Emily White

Emily White



Basic Information

Full name: Emily White
Birth date: 6 July
Current Age: 9 years

What I look like:

Basic Appearance: Emily is a type of girl who wears whatever she feels comfortable in, She likes to wear light soft cloths in the summer with a few accessories and in the winter, she wears jeans, a warm jacket, a beanie and a scarf to keep her warm. She doesn’t wear a lot of make up only because she has natural skin, she only wears some lip-gloss and foundation simple yet elegant.

Who I live with:

Parents: Josephine White (Mother) Benjamin White (Father)
Siblings, if any: 1 younger sister (Stacy White) 1 older brother (Jack White)

Where I live:

Area of Residence: Auckland, New Zealand

Extra Known Info:

Pets, if any: 1 black cat (Sprinkles)
Blood status: Half blood


What would their Patronus be?: A kitten
What would their Boggart be?: A Giant snake
What would their Animagus form be?: A White Siberian tiger cub
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?: I would be singing infront of people and having my mother and father and both siblings so proud of me for achieving this goal of mine
What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
The day I met my very first friend.

My Thoughts:

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear diary:
One day I hope my family will accept what I’d love to do (through magic and possibly singing) I hope whatever I decide to do with my life and my goals they’ll be supportive and They’ll help me no matter what. All I ever wanted was to do singing and magic as my hobby, Singing is something I’d love to get better at. Ugh jack and Stacy are no help at all. They’re mean horrible people they make fun of me all the time. Well Jack does Stacy just acts like she’s a know it all and she is the leader and thinks she’s better then me. She’s very immature as well even though she is younger but still! Jack? I don’t know whats gotten into him, a while ago he and I were like best friends but sadly he’s become a meanie and started picking on me, and “dobbing” me into mum (mom) and dad. It isn’t fair. As for the social stuff? Eh I rather not get into it, its basically same thing at home. Barely any friends, people picking on me for stupid reasons. All I ever wanted is to do well in school, be good at singing and magic and have my parents supporting me no matter what. I guess I can’t really blame them though they have other things to worry about.

Thats all for now I guess until next time
~xoxo Emily
Hey Emily. You look like you have a great character here so far. So let's see if I can't help a bit more. Feel free to answer IC or OOC, your choice ^_^

Would you describe Emily's overall appearance as tom-boy or glammie?
What are your parents like? (5 words to describe each/blood/age/occupation etc)
What ages are your siblings?
What are they like? (5 adjectives etc)
Patronus: Why a kitten?
Boggart: Why a giant snake?
Animagus: Why a White Siberian tiger cub
What type of songs does Emily like to sing?
Does she perform a lot?
Would she like to be a professional singer when she grows up? If not, what then?
Is her family normally not proud of her?
Does Emily not make many friends?
Does she still keep in contact with her first friend?
Why does she feel people make fun of her/pick on her?

That's all for now. I'll see if I have anymore after you are done with these :)
Hello, very interesting questions, I answered them truthfully and hopefully they’ll answer your questions.

Would you describe Emily's overall appearance as tom-boy or glammie?

Well Emily isn’t quite the girly girl you would see nor is she a tom-boy she likes something’s as girls do, and with that in mind she pretty much doesn’t like to do all girly things and sometimes do guy things so she’s basically in the middle of a tom-boy and glammie. Though she is very pretty but not attractive pretty just simple and elegant.

What are your parents like? (5 words to describe each/blood/age/occupation etc)

Her mother is a pure blood and is age 40 her occupation is a small antique shop that Emily meets afterwards with her younger sister and older brother.
Her father is a half-blood, his age is unknown and he works at the train station.

What ages are your siblings?

The ages of Stacy is 7 and the age of her brother Jack is 16

What are they like? (5 adjectives etc)

Stacy isn’t very nice at all, You’d like to think of her as the mean one but gets attention from nearly everyone except those who hate her.
Her brother Jack used to be Emily’s favourite sibling only because when they’re younger they use to be best friends but until jack was older he used to not care anymore and rather hang out with his friends.

Patronus: Why a kitten?

Because when she was younger she met this one friend and she had a smile on her face that shines brighter then ever, and she was so happy that she found someone to share everything.

Boggart: Why a giant snake?

Because when Emily was younger she went to the forest to look for some food to help cook her dinner but as she was walking further she saw something in the distance and so she stopped and as she stopped the Snake came and tried to attack her, but as soon as she screamed her father came to the rescue and saved her.

Animagus: Why a White Siberian tiger cub

Emily feels that the white Siberian tiger cub can become strong and when she needs help the Siberian tiger can come and help her without getting into trouble or anything.

What type of songs does Emily like to sing?

The songs that she likes to sing are the songs of her own, She also likes to sing songs with a meaning.

Does she perform a lot?

She only performs on special occasion such as birthdays and Christmas ect.
But she rarely does it.

Would she like to be a professional singer when she grows up? If not, what then?

She would like to however for now she just like to have it as a hobby until she gets better. But if she can’t then she’d rather be a cook and also like to help people when she’s older.

Is her family normally not proud of her?

It depends, her family likes Emily to do magic then sing and they like her to be successful in schooling and be smart so she can go to college.

Does Emily not make many friends?

No she doesn’t. Not many at all. She used to have this one best friend
But she left and ever since then she felt lonely.

Does she still keep in contact with her first friend?

She used to, and still does. But her parents doesn’t want her to keep in contact because they think her friend was a big influence on her.

Why does she feel people make fun of her/pick on her?

She feels that people make fun of her because of what she does and isn’t like the other kids like she isn’t the same as them and she feels that she is weak because of that.

Thank you for having nice questions.

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