice if she was the only one featured in that article, but, no. Her brother was included and it made her worry. She had made trouble for her brother again and it was because of her being too clingy. They were both featured in the magazine because of their closeness, which, take note, hasn't changes since they were in Japan.

Ai took a seat in the grass and only then noticed that she somehow ended up in the Lakefront. It was alright, she felt comfortable there, no students, no professors. Just her, nature and silence. This set-up made her lonelier than she had ever felt. "I wish at least Mitsuhiko-kun, Genta-kun or Ayumi-chan were here," she said, "I don't know how to face Onii-chan anymore. And, maybe Ryuuji-niisan read it, too!" Now, she was really worried, what would her senpai think of her! This thought made Ai lonelier than earlier and she just bowed down her head in silence.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">The past days had been really working out smoothly for Ryuuji Tsukino. One, because the heated quidditch match that they had with the Slytherins had already ended in their favor, and two, his injured shoulder is steadily healing. He really can't believe it, and in fact, until this day, he still remember the feel of the heat on his face, the way the wind blew, the cheers of the crowd, everything seemed to still be happening, replaying it self over and over in his mind. his team winning had really made him happy and proud. It was his first game, and though he hadn't really played that great as he had let the opposing team score two goals, it's an experience that he would never forget. Yes, everything had been well, at least, not until this morning. He was in his mission to search for the twins by then, hoping to actually have a chat with them as he hadn't really been able to talk to them after the game. He didn't really intend to the great hall though, but somehow, his feet had lead him to the crowded area. At first though, he didn't really have a slightest clue as to what is happening. Sure, it's only ordinary that students gather in the great hall, but there was really something that made him felt a little disturb as soon as he entered the area. People are whispering, and there are those who are pointing fingers at selected students. This had piqued his curiosity, and somehow, in one way or another, he discovered the reason why the students are acting a little bit rude at least in his opinion. RHI, the dreaded gossip magazine, had published another issue. He doesn't really know what it is with people who find enjoyment in other people's suffering. Really, a gossip magazine whose only purpose is to spread nasty rumours about someone? Not really productive. The authors could have done something better instead of making fun of other people. He didn't really intended to read it though, but somehow, he did. And what he read had almost made his heart stop. Ai, a first year hufflepuff that he had met sometime ago, was featured in it. And no, the article was not praising her kindness or anything, it was questioning her closeness with her twin! Incest? Trust him, he had been with the twins and he saw how they interact with each other, the twins are just close. Well, being twins, why won't they? Really, how could people misunderstood that closeness? He was just so angry then that he wanted to rip the magazine into shreds, but he didn't. What he need was to find the twins before they could read the cursed magazine - but deep inside, he knew that he cannot really stop the news from reaching them. Almost the entire school had read it already after all, and if the twins hadn't yet, then he was sure that their classmates had told them already.

Before he could even go and find them though, he had already heard the young hufflepuff shout her anger out in the area and storm out of the hall. He tried calling out to her, but somehow, because of anger, she seemed to be not aware of him. So what he did was to just follow her. Run after her. And that is why somehow, he ended up in the lakefront. Yes, the same place where he, together with the twins, he planned to go swimming. He paused to catch his breath then, watching as the younger girl sat on the grass and bow her head. He wasn't sure if he was already aware of her presence. Sadness seemed to have engulfed her whole being already. Slowly, Ryuuji approached the younger girl. He is the twins' big brother figure in the school, and he couldn't just let them handle all these stress by themselves. No. As their self proclaimed brother, he'll protect them. He tried to summon a smile on his face, all to not make the girl worry. All to not make the girl sad even more. And as he near her, he pat the younger girl's head and sat next to her. "Ohaiyo Ai-chan." He greeted her, trying to use his normal voice. Yes, he was definitely angry at whoever it was that had written the magazine. But he'll deal with that later. There is no room for his anger right now, as the bigger problem is how to comfort the younger girl and assure her that everything would turn out just fine.​
The young girl wanted to cry, but she tried her best to stop it. It was not the right time to cry. What if someone were to see her, they would only judge her relationship with her brother more and more. Her worries kept on increasing until she felt a warm hand on her head. It was the pat she had always wanted whenever she felt lonely and a voice had called out, just to say her name. She turned around, tears nearly falling from her eyes, "Ryuuji," she paused, "-niisan," her voice gradually grew softer as a single tear she felt went down her cheek. She quickly wiped it off as well as her eyes to keep other tears from falling. "Ah. Gomen, gomen. I'm being weird, gomen, Nii-san!" she said with a little, forced smile on her face.

