Ellie Fury

Ellie Fury

Active Member
OOC First Name



Full name: Ellie Joby Fury
Date of birth: May 15th 2015
Blood status: Unknown
Height: 4"10
Weight: Average
School: Hogwarts
House: Hufflepuff
Resides in: New Zealand

School life

Year: First
Wand: None
Favourite subject: Potions
Worst subject: Herbology
Boggart: Herself in a tank of water
Patronus: A lemur, cute but feisty
Animagus: A lion, strong but tamed


Ellie is almost always hyper. She has a strange habit of bumping into people or causing trouble. When she makes a friend, she's loyal, outgoing and extremely kind, but not many people tend to stick with her because of her crazy attitude towards everything. She brushes off crude remarks like fluff on her cloak, they don't hurt her feelings whatsoever. She's very happy-go-lucky and predicts a bright future for herself, and would like to do a non-magical job when she grows up. She has a strange fear of drowning, though she can sit by the waters edge without a problem.


When Ellie was 2 years old, her dad died in a flying accident. She was the child that stood out most, had the most tantrums and did the crazy things like scribbling on the walls and having an imaginary boyfriend, which she notified everybody about. Ellie did not remember her dad, she was too young and innocent. Ellie just seemed to attract attention.

At this point, Ellie had no idea whatsoever that she would be attending Hogwarts. She had never heard of it before, like most people who didn't know they were witches. At the age of 10, Ellie recieved a letter via an owl which was perched on her windowsill. Quietly, by torch light, she had opened her letter, not understanding a word that it said. But, she did as she was told and was as surprised as everybody else what Hogwarts was like. She had been expecting to go to an ordinary secondry school, but this? Ellie was sure they had the wrong person, she wasn't magical at all.

When sorting came, Ellie was brave and optimistic. She had done a little research, and found out what the houses were like. She didn't like the idea of Slytherin, they were all giving her evil looks for their table anyway. Gryffindor would have been OK, but she didn't feel brave enough. Ravenclaw? No, she wasn't clever. In the end, she was sorted into Hufflepuff, and was very happy with the result.


-To be continued-

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