Ellen Harper

Ellen Harper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12" Essence of Basilisk Fang, Willow
Ellen Harper

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?


Thou art more lovely and more temperate

May 18th

Blood status:
Mixed Blood


Hogwarts House:

Quite unlike the rest of her family, Ellen has quite the snappy personality. Perhaps it is the result from her secret lineage that for now she is unaware of, but her attitude is inconsiderate and spoiled. She is a clever girl, always top of her class and of course a general know it all. Her Professors loved her marks but hated her attitude and considered her a typical Slytherin. She never tried to shake that title and instead embraced it by treating everyone like the dirt on her shoe. Except her family of course. She did grow out of it somewhat after school, but her snappy attitude remains, and her secret contempt for most people is still prominent in her mind.

The result of a one night stand from her bored mother and an unknown man was what caused Ellen to come into the world. It is unknown by all except Leanna Harper of who her true father is. A secret kept for twenty one years and soon to be revealed and ruin the lives of the ones involved. It makes sense of course, for Ellen was the only one in the past few generations to be sorted into Slytherin, for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were the most common houses for the ones in her family. It was a shock to the young girl and most of all her family, but nevertheless they were proud and life continued on.

Ellen had a wonderful childhood. She had always been a daddies girl, and Karl adored his eldest daughter. She got along well with her siblings, and although her attitude exhibited cruelness to others, her family was always unaffected by that. Ellen always felt different from her family, and instead focused on becoming the center of the pack so as to blend in.
Her school career was a successful one, receiving top marks, and hanging out with her own clique of Slytherin girls. She did make friends easily in her house for the ones she befriended had the same personality as her. Birds of a feather.
After her stint in school, she got a random muggle job as a secretary and moved into her own place in England away from her parents, so as to be away from the people she felt different from.
Now she resides in New Zealand working in the Ministry.

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