The young girl moved aside and said, "Why don't you take a seat, Nii-san?" she offered. Really, she was weird. She wasn't in the classroom or in any room at all. She was out in the open, for crying out loud. She didn't need to move an inch just to offer a seat. The Hufflepuff was not really herself but she just kept it to herself. She didn't want to worry her senpai, in which, she is still worried about whether he had already read the article about her or not.
That single tear that the younger girl had tried so much to hide had not gone unnoticed by Ryuuji's keen eyes. She was definitely upset about the news. She had been affected too much by the article. Who wouldn't anyways? Everything that was written there is intended to give a serious blow to anyone who is mentioned. Everything that was written there, be it a lie or the truth, is written there with a purpose, a purpose which he can only deemed to be, just to hurt someone. And whoever was doing it, he was able to achieve his goal. Ryuuji can only imagine how happy the author was watching the students react at the articles that they've read. He can only imagine the author scheming again, thinking of new stories to write. Really, whoever this person was, Ryuuji vows to discover it. What type of person would find pleasure in doing this act anyways? Ryuuji may not be the person who would just judge someone even before seeing them or knowing them, but really, this person just gets on his nerves. He wouldn't mind it that much if he was the one being attacked, but for his friends to be the one targeted, no. He wouldn't just sit around and watch. he felt like he had been stabbed at the heart when he saw the girl try to smile. It was really forced, and it doesn't suit her face at all. From the looks of it though, Ryuuji could tell that the younger girl was trying to hide her sadness. Perhaps, not wanting him to know anything. Perhaps, she wishes that he hadn't read the magazine yet. But he cannot grant her that wish, he had already read the article, and he knows how affected the girl must have been. And so, he could not just turn a blind eye, no matter how it looks that the girl didn't want it to. He wouldn't force her to talk about it now though, but he wouldn't let her suffer along either. The girl had suffered enough. Yes, he may have not known her for a long time already, but during the short span of time that he had been with the twin, he can see why they were close. They were each other's only family. With their parents dead, who could they turn to but each other? But sadly though, people seemed to misunderstand it. Or more so, RHI's author misunderstand it. The younger girl was trying to act strong, but he can see through that fake smile of hers. Cause he knows. He knows that under that strong facade is a fragile person who needs the understanding of others. He may be wrong, but that is how he view the twins. Perhaps, that is why he had offered to be their big brother in the first place. Perhaps, it was indeed the reason. "The clouds seemed nice ne Ai-chan? Sometimes I envy them, they're just so... free" He said, looking up at the different cloud formation moving together with the wind. He was trying to lighten up the atmosphere. Cause really, such heavy silence just suffocates him. He then turned to look at the younger girl, seriousness taking over instantly as he looked her in the eyes. "Is there anything bothering you Ai-chan? Shinpai shinaide.. Nii-san is here to listen."

