Enrique Martinez

Enrique Martinez

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OOC First Name
Silver Fir Wood, with the essence of a Unicorn tail hair .
The Basics

Character's Name:Enrique Alvarez Martinez

Character's Birthdate: February 5th, 1992

Hometown: San Juan , Puerto Rico

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Wand: Silver Fir Wood, with the essence of a Unicorn tail hair. It extends 12" from handle to wand tip and possesses a smooth finish with a near vanished look. The wand holds an extreme loyalty to Enrique, with a clear relation to the core -- which forms a unique and powerful bond with its wielder. It's been noted using Enrique's wand can pose vastly difficult for acquaintances or individuals who have a disdain for him for one reason or another.

Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland House: Hufflepuff

Position at Hogwarts: Y 1-4 Charms Professor


Hair: A dark brown which is well kept and regularly appears spiked at the top

Eyes: Brown

Height: 1.82 m

Style: Enrique dresses formally for the most part, taking particular care to dress as would be expected of a professional individual. If not wearing something somewhat formal, he will possess a neat casual look. He carries himself with tall shoulders and confidence and regularly has a humbleness about the way he presents himself.

Other Distinguishing Features: N/A

A Little Deeper

Personality: A kindhearted, placid and generous man, Enrique is good company to have. He is an extremely loyal friend and holds those that he has in his life extremely close to his heart. He has an unsurpassed passion for the understanding and use of Charms, and, as a direct result, has a profound passion for teaching it. His love for educating and mentoring shines through with his post as Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand.
He's been noted as confident, friendly and often, as a result of his nature, flirtacious in the most innocent of ways.

Special Talents/Abilities:
Wandless Magic: Enrique is able to cast wandless magic with precision.
Non-Verbal Magic: Has the ability to cast spells without uttering them aloud.
Charms Mastery: With a significant understanding of Charms and their influence not only in day-to-day life, but a thoroughly researched and practiced understanding of their place in dueling, Enrique hones a mastery of his craft and profession as a result of his passion for the subject itself.

History: Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico to father Emmanuel and mother Amorina, Enrique was raised amongst a very supportive family base and one which had never taken much note of blood status, but rather, valued character and actions above all else. While not being overly wealthy, Enrique's parents were well off enough to maintain a decent lifestyle for he and his three cousins, along there their two parents, as only a year after Enrique's date of birth, they were forced to file for bankruptcy and were no longer able to tend to their home. Once becoming of age, Enrique was sent to Hogwarts Scotland where he began his educational endeavors.

As a student, he was seemingly well behaved and found himself placed in Hufflepuff. Unlike many students at the time, he'd never truly given a great deal of thought to the house he'd be placed in -- and instead -- decided regardless of where he was placed, he'd stay true to himself and do as he believed was right; whether Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or, inevitably, Hufflepuff claimed him as its own.
Schooling life was seemingly normal. He tended to his classes and committed particularly to Charms, Transfiguration and Herbology, followed closely by Defense Against the Dark Arts. Despite not being overly fond of some subjects, he gave each of them his best in a hopes to make his parents and family proud.

Throughout his schooling he made countless friends and came across, much the same, many whom weren't overly fond of him due to his strong sense of values and respect for certain traits. Soon enough though, he'd finished his education and returned to Puerto Rico where he pursued a love for teaching. After a few years of training, he was granted a position at Hogwarts Scotland as a Professor-In-Training under his old Charms mentor. Taking particular note of his superiors teaching methods and practices, Enrique was soon blossoming in his craft. Bound for excellence in his chosen profession, it wasn't before too long that he endeavored for a full-time teaching post at Hogwarts Scotland. For a period of sick leave on the part of the Charms Professor at Hogwarts Scotland, Enrique filled the role. The position was maintained for several months, until the original professor returned and Enrique finished his time in Scotland.

During his time in Scotland, he developed some strong bonds with fellow faculty as well as some of the students who wished to achieve more in their studies, seeking him out when they needed help beyond the hours of his taught lessons. It's not uncanny for him to receive and send letters to from and to Scotland as a result of how much he developed a sense of respect for those in the community there.

For a short period after, Enrique returned to Puerto Rico where he helped his parents to pay-off the final costs of their house, allowing them to live without some of their obtained stresses. During his time there, he also assisted his uncle and aunt in constructing a home for them as well as their three children whom were struggling, much like their parents, to find a place to live.
It was only afterward that Enrique departed Puerto Rico once more; but this time, for New Zealand.

Continuing his teaching studies, Enrique later found a post at Hogwarts New Zealand which he now endeavors to spread his knowledge and experience to the students of the school itself.

Upon his first few weeks at Hogwarts New Zealand, he found a friendship in Professor Abbigale Jinxx whom he shared coffee with in the Professor's lounge. During the meet, the two spoke of their previous endeavors in the education field and the lives they had before they had come to New Zealand for their teaching needs. In addition, it wasn't too much later that Enrique found himself seeing a rather old face from his time at Hogwarts Scotland. A once pupil and now colleague, Professor Speed Stark and Professor Martinez reminisced on old times and discussed the days yet to come.

Family: Emmanuel Martinez (father)
Amorina Martinez (mother)
Evaro Martinez (uncle)
Isabella Martinez (aunt)
Three Cousins (unnamed)

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