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I'm not very good at this but ill give it a go and if you have any questions I will try to answer them as best I can.
Full Name: Elliot Antionette Thunders
Nick names: El, Leo, Riot, Thunder, Physhk
Birth Date: 5th may 2010
Current Age: 11
Basic Appearance: longish dark brown hair, bright green eyes, lightish tanned skin tone, about 4ft 6, slim
Parents: Kia Thunders (mother) Jayne Thunders (father)
Siblings, if any: baby brother and sister(twins) called Alistair and Callie
Pets, if any: a grey kitten called Snuff and a gecko called Jeff
Area of Residence: New Zealand
Blood status: Mixed
(If your character is a sorted student
Hogwarts House (And why): isn't sorted and doesn't mind which house she ends up in but thinks she would be best suited for Gryffindor
Best school subjects (And why): ~
Worst school subjects (And why): ~
What would their Patronus be? A wolf
What would their Boggart be? Needle
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Again a wolf
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? all her family together with her little brother perfectly healthy
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day the twins got home soon after being born... before Alistair became extremely ill
Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
I cant wait to go to Hogwarts next year. It should be great as long as I pay attention on the moving stair cases. I feel a bit bad though because I'll be leaving the twins. What if Ali doesn't get better by then and I wont be able to see him until the holidays?
What if his condition gets worse? I couldn't bear it if we lost him. ;'( It's bad enough as it is with him being in intensive care....
Mum's been really bad, she isn't coping well with it. At least Callie is totally oblivious to what's going on. Mum and Dad are almost smothering her with the amount of care and attention she's getting. Dad is being the optimist in the family, acting as if the fact Ali might die is just everyone else's imagination, a dream.
Full Name: Elliot Antionette Thunders
Nick names: El, Leo, Riot, Thunder, Physhk
Birth Date: 5th may 2010
Current Age: 11
Basic Appearance: longish dark brown hair, bright green eyes, lightish tanned skin tone, about 4ft 6, slim
Parents: Kia Thunders (mother) Jayne Thunders (father)
Siblings, if any: baby brother and sister(twins) called Alistair and Callie
Pets, if any: a grey kitten called Snuff and a gecko called Jeff
Area of Residence: New Zealand
Blood status: Mixed
(If your character is a sorted student

Hogwarts House (And why): isn't sorted and doesn't mind which house she ends up in but thinks she would be best suited for Gryffindor
Best school subjects (And why): ~
Worst school subjects (And why): ~
What would their Patronus be? A wolf
What would their Boggart be? Needle
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Again a wolf
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? all her family together with her little brother perfectly healthy
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day the twins got home soon after being born... before Alistair became extremely ill
Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
I cant wait to go to Hogwarts next year. It should be great as long as I pay attention on the moving stair cases. I feel a bit bad though because I'll be leaving the twins. What if Ali doesn't get better by then and I wont be able to see him until the holidays?
What if his condition gets worse? I couldn't bear it if we lost him. ;'( It's bad enough as it is with him being in intensive care....
Mum's been really bad, she isn't coping well with it. At least Callie is totally oblivious to what's going on. Mum and Dad are almost smothering her with the amount of care and attention she's getting. Dad is being the optimist in the family, acting as if the fact Ali might die is just everyone else's imagination, a dream.