OOCOut of Character:
Shinpai Shinaide - Don't worry
The young girl was surprised by the sudden comment of the boy. It was random, and if it was her normal self, she would have laughed at it like the time they spent in the school kitchen. But, now she was not herself at all and she could only nod in agreement, looking in the sky and envying the clouds. "Hai (Yes), I'm envious of them. They can be anything," she said. Suffocating silence had passed the two of them, which had seldom happened. Ryuuji-niisan had asked her if something was wrong and it was alright to tell him what the problem was. The worst thing, it was a bad timing for her logic and her ability to kick in. First, came the ability which she accidentally used again. It told her that her senpai knew something, then logic took over. If Ryuuji-niisan did know something, the random comment wouldn't be so random at all. The suffocating silence would make sense and so would the sudden offer to tell him what was wrong. The heart-stabbing truth came to the Hufflepuff, her senpai had already read the magazine. She wasn't really sure, but it made sense. "Ryuuji-niisan already read it, didn't he? The magazine, Rumor Has It," she said softly. Silence had passed for a few seconds until the girl's tears came down. "It's all my fault! I was too clingy to Onii-chan. I kept on depending on him. Even on that Astronomy lesson, I asked him to be my partner just because I still had no friends in Ravenclaw nor in Hufflepuff. I shouldn't have ask Onii-chan, I should have done it myself. I'm a bad sister! Always causing trouble for Onii-chan," she said as she tried to wipe out her tears, but it just kept on coming fast and she couldn't stop it anymore unlike the time in the North Tower. "Maybe, I've been causing problems for you too, ne, Ryuuji-niisan," she said carelessly, but maybe it was a horrifying truth. She brought out the omamori given to her by her senpai. It has always been in her pocket whenever she left, and like any day it was with her. She held it out looking at it as she continued to wipe out her tears as it still continued coming out.
Ryuuji knew that he should say encouraging and comforting words in situations like these, but he knew as well that his words would do little in making the girl stop crying. This was different than the day on the North tower, cause this time around, the reason for the girl's sadness is not because of her remembering her parents' death. Yes, her parents dying is a much more serious situation, but the younger girl had already accepted that fact, unlike now. She was featured in RHI, and the article was talking about her and her twin, and not in a good light at all. It was talking about them being more than the siblings that they are. And Ai's still just a first year, she's just a young girl, so Ryuuji knew that it must have taken a toll on her. The girl may be acting strong, but she's emotionally weak, she needs someone to comfort her and tell her that everything would be fine. He knew that at times like this, the younger girl would have gone and looked for her twin, seeking comfort, but she can't. People may misunderstand them again. He wonders where Conan was too, if the boy had read it already. If there was someone who was comforting him too in times when he needed it the most.

The younger girl kept on blaming herself for everything that had happened, and someone, the sight of her breaking down in front of him had almost made him want to cry, but he can't. He can't show how weak he is feeling now. He should be strong for the sake of the twins. He should be their pillar of support at this time when it seemed like the while school is talking about them, when the fate had turned against them. Without a single word, the young Ravenclaw hugged the younger girl, not minding if his shirt got wet from her tears. He can't bear to see the younger girl like this. It just tears him apart - seeing as he was not there to prevent this from happening. "Hush Ai-chan... it's not your fault..." He whispered as he just held the younger girl. This may start more rumours, but he could care no less. He needed to assure the younger girl that she was not alone in dealing with her problem. After a few minutes, he finally released her from his hug, smiling lightly as he reached out to pat her on the head again as she showed him the omamori that he had given her before. He remembered telling her that it would bring her happiness, and it seemed like she was holding on to his words. "Ai-chan's never a burden... Ai-chan's a really sweet girl, people are just blind not to see it." He then brought out his handkerchief and wiped her tears. The girl had been gravely affected by the article, but somehow, he hopes that he would be able to at least help her heal.
Ai kept on crying. Kept on trying to stop the tears that were falling. And kept on blaming herself for the article that had been written. That article had been written because she was clingy to her brother and depended on him too much as well. She could have not attended that lesson for Star Gazing. She could have told the Professor that she had no partner. She could have done all the work by herself. But, no, she had gathered the courage to ask her brother to be her partner. If she hadn't asked him, her brother would surely go with one of his friends. The young girl kept on blaming herself. Just like the time at her parents' burial. It has always been her fault. Her brother was never at fault, as it was always her in the eyes of her relatives. She had learned to take the blame.

