- Messages
- 133
- OOC First Name
- Clairey
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Sexual Orientation
- Homosexual
- Age
- (05/2048) 15
E L U N E D - A N N E - S T R A N G E W A Y E S
we resent the intent of the few // who do conspire to acquire what's our due
if you don't know your rights and defend // the only road you'll go is that hard road, my friend
we resent the intent of the few // who do conspire to acquire what's our due
if you don't know your rights and defend // the only road you'll go is that hard road, my friend
Full Name:
Eluned Anne Strangewayes
Eluned was named after a famous Welsh witch from the 18th century, known for her charity work aimed at supporting those suffering the long-lasting effects of dark curses.
Anne was her mother's middle name.
The surname Strangewayes originates from Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain.
Date of Birth:
19th May 2048
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Ned is a small, skinny girl, short for her age, with mousy brown hair and pale, almost translucent skin. She has an angular face with large blue eyes and a small upturned nose. Typically, she wears mis-matched clothes purchased from charity shops and has an eclectic wardrobe, changing her style to suit her mood.
The first thing people tend to notice about Eluned is her energy. Chaotic and curious, she bounces from one activity to the next with little need for rest. She thrives on novelty, rarely spending too long in one place and constantly seeking out new things to do, see, and try.
Ned was raised by her brother, Mervyn, who nurtured her unusual interests, encouraged her to be out spoken, and treated her more like a sibling than his ward. Consequently, Ned has very few insecurities, demands to be heard, and is rarely intimated by adults. She has little regard for the thoughts, feelings, and needs of those around her, though she will tend to treat her elders with at least basic respect.
Topics which make others uncomfortable - politics, conspiracy theories, death - are to Ned among the most interesting. The more controversial the subject, the more engaged she will be. Like her brother, she finds satisfaction in pushing boundaries and bringing about positive change to her environment, and she is not afraid to use morally dubious methods to achieve her goals.
Mother - Ned was too young to remember her.
Father - Ned was too young to remember him.
Brother - Mervyn Strangewayes, 18th May 2033, radio broadcaster. Mervyn adopted Eluned when she was four.
Sister-in-law - Leda Layton, 29th February 2033, editor of the Upturned Lion newspaper.
Ned doesn't have any pets. She would like a puppy, but if she had to look after an animal entirely by herself she would probably become resentful of it and/or forget to feed it.
Area of Residence:
Eluned lives on the outskirts of Obsidian Harbour, within walking distance of the village.
Blood Status:
Mixed blood.
Eluned's family are Welsh, though she has lived in New Zealand her entire life. As her brother has an English (Cockney) accent, this often slips into her own speaking as well.
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Collecting bones, potions/chemistry (AKA making things explode), flying, filmmaking, sewing. Her favourite music is swing music.
Additional Skills:
Eluned has been flying since she was seven years old and is confident on a broom. She can also sing in tune, play the piano, and fit into improbably small spaces.
Confidence, curiosity, perseverance, loyalty, self-discipline, adaptability.
Arrogance, stubbornness, audacity, thoughtlessness, forgetfulness, boredom.
Describe your character in three words:
Chaotic, curious, amoral.
Favourite place to be:
Since Eluned enjoys novelty, her favourite place to be is always changing. One thing will remain constant: she loves to be with her friends and family.
Amortentia Layton-King
Amortentia, Ten for short, is Eluned's best friend, niece, and partner-in-crime. The two do everything they can together, and though the two can often be found bickering, they love each other like sisters.
Felix Layton-KingFelix is Ten's little brother. Ned would hesitate to call him a friend - he's an annoying little rugrat, after all - but since he's family, she does love him deep down.
Wendall LaytonLeda's cousin Wendall lived with Eluned for several years. Ned thinks of him as a friend, and pesters him to play with her and/or assist her with her schemes whenever he visits.
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Ned has heard many tales of her brother and sister-in-law's adventures at Hogwarts, and can't wait to recreate them. She won't be satisfied if she graduates without having an impact on the school some way, be it social or academic. She also intends to join the Quidditch team, the Student Defence Association, and the Wild Patch Club.
Best school subjects:
The subjects which appeal most to Ned are Potions, Flying, Herbology, Charms, and Defence Against the Dark Arts. They are all very practical and/or involve a little danger.
Worst school subjects:
The subjects that appeal to Ned least are History of Magic and Astronomy. She suspects she will be sitting around a lot and reading - two of her least favourite activities.
Extracurricular Activities:
Current Job:
First year student.
Plans for your future:
Ned isn't sure yet what she wants to do when she's older, but she can't see herself working a 9-5 desk job. Ideally, she'd combine her interests into a job where no two days are alike.
Your Patronus:
Shark - They are the most feared fish in the ocean and have diversified into over 500 species (two of which can also survive and be found in rivers). People who have this Patronus are known for excelling in business environments, being leaders, and sometimes being a bit intimidating. Also, they tend to have good skin and a great set of teeth. (Source)
Your Patronus memory:
Playing on the beach with Ten on a warm summer's day, burying her brother in sand, and finding a beautiful fossil.
Your Boggart:
A swarm of angry bees.
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
In the Mirror of Erised, Ned would see herself as an adult, looking confident and beautiful.