Emergency! please evacuate the grounds!

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Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
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Disaster at Hogwarts!

I know a lot of us here always love a bit of Drama, throwing some conflict into the mix of the everyday lives on HNZ, I was thinking, since we don't have a Mr Voldy running around to cause some problems, why not have something disastrously Natural.

Now of course I don't want to make light on the devastation of Natural disasters of course, but it is known that Natural disasters do occur and HNZ is well over due for one.
Going through the lists of possible Disasters that is likely to hit HNZ I believe an Earthquake is the most acceptable disaster to hit, doesn't have to be a Major event, but still enough to strike fear into people and possibly cause some damage, few bricks fall out here and there, the greenhouse collapses or something like that :D
Could be done in OSW or not, I just thought it'd be interesting to see how Magical students deal with something completely non Magical, some may think it's a troll or something stomping around it'd be funny interesting to see their reactions. and of course the RP's to come from it, the Professors could really get some RP action as well trying to gather the groups of students who are freaking out Get all students to evacuate the castle and meet on the grounds etc.

Hi Ash,

Thanks for your suggestion. This is a cool idea, and we're keen to have it go ahead. At the moment, however, both Cyndi and I (and the site) are quite busy, and as it's a site wide plot, we'd like a bit of planning to go into it. So, once things calm down, one of us will hit you up and we can talk about it.

All my best,
There's just been a real earthquake there. I don't know the details, or if anyone was hurt, but would this come across insensitive so soon? I like the sound of the roleplays that could come from it- it could involve people outside of Hogwarts, too. (I hope it's ok to post here- I'm not really sure if I was allowed to).
As Donna mentioned, it won't be happening soon. The school has a lot going on at the moment, and we'd like focus to remain on those areas. And, it may not even be an earthquake. Your concern is one of the details we'll discuss as we plan this, when we plan this.
I did say I don't want to make light on natural disasters, but it is an inevitable event that will happen around the world, in many forms.

Awesome! I look forward to discussing this plot with you guys :D

Also additionally, We could probably do a vote on the type of disaster and majority wins

Also I don't want this next part to come across as an attack in anyway, but for example, if someone knew someone who drowned and then Avie's post about Avie dying by drowning upset them, we couldn't really remove the request, someone may always be offended or upset by certain plots, so if a Majority and the Admins think it's a good idea, It'd go forward
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