The young girl was surprised to be hugged by her senpai. She wanted to pull away as she knew that it would start more rumors. But, somehow her body was doing the opposite. Ai held on to her senpai and cried. "Why am I not my usual self? I don't cry for reasons like these. But, why?" she asked quite aloud in the midst of her crying. When her senpai had told her that it was not her fault and she was not a burden, the young girl could only say, "It's my fault! It has always been my fault! Even at that time during the burial, it was my fault, Nii-san. It has always, always been like that! My fault! And because it's my fault, I've always, always become a hindrance! A burden!" she exclaimed. She could no longer stop the tears running down her cheeks. Even if Ryuuji-niisan tried to wipe her tears, it still wouldn't stop for some reason. They just kept on coming. Her sudden outburst of everything being her fault had finally came out after six long years.
Still, no matter what Ryuuji said or do, the young hufflepuff continued on crying. She continued to cry like there was no tomorrow, and that had made him feel more guilty than ever. He didn't like it. Not at all. If there's one thing that Ryuuji really hates, it's when people that he loves get hurt. It's when people that he cares about gets in danger. And most of all, it's when these people needs him, yet he cannot do anything to help. It makes him feel really weak, makes him feel, somehow disgusted with himself. How could he be calm, satisfied with his life, smiling and laughing, when the people that he cares for the most is left suffering. He hates himself at times like this. Times when he feel so helpless. He was just so angry. Angry at himself. Angry at whoever it was that had made the little Ai cry. Though yes, it hadn't even been that long since he had known the twins, but somehow, he had already grown too attached to them. He treats them as his younger siblings, and somehow, he had vowed to protect them. But seeing Ai cry, reading that article back in the hall, had forcefully opened his eyes to see the truth. He's just too weak. He can't even protect the twins from all these harshness. And somehow, he remembered his sister. His sister who would do anything to make him smile. His sister who would gladly sacrifice what she likes just so he would be able to get what he wants. And right then, he realized how much stronger her sister was compared to him. Yes, she may not be magical. Yes, she may not be attending hogwarts the way he is, but she can do things that he can't do. She's strong, and she knew how to protect those that she loves. And now, Ryuuji wished that she was there with him. There to support him and tell him what he needed to do. Cause in all honesty, he is lost.

Ryuuji watched helplessly as the younger girl continued to cry. And as he watch her, he figured that the RHI article was not the only thing that had made her feel like this. Cause somehow, it seemed like the past was coming to hunt her. Cause somehow, she's remembering every bad thing that had happened to her. And somehow, that made her blame herself even more. Blame herself for all the misfortunes. Blame her self and take all the fault. And before he could stop himself, tears started to fall from his eyes too. Great, he was crying now. He didn't know why, but Ai's emotions is affecting him too. And despite the fact that he had never suffered the same things that she did, it felt like he was the one in her shoes. Ryuuji quickly wiped the tears with the sleeves of his shirt. Quickly so as to not let the girl see it. He had to be strong now. He had to make sure and make the girl feel like nothing will harm her from now on. Cause he's here. And he'll never let them suffer again. And once again, he hugged the younger girl. Letting her cry and not telling her to stop. Cause somehow, he knew that crying would help. Help her let everything out. And, for the first time since they had ever met, words had betrayed him. Ryuuji was left with nothing to say, cause he himself knew that at the moment, the younger girl needs not to hear anything, but rather, make her feel that there are still those people who cares for her and deems her to be really important and not as a burden just like how she views herself.
The young Hufflepuff had gradually calmed down. But, even though, tears still came. They were unstoppable, even by her. "Doushite (Why), Nii-san? Why was it always like that?" she sniffed. Memories came flashing back. Everything went black in front of the Hufflepuff. "Did I do something wrong?" she wondered while tears still came. "I tried to be good. I promise. I did well in class. I helped in household chores. I never complained. I never asked for anything. I tried to be good. I promise," she said as everything around her was still black. Nothing had seemed to gone right. Ai didn't know what to do anymore, in her eyes, everything was black. Nothing was present, nothing was alive. It was only her and darkness. She seemed to go crazy. She had to hold on. But how could she? The same words repeated in the Hufflepuff's mouth. "I tried to be good. I promise. It's all my fault, right? I'll take the blame. They told me it was my fault," she said remembering the memories as she started trembling holding on to her kind-hearted senpai.
