Emzies Please M'am!! [C]

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Kynleigh Davis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
I would like EMZIES to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Kynleigh Davis
Banner Type: Not really sure what type it is I want; completely trust your judgment because your banners are gorgeous!! Just something pretty!!
*Banner Size: Up to you
Celebrity you're using: Hannah Murray
Images on banner: [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ]
**If for some reason you can't really use any of those then let me know and I'll look for some more. Her site has tons of really high quality screen captures that are super cute and Kynleigh-esque so just let me know!!
Text on banner: N/A
*Fonts on banner: N/A
*Colour Scheme: Something pretty and whatever you think looks best!!
*Border colour/size: None

Thank you Emzies :hug:

Heyy, So I'm doing this right now, Love the images.
But I'm obviously not using all of them, so would you want me to make
just a few topic headers with the rest? Or are you cool, with just the banner?

Me think I has gotten this wrong, are you just wanting topic header type banners
or a blend of some sort?

The topic header type banners. They're so pretty and simple ^_^

Well, I had a go, and made a few. I mean I didn't make one
from each image. I just used a few. And they turned out as
well as I could get them to. I lol'd at the pictures ♥ Cassie.
They are all very Kynleigh.




For this one I was going for an old photograph look. I'm not sure if it worked.



Unlike other banners, these can't be changed, due to the nature of them, but
if you are not happy I can try again, or use different images.
Cassie just makes me grin every time I watch the show ♥ She's so totally Kynleigh!!

I love them all ^_^ Now I only have one problem with them...choosing which one to use :x

Decisions, decisions *ponders*

Ah heck imma save 'em all and rotate!!

Thank you Emzies :hug:
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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