Enjoying the Sun

Katheryn Kingsley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Maple Wand 12'' core of female Kelpie Hair
Katheryn woke up to a bright, shining sun. She couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the day. She decided it would be the perfect day to take a book out by the lake and read. Kat got dressed in a cute but casual outfit. She grabbed the blanket off her bed and took it down to the lake.

Katheryn's red curls blew in the breeze as she spread her blanket down on the ground under her favorite tree. Kat sat down on the blanket and opened her book. A soft smile lit up her face as she read.

lame sorry
With the sun shining through the castle grounds, Rukevra made his way towards the lake front. It was an area he had visited twice before. Once during Herbology, and once whilst attempting to conquer his past. This visit however, was purely recreational. The clear blue skies enhanced the beauty of the lake and the surrounding area. The beauty was something Rukevra appreciated.

Arriving at the clear blue, shinning lake; Ruki leant against one of the many trees found in the area. Taking in the surroundings, the young transfer smiled to himself. The previous meeting with Patricia barely weighed upon his mind. He was glad to be here.
Katheryn wasn't paying attention to her surroundings as she continued to read her book. A shadow moved over her page, blocking the light from reaching the pages. A frown crept onto Kat's soft face. She turned up her head to see what was making the shadow. She found a boy, standing beside her seemingly not aware that she was sitting there. "Oh hello." Kat said, surprised to find someone beside her.
Any momentary silence was broken by the sound of a voice beside him. Turning, Rukevra was slightly confused until he looked down over. There, sat in his shadow, was a red haired girl. Rukevra's thoughts instantly bounced towards Andromeda. Something that made little sense. Facing the girl, Rukevra allowed his eyes to focus on her. The sun light causing his sight to be restricted. "Good afternoon.". Noticing the girl had a book with her, Rukevra stepped aside. It seemed obvious he had blocked her light.
Katheryn was curious by this boy. He immediately moved from blocking her light without her having to ask him. She caught an accent in his voice that was a bit different from anything she had heard, but then again, one could say that about her own southern accent. Kat smiled up at the boy. He looked about her age, give or take a year. "Sorry if I startled you, its just you were blocking the light, but you already realized that..." she said, letting her voice trail off. She realized she must sound like a rambling idiot. Kat felt her face heat up. "I'm Katheryn." she said, introducing herself.
Rukevra placed his hand across his forehead, in an attempt to shield the glare of the sun from his eyes. He couldn't mind it too much, it was still a beautiful day. As the girl spoke to him, Rukevra tried to place who she was. He hadn't seen her around the school; or even in any of his classes. It wasn't much of an issue; he never recognised anyone lately. Hearing the girl trail off from her words, the young transfer smiled. People who rambled seemed rather cute. "It's no worry.". Rukevra responded. "I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.". After the girl introduced herself, Rukevra followed suit. "Rukevra.". No hand-shake made the situation less awkward.
Katheryn smiled at the boy as he introduced himself to her. He was only slightly familiar to her through her classes. She hadn't ever spoken to the boy before. Katheryn had a tendency to sit quietly in the classroom, often going unnoticed. "Its a pleasure to meet you Rukevra." she said sincerely. Katheryn once again noticed his accent. She wondered where it was from. Before she realized what she was doing she said, "Where are you from?" Katheryn hoped he wouldn't think she was rude with her question.
As he stood by the lake-front, Rukevra began to reflect upon his time within the school. The people he had met so far no longer stood close to him. At this point, he had no idea why. The young Gryffindor listened to the girl in front of him, un-sure of how long any sort of interaction between them would last. The girl certainly appeared polite, which Rukevra liked. Smiling at her words, the young boy returned the compliment. "It is like-wise a pleasure.". For now, he would see how things went. The next set of words from the girl caused Rukevra to double take. He had little idea of where he was truly from. Choosing to play it safe, the transfer informed the girl of his previous school. "Durmstrang.".

With the girl still seated up-on the ground, Rukevra felt slightly awkward standing. "May I join you?".

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