The questions asked by the girl had left Ryuuji even more speechless, which usually doesn't really happen that much. Being a man of words, though most of it were random, Ryuuji could somehow always answer things that were being asked of him. He's quite philosophical with his view of things, but right now, he just can't. He just can't find the words to tell the younger girl. He just can't find the right words to tell her that everything would turn out alright. That no, she was not at fault. That no, she's not the one to be blamed. Though his heart, and mind tells him to talk and answer her question, he just can't. He can't really think clearly right now. And that had made him even more annoyed at himself. Just why must his brain go blank on him at times like this? When the ever smiling and calm Ryuuji is really needed? Disturbed and really annoyed now at himself, he released the younger girl. He needed to clear his thoughts, and most of all, he needed to really focus. Cause really, how can he help the younger girl if he himself is acting like this?

He picked a small pebble off the ground and threw it into the lake, trying to regain his composure before he turned to look at the younger girl once more. And this time around, there was that gentle smile on his face as he pat the younger girl on the head again. An act that he had been so used in doing. "Honestly, I don't know Ai-chan..." He whispered, words barely heard. Sadness is really evident in his expressive eyes as he looked at the girl who was still crying. She had calmed down a little, but still, tears continued to stream down her face. "Ai-chan..." He started as the girl began to talk again. It really breaks his heart seeing how broken she is right now. How delicate and fragile she appears to be at the moment. "Ai-chan did really well.. it's just that, people are too blind that they can't see it." He started as he smiled again, trying to calm the girl down. He'll deal with his anger later. "It's not your fault... really... people are just, sometimes Ai-chan, there are those who finds pleasure in hurting other don't need to take all the blame Ai-chan, specially if you know that you're not at fault. Don't be a martyr." He continued as he turned to look up at the sky above them. It was not that clear as it was earlier that day. Seemed like it was synphatizing with the younger girl's sadness. "You know what? As we grow old.. there are lots and lots of things that will hurt us, much worse than it is now.. and so, there'd be little to no reason to smile at all... but you can't let that get into you. You can't let those people affect you. You can't let them control your life. Cause you are who you are Ai-chan. You know yourself more than anyone else. No matter what people says about you and your brother. Just let them be. They don't have a clue about the truth." He then turned to look at the girl again, his smile brighter than the one before.
The young girl continued to cry and couldn't even see anything in front of her. Everything was still pitch black. Nothing could be seen, nothing could be heard. In the midst of the darkness, a boy's voice was heard. Echoing through the darkness. It was her senpai's voice. Light had started to shine in the young girl's vision, along with nine heavenly figures she saw walking towards her. Not long enough she had a vague vision of who they were. "Oto-san (Dad). Okaa-san (Mom). Oji-chan (Uncle). Oba-chan (Auntie). Onii-chan (Brother). Ryuuji-niisan. Ayumi-chan. Genta-kun. Mitsuhiko-kun." she said quite aloud. She knew it was impossible but she didn't care, she could see them all. Her senpai's words reached her not long after, and she had the chance to hear and to listen to every word.

Ai hugged her senpai as soon as she came to. "I saw you, Nii-san. I saw Okaa-san and Oto-san, too. Even Oji-chan, Oba-san, Mitsuhiko-kun and the others. Onii-chan was there too!" she said happily. "They were there Nii-san! They said they were always there. Yokatta (Thank goodness). They were there!" she exclaimed crying with tears of joy. The young girl thought she was alone, but she was assured by her senpai and her vision that she never was. "Gomen (Sorry), for making Ryuuji-niisan worry. Watashi wa honto ni baka da (I'm really an idiot.)," the young girl apologized now showing a smile on her face.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">It seemed like the sadness was causing the younger girl to see illusions. This thought really scared Ryuuji the most, he wasn't entirely sure what to do. What if he loss her now? What if, because of the shock of reading the magazine, the younger girl would shut off from the world around her? What if she break down now? What if... Ryuuji then shook his head. He cannot possibly think of negative thoughts now. Cause he feared that that would attract negative energy. He wasn't sure where he got that belief, but it surely works. Think positive, and everything will work out just fine, dwell on negative thoughts, and everything will turn out worse that how it should be. But even so, the way that the younger girl was acting was really bothering him. She kept saying names, her mother, father, almost everyone from her family, and her friends as well. Maybe it was her sort of defense mechanism. The only way from her to know that she's not alone and that all those people are there for her despite this crisis that she's going through. Maybe it helps, or maybe, it can make the situation worse. All of these thoughts, however, were interrupted as soon as he felt small arms wrap around him. It seemed like the younger girl had finally come to it.

