Enjoying the Water

Derek Tahana

kiwi - half maori - woolongong warriors chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 11 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Acromantula Web Core
5/2034 (19)
By far Derek’s favourite place in Hogwarts was the grounds, whether that be the cliffs, the gardens, the lawn or the lake front, he loved it all. There was just something really good about the fresh air, about the ability to go outside that he thoroughly enjoyed. The semester was progressing and his time was more split between his classes that he struggled to find the time to go outside, though Derek always made a point of trying. No matter the weather, no matter how much else he had to do. The slytherin was doing just that, he had pressing things to do but he was going outside.

He needed the air and thankfully it was such a beautiful day he couldn’t possibly turn it down. The boy sat himself down at the lake front and lay down on the grass, breathing the air in deeply, enjoying the peace of the outdoors, enjoying the warmth of the sun upon his skin, enjoying just being at school. Truly there was not a more enjoyable experience to him, the magic of it, the beauty of it, the sheer power of it, he loved every part of it. The sound of footsteps approaching, made Derek sit up, looking towards them and seeing a girl in his year, ”Hey! You’re a first year right?” he asked, being as forward as he always was with people.
Lavinia's favourite thing to do was to be outside doing physical activity like sport, or just generally exercising in some way. Anything that didn't involve sitting down for long, because being active was suited to Lavinia's energetic personality. She stopped jogging, and leaned against a tree to catch her breath. She hadn't noticed someone else's presence until they started speaking to her and the Hufflepuff raised her eyebrow, then when she found the source of the voice she held up a finger. Then finally when she caught her breath she went over to the boy and plopped down next to him. "Sup," she greeted. "Yes I am and my name's Lavinia," she introduced herself, extending her hand for the boy to shake. She didn't find it odd at all that the boy asked her that, to her it was normal wanting to know who was in your grade and who wasn't.
Derek was happy that the girl didn’t seem to shy away from his bold move to say hello, in fact she introduced herself to him, and extended a hand out to him, ”I’m Derek,” the boy said happily, introducing himself back to her, shaking her hand. Perhaps he should’ve started with that? Perhaps that would’ve been the smarter way to go about this. ”I was just enjoying the lakefront, I’m trying to catch a glimpse of the giant squid. I’ve heard rumours about it, but I haven’t seen anything about it,” The boy hoped that she would enjoy that sort of thing, or at the very least wouldn’t be too weirded out by him wanting to do that. Maybe she would even enjoy it to the point of wanting to join him, ”What house are you in?” he asked suddenly, looking away from the lake and at her, ”I’m in Slytherin, and you aren’t because I would’ve seen you more by now,” the boy added, wanting to be pretty open, and keen to get to know her. If she did or not join him, that would be seen, but at the very least he could get to know her.
The boy's happiness made Lavinia happy, as it meant he was either enjoying his time at Hogwarts - confirming the words of her cousins about the school - or he wanted to get to know others, or both. Lavinia was the same in that regard. "Nice to meet you Derek," she said as they shook hands. "Giant squid?! There is one, then?" The Hufflepuff asked a little too eagerly and quickly. "I've also heard about it from my cousin. He hasn't given me any proof of seeing one though," she chuckled. Leo was fun to be around, but Lavinia liked having proof when people said stuff like that. "We should look for one! How exciting would that be?! I'd totally brag about it to my family if that happens," she added, grinning. "Yeah no I'm in Hufflepuff, but the sorting hat said I would have had great potential in Slytherin," she told Derek.

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