Erik Drage

Erik Drage

Potioneer | Healing | Unprepared
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew 12'' Core of Jackalope Antler
April 27, 2018 (37)
Erik Malkolm Drage

DOB: April 27, 2018
Hometown: Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Blood Status: Pure-Blood

Strengths: Playful, happy, carefree, socially adjusted, risk-taking (although the risks he takes are more foolish than brave), strong stomach
Weaknesses: Mischievous, short attention span, impatient, loud-mouthed, obnoxious, sometimes inconsiderate

School: Hogwarts New Zealand
House: TBD
Graduating Year: 3036
Favorite subject: TBD
Least favorite subject: TBD
Favorite instructor: TBD
Least favorite instructor: TBD

Food: Pancakes
Drink: Apple cider
Candy: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans
Spell: The Bat Bogey Hex, though he hasn't had the opportunity to learn it.

Patronus: Rabbit
-Erik likes things to be fast-paced. He'll do his best to run away from any situation that bores him.
Mirror of Erised: If Erik looked into the mirror, he would see his brother, Christian, reunited with his family.
[li]Tristan Drage ~ Father
Tristan is both a former Auror and former Death Eater. He ran away to hide in the States with his eldest son when Erik wasn't yet three years old. Tristan has since remarried and moved to Canada, where he lives with his family. Even though his wife is a muggle, Tristan continues to hang on to old prejudices. As of late, he's been relentless in the search for his missing son, Christian. Tristan could lose his job as a healer any day now.</LI>

[li]Julie Bennett-Drage ~ Stepmother
Julie has been the mother-figure of most of Erik's short life. She is a headstrong, American-born muggle with an often upbeat attitude. Julie works in a local hospital alongside raising four kids.

[li]Morgase Prince [form. Stark] ~ Mother
Erik has been told ever since he can remember that Morgase Prince was his mother. She was murdered before he turned three. Since Tristan is reluctant to discuss his past with both his wife and children, Morgase remains a mystery for Erik.

[li]Estrella Drage ~ Half-sister
Erik doesn't have much of a connection with his sister, Estrella, who was born 13 years before him. Estrella currently leads the Invisibility Task Force and was the Head Girl for HNZ's first graduating class. Needless to say, she set some standards that Erik is determined not to live up to.

[li]Eliza Bennett ~ Stepsister
Even though they've practically grown up together, Erik and Eliza squabble constantly. Eliza is Julie's muggle daughter. She is strong-willed, sassy, and outgoing. When Erik's at school, he misses the girl he likes to call names.

[li]Christian Drage-Dolohov ~ Half-brother
Christian is Erik's only pureblooded sibling. The two are very close. Recently, Christian went missing along with the Dolohov family house elf, Goia. Even though Goia did this presumably for Christian's protection, Tristan has not stopped looking for his son. Erik misses Christian terribly; the subject of his brother is the only one that really makes Erik sad.

[li]Evan Drage ~ Half-sister
Evan is Erik's younger sister. She is constantly tagging along with her siblings and can be quite the nuisance.

[li]Elijah Drage ~ Half-brother
Elijah is the baby of the family and Erik's youngest sibling. He's very shy and likes to keep to himself. [/li][/ul]

[li]Paternal: Valcan Drage & Dorothea Kirk
[li]Erik has no idea who his maternal grandparents are and hasn't thought to ask at this point.[/li][/ul]

[li]Sammael Stark ~ Godfather, uncle {deceased}
[li]Lief Sigurd ~ Uncle
[li]Brunhilde Sigurd ~ Aunt
[li]Sumner Drage ~ Uncle[/li][/ul]

[li]Anders Sigurd- Cousin
[li]Annika Sigurd- Cousin
[li]Ameliah Sigurd- Cousin
[li]Giselle Varius- Adoptive cousin
[li]Olivia Drage- Niece
[li]Lydia Drage- Niece
[li]Seth Drage- Nephew
<LI>[li]Slade Drage- Nephew[/li][/ul]

Erik was born somewhere in England in the spring of 2018. He believes that Morgase Prince was his mother, as she raised him in his early years, but he doesn't know much about her. His father, Tristan, a former Death Eater, fled to the States after Morgase's death. Tristan decided to leave the Death Eaters and raise his son right, as that is what Morgase would have wanted. Both father and son lived in Wisconsin for a while. Tristan then married a muggle, Julie Bennett. Erik was raised alongside his stepsister Eliza, his siblings Evan and Elijah, and until recently, his brother Christian. The disappearance of the latter upsets Erik greatly- Erik and Christian were very close.