"Hai, hai Ai-chan... everyone's here for you. Maybe not physically, but we're here. You're not alone alright? Don't ever think of that. And one day, once something like this happen again, always remember that you don't need to shoulder everything by yourself. Nii-san is here. Your family is here. Your friends are here. We're always with you." He pat the younger girl on the back, smiling once again. Finally, everything seemed to be getting better. Hopefully, it will stay this way. when the younger girl smiled, Ryuuji cannot help but to smile even more if that was even possible. "See, a smile fits Ai-chan's face more than a frown does." He commented, raising his hand before he pat the girl on the head again just like he usually does.​
The young girl had finally came to. She was still trembling, although she tried her best to hide it. She had scared and worried her senpai enough. Ai was trembling because of how she scared she was. Despite of her telling everyone that she wanted to be alone to avoid getting separated, that was never what she wanted. She was scared of being alone, she never wanted to be alone. And, she was glad that she was assured that she would never be alone. The young girl had tried to stop crying once more, and thankfully, it worked. Tears had stopped and she started wiping them off her face. The young girl knew that her eyes were probably very red from crying so much. But, she felt so much better than before.

Ai had listened to what Ryuuji-niisan has said and she could only nod in agreement. She was glad that her senpai was there, but she was still worried. She was worried about her brother of whom she left in the Great Hall. She would probably need to apologize some time later. "Arigatou (Thank you), Ryuuji-niisan," she said as her senpai patted her on the back. Even with her bloodshot eyes, the sudden comments of her senpai still made her blush. But, it was probably faint. Even though, the young girl couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "Mou (Jeez), I didn't frown. I just cried," she told her senpai laughingly as she smiled at her senpai once more.
Ryuuji felt fine. Not perfect, but fine. At least, the girl seemed to feel a little better now. She probably still hadn't forgotten what had happened, nor had she fully moved on, but seeing her smile reassured him that everything will turn out just fine. Maybe not perfect, but at least, the outcome didn't turn out that bad. At least, she was smiling again now. He really like seeing her smile, cause it brought out that innocence of her that he finds to be really adorable. She's like a little kitten that one couldn't resist. She's shy at times, but even that attitude of her is really adorable as well. She really is like a little sister figure to him. He felt protective over her the same way that he feel really protective over his older sister, it's like he didn't want anyone to make her cry again. It's not that unusual though. Cause for someone that Ryuuji, his family and friends are all that matters. He's all smiley on the outside, outgoing and carefree, but once his loved ones get offended or get hurt in any way, he can turn into this person who will do everything to make such person pay. He's not violent, no. But he has his ways to make sure that the person who hurts his loved ones wouldn't do the same thing again. Such side of him is not something that is often seen. Cause he has great control over his temper, like now. Though he had wanted to like search the whole school for whoever it was that had written that article, he hadn't. He knows his priorities, and he knew that keeping his loved ones happy and safe comes first before his own anger and emotions. "Frown or cry, it's the same. I like it when Ai-chan smiles... it's bright." He said randomly as he lay down the grass, raising his right hand as if he was trying to shield his eyes from the sun. He had lots of things going on in his mind. But for now, he wouldn't think about it. Cause for now, he had to make sure that the younger girl wouldn't go back to that dark side again, that she wouldn't break down. He's quite afraid that once he left, she'll cry again. "Conan-kun... where is he?"
