Elliott Woods

Elliott Woods

Well-Known Member
The Basics
Character's Name:Elliott Achilles Woods
Character's Birthdate:September 25, 2002
Hometown:Ontario, Canada
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand:(All the information on it you can provide)
Educated At: Salem
Occupation:St.Mungos Healer
Hair:Short military crew cut hair style, faded at the side
Eyes:Ocean blue eyes (like his mom) with a glint of faded gray
Style:Casual wears, mostly in windbreakers, denim faded jeans,
Other Distinguishing Features:None, though he has facial twitch.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Elliott can be spiteful when you first meet him, or he can take an instant like in a person. He very liked by those who know him, he gives that vibe that he doesn’t really care when he really does. His mom would refer him as Achilles, the untouchable child. Meaning nobody ever cross the line to mess with him, when they did…well you could say hell broke loose. Only a few times did he get into scrabble with a few kids while growing up in Ontario. Besides that Elliott was a good kid, and remains to be till this day.
Special Talents/Abilities:
History: Unlike Link, Elliot was born in a healthy environment. Even without his father around, his half blood mother Shaila was capable of raising Elliott by herself, but after Elliott had aged (5 years old) Shaila remarried. At first like any normal child, Elliott disagrees with the new change and increase in the household. He did everything in his abilities to try and eliminate his step-father from his mom. (Home alone meets are we there yet?) This battle had gone on till Elliott was about ten years old. He recalled a memory, when he tried to pick a fight like any boy whose ego was way out of control, but it took another friend household to finally realize Nathaniel Brooks, was right for his mother. Basically he witness his friends mother get beaten nearly to death one time, something Elliott would never do to a woman, even if she was the most trifling woman in the world, he could never seem himself ever laying a hand across them. He vowed to never break those promises, which lead him to be the most accomplish student in Salem.
Not really accomplish, and successful in his first few years in Salem. He was struggling to understand magic at first, even if Shaila did used magic in the household. He still wasn’t getting it well as his other pupils, which lead him to wonder around the muggel parts of Salem. His relationship with other students weren’t as strong, as his relationship with muggels. For some reason he felt more comfortable around them. He had a few short relationship with witches in Salem, they didn’t last long, it was only when he met Elizabeth did he fall in love with her in his seventh year at Salem. A muggelborn from Boston, that ended up being the girl he asks to marry. Though Elizabeth shared a secret that she never reveals to Elliott, she had leukemia, and no amount of magic was able to cure her, she didn’t want to be cure even if it was possible. It was in their 3rd year of marriage, when Elliot and Elizabeth have moved to New Zealand, and she was pregnant with their first child. That’s when tragedy happen, Elizabeth never told Elliott of the leukemia because of her strong beliefs when complication occurred. While in labour Elizabeth was losing a lot of blood, Elliott was confused but stayed by her side no matter what. Three days later Elizabeth had died and Shaila Elizabeth Woods was born July 12th 2023, now a year later Elliott has become a bit spiteful and blame himself for what happen to his wife, even after discovering the truth, but then he wonders if he regrets his daughter. How could he though, she meant everything to him
Family: Shaila Brooks- Half Blood, retired St. Mungos Nurse ex-Healer, currently in Canada Nathaniel Brooks (step-father),ex-head St.Mungos Healer (retired), in Canada
Shaila Elizabeth Woods (daughter)- Elliott daughter, 1 year old blonde headed princess, daddy little princess
Link Woods- Unknown brother
Worst Fears: To lose his daughter to leukemia, Nathaniel harming his mother Shaila, To never love again...

Additional: Elliott was married on February 14, 2025. A set up wedding had occurred. So now he has two more family members.


Rosie (King)Woods and Carmina Woods

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