Closed End Of The Tour

Ainmere Pendleton

Oldest Pendleton // Imaginative
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Flexible Hornbeam Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Ainmere had been fairly excited to give her baby sister a tour all around the castle. They had met in the great hall for some food first, because walking on an empty stomach was no joke. Now the two of them were in the tallest tower and Ainmere was beaming. "And this is where I came to write you letters. Well to send them not write them." She said with a laugh. "what do you think, any questions for your tour guide?" She asked as if she were an expert on the school, which she was in fact not. in fact it had been very clear that some things she'd seen today were the first time she'd ever seen them.
"How are you not - dying?" Rion panted, leaning on her knees to catch her breath. She had never climbed so many stairs in her life. "And I have to do this every day? My calves are going to be huge." In spite of the hike, Rion wouldn't have changed sleeping in the towers for anything; the view was magnificent. Once she had stopped wheezing, she straightened up and took a proper look at the owlery. "It's way bigger than I imagined it. Can we send Mummy and Daddy a letter? Right now? I said I was going to send one as soon as I got here, but I maaay have forgotten to bring writing paper, and you know I'm really bad at writing..." She looked down and fiddled with her sleeve, purposely laying it on thick. She could compose sentences perfectly fine. It was her handwriting that was appalling.
Ainmere laughed at her sister who was completely out of breath. "Has mom not been making you feed the animals, come on!" She said with a teasing tone. She rolled her eyes gently at her younger sister. "You're lucky i always have everything on me..." She said taking her little knapsack off her back and sitting on her knees on the floor. She removed a book, some parchment, and a writing utensil looking up at her sister. "If I let you write mum would have to hire a specialist to read the writing." She said before starting the letter out. "Dear mum and dad, Rion survived sorting, and hasn't been eaten by the giant squid yet despite my best efforts." She joked.
"Dad's been pulling me around on the toy wagon," Rion admitted, grinning. She dropped to the floor and sat cross-legged beside her sister. "Rude." Probably true, about the specialist, but still rude. She nudged Ainmere with her shoulder as she continued the story: "'In fact, Rion hasn't even seen the giant squid yet, and thinks I'm full of s**t. As usual. I'm obviously just jealous because she's in Ravenclaw and she's sooo much smarter than me.' Wait - can you actually put that bit? I mean, just that I got into Ravenclaw."
Ainmere rolled her eyes. Her sister was so spoiled but she wasn't going to be rude about it. She expected as much from the baby of the family - her mother was always harder on her than Rion. She listened to her sister continue the story, and wrote it in her own words. "Rion is doubtful of the squid, and continues to use colorful language to describe my stories." She said giggling to herself. "She made Claw, which I think you wont be surprised, considering she is a nerd." Of course Ainmere didn't write all that. "But don't worry I'll continue to care for her."
Rion leaned into Ainmere as she wrote the better parts into the letter. "Shut up, I'm not a nerd," she said softly. Once, she'd worn the title 'nerd' as a badge of honour. Now she wore it like a bruise. "Do you think everyone thinks that?"
Ainmere softened a little when her sister asked if everyone thought she was a nerd. Her mouth made a tight line and then she shook her head. "No, and if anyone calls you a nerd I'll punch them right in their stupid mouths. Only I'm allowed to call you that." She said jokingly. "Rion, people haven't already been jerks to you, have they?" She asked, slightly concerned why her sister suddenly hated being called a nerd.

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