Ai was now feeling better than before. It may be because of her senpai that had comforted her a while ago, wherein she needed someone the most. She had no idea what could have happened if she was alone. But, it didn't matter now, because she wasn't. The young girl shook her head, "Ie (No)! They're different," she playfully argued. "A frown is like this," she said as she place a frown on her face, "while crying is what you saw earlier," she said laughingly. She was glad that she was now enjoying her time. She could only smile more and more as Ryuuji-niisan acted as though it was very bright because she was now showing her smile. But, her smile decreased a bit when she was asked where her brother was. "Watashi wa (I)," she paused, "shiranai (don't know)," she said. Ai remembered her sudden outburst of anger in the Great Hall and she stormed out almost immediately. She felt a guilty for leaving her brother alone. "I accidentally left him in the Great Hall earlier," she said, ashamed of how she acted.
Ryuuji cannot help but to laugh as the younger girl tried to argue how a frown is different from crying. Somehow, she was regaining her old self. Or at least, she was coming back to the Ai that he had known. At least, even by just a little, she's slowly recovering from what had happened earlier. It was a great news really, cause he didn't know what he'll do if everything turned out worse. He won't be able to help himself probably. His laughter, however, soon ceased as he listened as the younger girl talked about her brother. It seemed to him that she was ashamed about what she had done. Why shouldn't be the case. He can't blame her for running out of the great hall earlier. He would too.. or probably not. But really, her reaction was just normal. Who wouldn't be angry when you're being falsely accused of something? The other students may have been used to such thing already, but Ai's still young. She's just new at the place. No matter how many hardships she had experienced, she's still a kid after all. So such thing would really shock her. "Conan-kun's strong Ai-chan... he can handle it. I'll talk to him once I get to see him." He said calmly as he went back to sitting position. He really wanted to the younger boy too. Cause he knew that the younger boy felt the same way that he did earlier. Conan reminds him so much of himself. He was pretty sure that he's angry too. Hopefully though, he wouldn't take it out on someone. The worse thing that would happen is for any of the twin to be featured in the article again, or even worst, for any of them to get involve into a serious fight. "Ne.. Ai-chan, don't think about the article too much alright? I don't really know when that magazine had started, we don't even know who the authors are... but surely, those people would pay somehow soon." He continued as his hand found a stray pebble. He picked it up and played with it before he threw it towards the lake. It made a small sound that could barely be heard, if not for the silence that soon passed as he thought of what had happened earlier that day.
Ai couldn't help but smile more and more as she began to see her senpai laugh from her playful argue. It was fun to argue, if it was not serious. She only wanted playful ones most of the time, but there are just times that she really just had to argue seriously. And that is when others dare to hurt who she cares for. But, for now, it was not that important, because right now she was happy and contented. Ai nodded in agreement at Ryuuji-niisan when he said that her brother was strong. "Hai (Yes), Onii-chan's strong. Stronger than me. I would most probably need to talk to him sometime later as well," she said quite worried at how her brother was doing at this very moment. The young girl listened to her senpai as he told her that she shouldn't worry about the article anymore. The young girl shook her head and said, "Shinpai shinaide (Don't worry), Ryuuji-niisan. I'm not worried anymore. After all, you did say that I am myself and no one can change that. And, I have you, my family and friends with me, right?" she asked assuring herself. It may be selfish of her but she didn't want to be alone.
It's good to hear that the younger girl is not that worried about the things that she had read anymore. Good that finally, she had left the past behind. He does know that somehow, the article would still hunt her and her twin, but he's there for them. He won't let them get hurt anymore. And though he knew that he won't be able to do that much, he'll make sure that he'll stay with them as much as he could, without him going overboard of course. Cause despite him being really protective over the twins, he still does know that he had things that he cannot possibly do, he too, have his limitations. "That's good to hear Ai-chan... Nii-san is really happy that you're not fine." He said, smiling brightly again. It was really such a relief, and it was such a wonder too. Just a few minutes ago, he was really worried even to the point that he was sure that he was about to stop breathing, he felt like he was being stabbed a thousand times seeing the tears fall from the younger gril's eyes, yet, now, he felt like flying. It was really great seeing her smile. Cause he knew that the girl deserves all the happiness that he could have. She had had experienced a lot of hardships in the past. Hardships that a young girl like her shouldn't have experienced. That's why he vowed to always make her smile. "Hmm.. of course Ai-chan. I'm always with you. And so is Conan-kun and the others."
