Emmmmah [C]

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Will Connors

OOC First Name
I would like Emmah the Great to fill my request.

Banner Request Form

Character's Name: Will Connors

Banner Type: Maybe those pretty textured banners? Or just a standard. Whatever you feel like. They're all lovely! :wub:

Celebrity you're using: Chord Overstreet *drools*

Images on banner: I'm just going to link you smouldering photoshoot. Any of these pictures are perfect, so totally up to you, whatever you think looks best!

Text on banner: Will Connors

Fonts on banner: Not to lamp practically every field onto you but you are a lot wiser with fonts than I am, so I'm going to leave you with the fonts too if thats okay?

Thank you sooooo much Emmah you're the best. Get to this whenever you can! ^_^
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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