Elliot Keanu Roscoe

Elliot Roscoe

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
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back at school they all thought i was an outcast car crash a hopeless fool they said to
me and my girlfriend said i messed up will i ever grow up? in the end i'm not gonna

In Greek the meaning of the name Elliot is: The Greek form of the Hebrew Elijah, meaning Jehovah is God. People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony. Elliot is predominantly an English surname, although variations are used as a first name. His parents named him Elliot, after one of his father's favorite musicians in Hawaii. They wanted their son to be successful and considerate, and musically oriented like his namesake.
There is much debate about the meaning of Keanu, some arguing the English translation is "cool breeze", and others arguing it translates as "mountain air". Both are very similar, however and can therefore be classified together. Keanu is of Hawaiian Origin. His parents chose this middle name to name him after his great grandfather on his mother's side, who passed away shortly before Elliot was born. They chose this name to keep it in the family in some way, and to also keep the family's Hawaiian heritage prominent.
The name Roscoe is a Norse baby name that has been varied throughout history as a surname. In Norse the meaning of the name Roscoe is: From the deer forest. People with this name have a deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achieve status, power and wealth. The name derives from the Old Norse elements "ra" a roebuck plus "scogr" a copse or thicket. The surname is first recorded in the latter half of the 13th Century. In the modern idiom the surname appears as Roscow and Roscoe. This surname has been predominantly Australian for a while now, and belongs to Elliot's father's side of the family.
Elliot was born in a muggle hospital in Sydney, Australia on July 30, 2017. The birth went relatively well and without complications and Elliot was very healthy. He is currently 20 years old.
Elliot currently lives in Sydney, Australia in an apartment he recently moved into. He previously lived with his parents and two sisters, in their average sized middle class home that was situated within neighborhood that was a short walk from a sandy beach. Elliot’s apartment is close to his childhood home because although he has now moved out and is financially independent he wants to remain close to the beach and his family.
Konani and Denzil Roscoe. Konani, his mother was born and raised in Hawaii, whereas his father Denzil was born and raised in Australia with his Polynesian family. They are both muggles, and have muggle careers. His mother recently took a job as a chef in a beach-side restaurant and works most nights, and his father has been a car salesman for the past twenty years. They are both kind, hardworking people who love their family very much.
Kiana and Leilani Roscoe. Kiana being the eldest of the siblings. Kiana is 25 and Leilani is 12. Elliot has a typical sibling relationship with the two of them; they often bickered and got in to fights over the smallest things, however as they have all grown older they have also grown apart and Elliot no longer speaks to them much unless he absolutely needs to. He isn't particularly close with his sisters anymore, although he still cares for them and wants to protect them from harm.
Elliot has a basic primary and secondary muggle education from public schools. His high school grades were slightly above average though that does not mean anything in the bigger picture because Elliot has no intention to go to university or study in any way after high school. He does not have any tertiary qualifications and again, does not intend to achieve any. Elliot is entirely happy working two jobs and doing what he loves instead of forcing himself to study towards a degree he has no interest in.
Elliot currently has two jobs, one as a store clerk at a surf shop, which sells clothes, shoes and sunglasses as well as surfboards and other various beach supplies. Elliot's second job is to teach children how to surf. He teaches group classes between 10 and 11 on Saturday mornings on the beach near his apartment, and also teaches students individually during a time of their choice. Elliot has enough money saved and is currently making enough money to live comfortably on his own.
Both of Elliot's parents are muggles, and so are his grandparents and great grandparents. Henceforth, Elliot is entirely muggle and has no knowledge of magic or the magical world.

what was i thinking? everyone sees it, it's not a secret that i'm just a reject, sick
of the system, don't wanna hear it. it's not a secret that i'm just a reject - - - - - -