The young girl was glad that her senpai was glad that she was fine. After all, she didn't want to make her senpai worry more about her. She had worried him enough already. She could only smile at her senpai as she brought out the omamori (charm) once more, looking at it as happiness and content made its way through her. Ai nodded at her senpai when he told her that they would always be there for her and the young girl could only reply, "Mochiro (Of course), I'll be there for Ryuuji-niisan and Onii-chan and the others, too. I can be pretty useful when I want to," she said smiling. She was now having fun, but, something made her curious. If Ryuuji-niisan had read the magazine, how did he manage to find her so easily? It was a small question in a small girl's mind. "Ne (Hey), Nii-san. How did you find me here?" she asked curiously as she waited for her senpai's answer.
He wasn't entirely sure whether it was that japanese charm that had worked its magic to make the younger girl happy again, or whether it was his words, whatever it was, just seeing that she was already smiling is enough for him. At least, she wasn't crying anymore. At least, she's not depressed. He may not be a mind reader or something, but he knew that the smile that she was showing him now is genuine. And because of that, Ryuuji Tsukino is entirely satisfied and glad. He doesn't know what he'll do if things didn't turn out this way. The younger girl's sudden question though had managed to catch him off guard. Not because it was something that is really awkward, it was just that, it was so much out of the blue and too sudden. Nevertheless, Ryuuji just smiled. It was that smile of his that would usually show in his face. Such gentle smile that he would always wear. "Hmm.. let's just say that my brother instinct work its way." He said, this time, his smile turning into that cat like one before he flicked the younger girl's forehead, he was careful though so as not to hurt her that much. "Nah.. it's because I saw you ran earlier.. I called after you, but you didn't seem to hear me." He then said before he picked a small pebble once again and threw it at the lake. There was this rumor that there is this giant squid there, though of course, of the four years that he had spent studying there, he hadn't seen even just a glimpse of it. He wasn't sure whether it really exist. "Ne, Ai-chan, when's your birthday?" This question was pretty random, but he was quite curious about it. He had already known the girl for quite sometime, but he wasn't sure whether he had actually asked her about it.
The young girl was now happy. It really was weird of her, just a few minutes ago, it felt like she was going crazy. But, now, she was very happy. The answer of her senpai surprised her, but when she saw the cat-like smile, she already knew what was going on. But, she just wasn't too quick to avoid the flick on her forehead. "Ittai (Ouch)!" the young girl exclaimed. The young girl rubbed her forehead as she told her senpai, "Mou (Jeez), I didn't expect that flick, Nii-san. Although I did sense that your first statement was a lie," she said with a wink. The young girl was taken by surprise at the sudden question of the older Ravenclaw. "The 16th of November," the young girl answered, "doushite (why), Ryuuji-niisan?" The younger girl was curious on why her birthday had suddenly came to her senpai's mind and she just couldn't help but ask.
Ryuuji had to suppress his laughter as the younger girl rubbed the spot on her forehead where he had just flicked her. Her reaction was just too amusing and funny as well. He didn't really know what had pushed him to do it, but he did anyways. The younger girl's answer to his question had caused him to be somewhat disappointed. So, the twins' birthday had already passed. What kind of older brother he is that he hadn't been able to at least throw a small celebration for his little siblings birthday? A slight frown crossed the young Ravenclaw's face before it had been instantly replaced by that calm smile of his. "Nan-de mo nai yo Ai-chan.. Nii-san's just wondering." He said, patting the younger girl on the head even though his mind is already moving somewhere else. What's the use of dwelling on the fact that the twins' birthday had already passed when he could just prepare a surprise for them even though it's already late? He wasn't sure how to do it though but he figured that he could ask the male twin help even though he's a celebrant as well. Knowing Conan, he would figure it out anyways, so it would be better to just tell her. And besides, this could probably help the younger girl forget the things that had happened earlier.
OOCOut of Character:
Nan-de mo nai yo - It's nothing

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