The family moved to Churchill, Manitoba, after Evan's birth; Tristan and Julie decided it would be live somewhere more remote.

Erik has always been a troublemaker. While he is typically good-natured, he's best at doing the opposite of what he's told to do. He loved to fly when he had a toy broomstick and is eager to take flying as a class. Another thing he likes to do is help out with cooking and baking. Erik disliked the muggle school he attended, so whether or not he'll enjoy classes at HNZ is still to be determined.
Hey there Amanda, I have some questions here for you. You can answer them either IC or OOC.

1. How does Erik like his middle name?
2. Ever since coming to New Zealand, does he miss Canada?
3. Would you ever see Erik in a detention?
4. He is graduating in 3036? Wow, long time? Keeding, now here is the real question, was Erik looking for a certain house to be sorted into or did it not matter to him?
5. How does he like the school so far? Has he made any friends or enemies?
6. What is his least favorite food?
7. How close is Erik to his other siblings, and which one is closest to him?
8. Would Erik turn out to be prejudice like some of the other Drages?
9. Erik has a huge family, has he met them all?
10. If he believes that Morgase is his real mother, how would he feel if he was told that she wasn't? Would it faze him or no?
11. Would Erik want to be on the Quidditch team? And if so, what would his position be?
12. What would his Animagus and Patronus form be?
Thanks so much for responding, I never saw this!

1. How does Erik like his middle name? He thinks it's weird. Who in the 21st century has the name Malkolm, anyway? He doesn't share it if no one asks him.
2. Ever since coming to New Zealand, does he miss Canada? Most definitely. All of his immediate family lives there. He especially misses his brother Christian, who has finally been found and returned home. He wonders what magical school would be like in Canada.
3. Would you ever see Erik in a detention? Oh, yes. Detention is his second home. He's quite the troublemaker, and now that he's gotten more familiar with HNZ, the school better watch out.
4. He is graduating in 3036? Wow, long time? Keeding, now here is the real question, was Erik looking for a certain house to be sorted into or did it not matter to him? It didn't really matter to him. Once he became a Hufflepuff he knew his dad would make fun of him for it, but he doesn't really care.
5. How does he like the school so far? Has he made any friends or enemies? It's all right. He does miss Canada quite a bit. He has made a few friends, including Duncan Wraxvalt, and has yet to make enemies.
6. What is his least favorite food? He wolfs down mostly everything that's set in front of him, but for some reason, he really hates spaghetti.
7. How close is Erik to his other siblings, and which one is closest to him? He is protective of his younger siblings and is extremely close to Christian. He doesn't have much of a relationship with Estrella, since she's thirteen years older than him and lives on her own.
8. Would Erik turn out to be prejudice like some of the other Drages? We'll see. In his circumstances, I'm going to say no, since he's been raised by a muggle stepmother and his father keeps so much of the past from him. He also doesn't have much contact with his other pureblood relatives.
9. Erik has a huge family, has he met them all? He's met uncles, aunts, and the like, but he doesn't have much to do with third cousins and such.
10. If he believes that Morgase is his real mother, how would he feel if he was told that she wasn't? Would it faze him or no? He would be devastated. Tristan has painted her to be such a wonderful woman that he would be shocked and reluctant to accept anyone else as his real mother (even though Julie is a mother to him.)
11. Would Erik want to be on the Quidditch team? And if so, what would his position be? Heck yeah, he loves Quidditch! But who knows if he's good enough? Considering his small size, he would probably be a chaser.
12. What would his Animagus and Patronus form be? A rabbit. He loves to cause trouble, but runs from danger.

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