Emilia Zhefarovich

Full Name: Emilia Zhefarovich
Date of Birth: 28/02/2048
Current Age: 11
Basic Appearance: Emmy has thick, brown hair, with almond shaped, brown eyes. She is average height and build for her age.
Personality: Emmy is the daughter of Clara (Antolini) and Elijah Zhefarovich who have doted on Emmy, so she is well loved! She is pretty confident and has no problem getting along with people and making friends, but her parents have also taught her the value of kindness, so she will always go out of her way to help people and make sure her friends know they are loved. Emmy is generally pretty patient with people - unless it comes to something that she is very passionate about. When it comes to bullying and meanness, she has little tolerance.
Family: Elijah Zhefarovich; father, wizard. Clara Zhefarovich; mother, witch. Nikolai Zhefarovich; (older) brother, wizard; Durmstrang.
Pets: Owl
Area of Residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Emmy's mother's grandparents are from Italy.Emmy's father's family has heritage from Romania but predominantly Bulgaria.
Interests or Hobbies: Emmy loves hanging out with friends - even if they're doing nothing, she's happy to just chill with them. Bird watching is one of her favorite things. Emmy also enjoys having deep conversations and debates.
Strengths: Emmy is very loyal to her friends and family, and has a strong sense of responsibility to them. She will always give them the benefit of the doubt.Emmy is very sensitive and kind to those around her, and will always try to make sure that everyone around her is happy and comfortable. She doesn't have a problem striking up a conversation with someone. Although she loves deep conversations, small talk doesn't bother her.
Weaknesses:- Although sensitivity is her strength, it also comes as a weakness. It makes her vulnerable to criticism and defensive, especially if it comes from someone she is close to.
Emmy can also be too needy with her friends, as she needs reassurance and appreciation from her them. She will often go above and beyond for the people around her which can lead to burn out and Emmy not taking care of herself.
Describe your character in three words: Sensitive. Kind. Reliable.
Favourite place to be: Anywhere with friends! Otherwise, anywhere with birds and/or other animals!
Friends: Eluned Strangewayes. Benicio Matos.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Emmy doesn't really have much of a plan, but she would love to make lots of friends, but some really good friends too. She wants to become good at magic, but she's unsure what kind of magic too. She also can't wait to meet the creatures and animals.
Best school subjects:-
Worst school subjects:-
Extracurricular Activities:-
Graduation: Y49
Current Job: Student
Plans for your future:
Your Patronus: Dolphin; Researchers found that dolphins have personality traits related to curiosity and sociability, specifically Openness and a personality trait that is a blend of Extraversion/Agreeableness.
Your Patronus memory: When her parents took her to a bird sanctuary, and she had a NZ Falcon fly and sit on her arm (with the trainer of course).
Your Boggart: A big, dark, crashing wave coming towards her. I envision it to be just a slice of ocean, so obviously it doesn't fill the whole room, but yes. Water.
Your Animagus: Dog; Fiercely loyal, you will defend and protect your friends until the very end. When danger arises — and it always does — you leap into the fray with great courage,
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