185 centimeters (6 feet 1 inch). Elliot is considered tall and he is proud of that. As he was younger, his height was a slight issue as he towered over his peers although now that he has somewhat grown into his height he is very proud to be tall. He often uses his height to his advantage because he sees it as an advantage.
72 kilograms (158 pounds). He is of a healthy weight for his height, as he eats a lot of food and exercises regularly. Because he spends a lot of his spare time being active and has been active from a young age, his body has always been somewhat muscular and toned though he does not put in effort to look toned or build muscle. He doesn't care if he is toned or not, it is merely a result of his involvement with sports and activity.
Elliot doesn't particularly have a sense of fashion. He mostly dresses for comfort unless he is dressing up for a formal occasion (which happens rarely). So he usually wears t-shirts, loose tanks, flannel shirts and hoodies, pairing them with denim shorts or skinny jeans. He almost always wears converse and other various sneakers when he's not on the beach, and when he is on the beach either wears flip flops or goes barefoot. A few of his t-shirts are unkempt, meaning they are ripped or have holes because he doesn't have the heart to throw them away. Overall his everyday style is extremely casual and carefree, mostly due to the fact Elliot always wants to be comfortable no matter the situation. On the very rare (almost nonexistent) occasions he needs to dress up, his day to day casual style usually shines through. The only real difference between his formal style and every day style, is it is neater. He will usually wear skinny jeans and converse, and replace his t- shirt for a neat button up when he is supposed to be dressed "formally".
His skin tone is overall tan like his Polynesian father. However, he is the slightest bit darker as he spends a lot of his time outside and in the sun. He doesn't think about his skin tone much, to him it's just a skin tone and he doesn't pay much attention to how his skin looks, if he pays any attention at all.
He has oily to combination skin, however is not prone to blemishes. While he was in high school he had issues with acne, but how that he has finished high school and grown out of puberty he no longer has to worry about acne. At certain points in the year his skin is very dry because of all the time he spends in the sun. Though he doesn't burn as he takes precautions with sunscreen, his skin does end up rather dry. Apart from applying sunscreen, he does nothing in regards to skin care.
Like his mother, father and most of his siblings an extended family, his hair is almost completely black. Depending on the lighting and the seasons his hair can look quite brown as spending a lot of time on the beach and in the sun his hair lightens a little. Though apart from during summer, his hair is jet black. His hair has also never bee dyed and he never intends to dye his hair.
Elliot's hair is shorter at the sides and back, and longer in the front. He doesn't put in much effort to style his hair and unless he is going somewhere formal, then he uses a comb and gel to neaten his hair. But otherwise, he keeps his hair the same way as it was when he woke up, occasionally brushing it away from his eyes so he can see properly.
Because of his heritage, his hair is naturally very thick. Part of the reason he doesn't style his hair, is because it has an unrelenting thickness that takes a long time to straighten out. He keeps his hair short however, as it is easier to manage and doesn't get in the way. He is very prompt when he gets his hair cut so it doesn't grow unmanageably long or curly. That is one of the main reasons he keeps his hair short, because it stays straight without much effort, when it grows longer it turns into a thick, untamable, curly mess.
His eyes are very dark brown to the point they almost look black. Elliot often jokes that he looks like a cartoon character because his eyes resemble cartoon eyes, due to his irises appearing very similar to black in many lights. Of course, from his Mother's Hawaiian heritage and his father's Polynesian Heritage they are just brown.
Elliot has no piercings, and he never intends to get a piercing. He doesn't see the point of sticking a piece of metal through part of your body, though he doesn't judge people that do have piercings.
Elliot has a tattoo of a bird on his forearm, with the word "Mali-koa" printed underneath, and a tattoo of a native American chief wearing a headdress on his upper arm, slightly above the bird. Picture. He got these tattoos with his high school friends shortly after graduation. They have no particular meaning, he just thought they looked cool and wanted to get a tattoo because his friends were also getting tattoos. He doesn't regret his tattoos, as although they have no special meaning behind them, they represent fun memories with his friends.
He has a few tiny scars on his knees and ankles that he obtained when he used to play soccer and forgot to wear shin guards. On multiple occasions, other player's shoes dug into his ankles and damaged the skin badly. Now they're small scars.

my teacher said, i was mentally disabled, so unstable. so i'd stay in bed all day.
save your breath, you can talk at me but i'm not listening - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In regards to gender orientation, Elliot was born as a male, and identifies as a male. He has never put much thought into his gender orientation and doesn’t view it as important, though he has no problem with people who do view gender as important and he generally keeps an open and accepting mindset. In regards to sexual orientation, as far as Elliot is concerned he is heterosexual and also heteromantic. He is only sexually attracted to women, and is also only romantically attracted to women. Not once has he been attracted to a male, romantically or otherwise and he doesn't think he ever will be, though he is of course accepting of anyone with any sexuality or gender orientation.
Elliot doesn't have many specific turn ons, although he is very attracted to women who are confident in their own skin. He prefers girls that are natural and are completely comfortable wearing lazy clothing and no make up most of the day. He has no issues with women who wear makeup, though. What he loves most is the kind of girl that's relaxed enough not to worry about wearing makeup or looking perfect all the time. Apart from this, his turn ons or general attraction to women doesn't show a particular pattern, and he cannot say what kind of person he is attracted to or if he will be attracted to anyone until he meets them in person.
Elliot is completely single and has been for nearly two years now now, and wants to stay that way. He is happy to focus on work, saving money and having fun with friends so in no way is he interested in a relationship at this time.
Elliot had his first kiss at the age of 16, to his girlfriend at the time. They were sitting on a bench after school, talking about their days and waiting for their parents to pick them up from school when it happened. It was awkward, as Elliot had no idea how to kiss, but he doesn't regret the action at all and thinks of the memory fondly.
Elliot lost his virginity to the same girl whom he shared his first kiss. They had been boyfriend and girlfriend for about 6 months when it happened, and although it was awkward much like their first kiss, Elliot doesn't regret it and is glad to have been intimate with somebody he trusted and cared for very much.
Very obviously, Elliot is interested in anything to do with sports and the outdoors. He is a surfer and practices very often, and due to this he is skilled enough to teach others. Because he has been surfing since his early teenage years and currently works at a surf supply store, he considers himself to be knowledgeable in regards to surfing, though he doesn't consider himself to be an expert. In the past his friends have asked him to become a professional surfer, but he often dismisses the idea because he cannot handle the stress accompanied with professional surfing. In addition to surfing, he enjoys all kinds of sport and will happily try his hand at anything to see what it's like. During high school he played soccer and rugby and thoroughly enjoyed them but now he rarely watches or plays team sports recreationally.
He can skateboard, but only knows the basics and has chosen not to learn any tricks, simply because he only uses his skateboard as a means to travel between places that would otherwise take a long walk to reach.
Besides using Hawaiian names within his family circle, the only language Elliot knows is English. He does not know any other languages and never intends to learn any languages, because he simply doesn't see the point of learning the language from another country that he probably won't travel to. However, he does find the concept of learning another language interesting and once considered learning how to speak Samoan, though he quickly gave up when he realized how much effort he would need to make in order to speak fluently.
Because Elliot has lived in Australia his entire life, his accent is very obviously Australian. He has been known to put on other accents to confuse strangers but of course his accent is otherwise undenably Australian.

