Emily Hayes-Magonus

Emily Hayes-Magonus

Well-Known Member
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Laurel Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

Don't tell me not to live, just sit and putter
Life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter
Full Name: Emily Jayne Hayes-Magonus
Pronunciation: Eh - mEh - LEE; j - Aye - n; h - Ahy - z; M ah g oh n uh s
Nicknames: Emi, Em
Name Origins: French, Latin, German; Sanscrit, Hebrew ; American, English; Russian, Polish
Date of Birth: Seventeenth of July, 2025
Current Age: Currently fourteen</FONT>
Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade
Don't tell me not to fly, I simply got to

Basic Appearance: Emily is about average height for a girl of her age and heritage, though she weighs slightly more then average, she is not noticeably big. She has dull blue eyes that she hates because she feels like they have no depth or character to them. She has slightly wavy blonde hair that she gets from her father's side of the family regardless of the fact that her mother is blonde. Her skin is slightly tanned from her days of being outside and playing quidditch, it is barely noticeable, though she too gets this from her mother's side of the family. She has a decent complexion thankfully and is not prone to pimples or blemishes thanks to her father's skin.

Personality: Emily is most often described as kind and caring and a delight to be around. However she can also have a tendency to be mean when she is upset and tends to point out peoples flaws specifically to hurt them. Most often however she is little miss sunshine and enjoys being around people, she is not a solitary sole in the least, she needs to socialise and have people around her in any sort of capacity. However she can pouch people away because she can't keep secrets very well and tends to tattle on people, though she's not done so in a while. Being an intelligent child, she can become bored easily and finds ways of distracting herself that may be annoying to others, though she does try to be either inclusive or quiet, not that it always works. Emily can also have a tendency to be emotional about the smallest things. Her mood shifts quickly and frequently. Never-the-less Emily is quick to make friends, but also quick to lose them, though she tries really hard, she can be hard to deal with when she is in one of her moods. However she is very playful and likes all sorts of games, especially quidditch. Cooking or baking is also a great pastime for her and she really enjoys it.

Family: Emily's family is quite large and consists of her parents, brother, cousins and others.
Father: Jasper Magonus | Unspeakable
Paternal Uncle: Yossarian Magonus | Archaeologist
1st Cousin: Nicodemus Magonus | Hogwarts New Zealand; Gryffindor
Mother: Abbigale Hayes | Professor
Brother: Nathanial Hayes-Magonus | Hogwarts New Zealand; Gryffindor
Maternal Aunt: Allyanna Hayes | Heiress
1st Cousin: Paisley Hayes-Smith | Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor
Maternal Uncle: Austiin Hayes | Photographer
-- Aunt: Celeste Hayes
1st Cousin: Sawyer Hayes
1st Cousin: Svetlana Altukhova | Graduated from Beauxbatons
1st Cousin-once-removed: Nikolay Altukhova
1st Cousin: Imogen Nightingale | Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw
1st Cousin: Tomas Hayes | Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
1st Cousin: Ellington Hayes | Hogwarts New Zealand; Gryffindor
1st Cousin: Keye Hayes | Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff
1st Cousin: Leander Hayes | Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
1st Cousin: Ruben Hayes
1st Cousin: Clara Hayes
1st Cousin: Oliver Mckenna
1st Cousin: Winter Mckenna
Maternal Aunt: Aaleighya Hayes | Deceased
Maternal Uncle: Anthoney Hayes | Shop Keeper
1st Cousin: Lilliana Hayes | Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff
-- Aunt: Karen Andrews | Muggle School Teacher
Maternal Aunt: Aemleigh Hayes | Dancer
Maternal Uncle: Alistaire Hayes | Hit Wizard
Maternal Aunt: Alodiah Lancaster
Maternal Uncle: Alfryd Hayes | Manager
Godfather: Speed Stark | Professor
Godmother: Stephanie Stark | Childcare Worker</SIZE></SIZE>
If someone takes a spill, it's me and not you
Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade

Pets: A Flubberworm named Barnaby (A Gift from Speed)
School: Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Mixedblood (pending)
Heritage: American/Russian
Interests or Hobbies: Reading, Watching the Flubberworm, Playing with dolls, Music, Cooking
Strengths: Emily is really good at being there for people and makes friends easily.
Weaknesses: She can be a little tough to handle and quite annoying.</SIZE></SIZE>
I'll march my band out, I'll beat my drum
</i>And if I'm fanned out, your turn at bat, sir

Describe your character in five words: Kind, Insecure, Playful, Sweet, Helpful
Best school subjects: --
Worst school subjects: --
Current Job: Student
Plans for the future: Unsure - Maybe something to do with food.
Patronus: Unknown
Patronus memory: Unknown
Boggart: Snakes
Animagus: Unknown

<COLOR color="#000">At least I didn't fake it, hat, sir
</i>I guess I didn't make it
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Don't rain on my parade" by Barbara Streisand.​

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