Emme Windchester

Emmeline Windchester

Well-Known Member
Emme Windchester
Stand Up, Stand Out, Be Happy


[color=10BCC2]|Dressed up just like a movie star| - |Yeah It's Me|[/color]

Hey everyone at Hogwarts New Zealand. My name is [color=F76A6A]Emmeline Kadie Windchester[/color], although everyone calls me [color=F76A6A]Emme[/color]. I'm a [color=F76A6A]3nd Year[/color] at Hogwarts. I was born on [color=F76A6A]April 4 [/color], making me [color=F76A6A]13[/color]. Proud to be a [color=F76A6A]Aries[/color] which means I tend to be assertive and single-minded. I'm [color=F76A6A]5 feet 4 inch[/color] and I'm [color=F76A6A]102[/color] pounds. I've been told by many people that I resemble [color=F76A6A]Victoria Justice [/color] whoever she is.

[color=10BCC2]|I got your runaway smile in my piggybank baby| - |The Character's Lifestyle|[/color]

I was born in [color=E89E74]London England[/color] and raised in [color=E89E74]London as well[/color]. Growing up there shaped how I am today and the things I like and hate, my goals and dreams, and habits. Some of the things I like are [color=E89E74]Reading, Writing, School (I know strike me with lightning), Talking, Laughing Loud[/color] and the some of the things I hate are [color=E89E74]Being the outcast, Laughing Alone, Not understanding inside jokes, losing, getting bad grades[/color]. My goal and dream in life is [color=E89E74]to become a mother and professor[/color]. People have certain things that appeal to them in a guy.Well I have to say I look for [color=E89E74]someone who cares what they look like, someone that can make me laugh, someone that has a nice body and can hold a conversation with me[/color]. Just the same, there are turn-offs and they include [color=E89E74]wearing all black, no emos guys sorry, people that are always serious and people that never smile or have a bad smile[/color].

[color=10BCC2]|I won't let you bring me down | -|The Character's Family|[/color]

Growing up, I was rather [color=17C7F1]wealthy[/color]. My father, [color=17C7F1]Brody[/color] is a [color=17C7F1]Ministry worker[/color], making [color=17C7F1]enough to keep our family going[/color]. My mother, [color=17C7F1]Kadie[/color] is a [color=17C7F1]House Wife and mother of four[/color], making [color=17C7F1]our house the best place in the world and also making the best chocolate chip cookies you have ever tasted.[/color]. I have [color=17C7F1]three siblings[/color], Maddie, Josh, and Becca.

[color=10BCC2]|You never got your story straight| - |The Character's Background|[/color]

I have a unique personality. [color=5DB9C7]
I am very outgoing. I am the type of girl that will do mostly anything for attention. I won't turn down a dare unless it is extremely against my inner feelings. I am the one that will jump into the swimming pool fully dressed at a party just to break the ice.

I will not shut my mouth. I love to talk and gossip. I will say what is going through my mind no matter who it will hurt. If you are acting like a jerk I will state it plain and simple. I mean why go through life telling lies. On the flip side if you are the sweetest kindest person I know I will let you know.

I am a happy go lucky person. I refuse to wake up early and I refuse to go to bed early. I stay up late and sleep in. If you try to wake me up you have something interesting coming. I will either love you or hate you. Don't make me hate you and we will be the best of friends. If we are friends I can promise you you will never ever have a boring moment..[/color]

My history is different than everyone else at Hogwarts. [color=00000]My mother is a muggle. My father is a wizard. Well what does that make me? I believe it's called mixed blood. Do I care? Not really. I am who I am no matter what blood runs through my veins. All my siblings show magical ability too. Sometimes I feel bad for my mom that she is the only one without magic but for someone that can cook the way she does and take care of a house full of kids she has her own magic somewhere in her.
We live in a rather big house. Yes we have money. It was from my grandfather who sadly passed away. Yet this means we get mostly what we want when we want. Spoiled much well of coarse. Though I don't act spoiled. If you want to see spoiled talk to Maddie. I look like an angel compared to her.[/color]

[color=10BCC2]|So Far Away| - |Other Information|[/color]

There's something else i should say before i leave this here and that's [color=E89E74]I make an attempt to stand out. If you don't like that then you probably won't like me. Though you are one person and you barely make a difference in my life. I would love to have everyone like me but that can not be so I choose my friends wisely and my enemies just seem to pop up. [/color].

Emme used to attend Hogwarts Scotland until she was transfered her to Hogwarts New Zealand. This was decided when Emme's parents become separated. Emme and Josh now live with their mother in New Zeland while Becca and Maddie live in London with their father.

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