they try to save me, but i'm too far gone. and they called me crazy so i played
along. and you wanna change me, but i'm on my own - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elliot Keanu Roscoe was born at 4 in the morning, on July 30, 2017 to parents Konani and Denzil Roscoe. He was their first child, and therefore received a lot of love and attention from his grandparents and extended family. From a very young age Elliot was active, learning to crawl and walk much faster than he learned to speak. Until he turned 4, Elliot was very much the center of attention in his family and he enjoyed it. When his first sister, Kiana was born however, things changed. As a toddler he had grown up used to soaking up all the love and attention so when a new baby made it's arrival he did not take kindly to it. For the first 6 months after Kiana's birth Elliot hated her, ignored her and often threw tantrums so he could be the center of attention. This phase of attention seeking ended shortly though as at the age of 5 Elliot started his first year of primary school.
As Elliot was an outgoing and active child he quickly made a group of friends and stuck to them like glue. His grades weren't very high, though he excelled in sports and because of this joined a soccer team with his friends. Throughout his years of primary school, Elliot grew to focus more on sports and making friends rather than learning and studying. Although he passed his tests, he passed with the bare minimum. This habit of focusing on sport and not focusing on academics continued through to his time at high school and his skills at playing soccer eventually switched over to rugby and other various team sports. It was also in the beginning of his high school career, at age 12, when he first took up surfing. Elliot had always loved the beach, having living a short walk away from a nearby beach and generally being an outdoorsy person. However the idea of surfing never crossed his mind. He learned from a seventeen year old who also attended his high school, and once he finally got the hang of keeping upright on a surfboard he was addicted to it. Surfing quickly took priority to any of his soccer or rugby responsibilities and shortly after turning 15 Elliot quit the teams. This also caused him to lose most of his friends, as at this point all his friends were made through sport. Between the ages of 15 and 16, Elliot was rather lonely and spite his friendliness and cheerful disposition didn't have any friends. This was the reason he took up a part time job at a surf equipment and clothing store. Eventually his social life changed. Shortly after turning 16 Elliot got his first girlfriend. Her name was Emma and they were paired up in science class. Their partnership in science quickly blossomed into romance and Emma ended up being his high school sweetheart who he shared his first kiss and lost his virginity. However, Emma moved away halfway through their final year of high school and unfortunately they had to break up. The rest of his final year wasn't tragic, however as he got another girlfriend and made a few more friendships. He spent a lot of his spare time with his new girlfriend and group of friends and because of this he barely passed high school, though he did pass and achieve his high school certificate.
Elliot opted not to attend uni or get any form of tertiary education, so immediately after finishing high school he switched to working full time at the surf shop. It was also shortly after his high school graduation that he decided to begin teaching children how to surf, as surfing was something he enjoyed very much and through many hours of practice had become skilled enough to each others. Eventually though, as his group of friends all moved on to uni he was left behind. The relationship he had with his second girlfriend eventually dissolved away and Elliot became single once more. Elliot is currently living with his parents, working 9 till 4 at the surf shop and teaches children and teenagers how to surf on weekends. He is currently saving up for an apartment of his own so he can finally move out of home, and only rarely hears from his high school friends.

the original template and coding is by Teigan, edits to the coding and template are by me
lyrics are from the song rejects by 5 seconds of summer and the image is edited by me


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