Elle White

Elle White

Well-Known Member
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Elle White



Elle White
Elle meaning She in French. 
White, a family name that has been altered slightly Through the centuries.

21st June 2013



2nd Year.
Hogwarts New Zealand

I Love it. It's the best school


Most Awesome house that ever existed. It is perfect and I fit perfectly in.

Mixed Blood

As long as the muggle blood isn't too close to me it's fine.

Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

Coming upto 1 year old

This wand is just the perfect wand for hexes, jinxes and curses and it works a treat for doing defensive magic. It's a good wand also for simple and easy tasks, however you will find it's weakness in controlling it's power - Vampiric Blood is known to become very powerful and spells may become to strong, and you won't expect what will come out of it's tip.

Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
More commonly known as CIPA

I can not feel pain, I can not feel hot or cold. I can not cry. I can feel when I need to go to the bathroom

It's difficult to manage, I have to watch at all times. I need to keep an eye on everything. It's hard, but I've grown used to it, and my daddy has helped me a lot.

Happy, but a little annoyed about the complete failure of the dark elites.


Yes, with myself.


Petite build, thin. Not much in the way of curves. But she has very early signs of puberty

Pale complexion, rose cheeks helped along by make up. Soft skin, from use of mosituriser, which her mum taught her to do. To help avoid any dryness that could lead to another condition


Long, below the shoulders.

Deep Blue eyes.

Small scars on her back and front. Very small but visable, hidden by clothes.

Paris Hilton


Elle has long blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. She has fair skin and no freckle. She burns easily in the sun, but if she puts on sunblock develops a golden tan. Elle has long legs, even for 12. She is normally dressed in bright clothing, which makes her look unique. She owns many clothes, her favourites being her skinny jeans, mini skirts and short shorts. She wears heels a lot of the time, but does have a causal look, of sport shorts and trainers, with a normal white t-shirt. Elle stands tall and holds her head high and walks with a sense of pride. Elle knows she is beautiful, and wears a lot more make up than she should to show it.


•To Annoy people
•Make up
•Going Running
•Taking pictures of herself
•Fashionable People
•Wearing a crown
•People in Slytherin
•Being Plastic
•Standing out
•Bold colours
•British accents
•People who compliment her

•Being told what to do
•Non Slytherins
•Unfashionable people
•People who think they are better than her.
•Annoying People
•Creepy Crawlies
•People who assume things about her
•Boring people
•People who think Reading is bad
•Rainy days
•Board games
•Flying on brooms
•Her Brother
•When to attention isn't on her.
•When she doesn't get her own way.
•Dull colours
•Blending in with the crowd

•Plotting against people. 
•Bending the rules. 
•Fooling people into trusting her
•Making herself pretty.

•All manner of creepy crawlies
•Breaking a nail
•Being rejected
•Not being Pretty enough
•People not remembering her

•To Do well in school, with minimal effort
•To be Queen Bee
•Build an "Army" Of loyal subjects
•Find a man
•Have a child
•Have Lots of fun

•Fooling people
•Hurting others
•Ignoring people and rules
•Casting Spells
•Being a Slytherin

•Being trusting
•Knowing who she really is
•Spending too much
•Using her illness as an excuse for things
•Being lazy about classes
•Making and keeping proper friends


Elle White is a self centered, self serving girl, who looks out only for herself. She knows she is beautiful and uses this to try to get her way. Elle is always fooling people into liking her and making them believe that she is there friend. Elle likes to know things, so will try to get secrets out of people. Elle has a slightly nicer side, but that is only for her closest friends and the ones she has to trust, and have to trust her. Elle doesn't try very hard with anything. She doesn't work hard in class, because she feels that it is useless to her as she won't live long enough to really appreciate it. This is why, Elle focuses all her time on looking beautiful and feeling it.

Elle can appear very nice. She uses an innocent and sweet voice to fool people into believing that she is actually a nice and sweet person who cares about others, and was wrongly placed by the Hat. Elle uses this to gain peoples trust and then tends to break it as soon as she knows enough about the person to be able to "attack" as such. Elle however does have this ever impending sense of doom, since she has CIPA, and at any time she could not noticed herself getting hurt. So Elle is often caught checking more than just her make up in the mirror. Elle if in a room with others will mimic them so that she doesn't appear to clearly out of place or so that it is not obvious that Elle doesn't feel hot or cold, or the need to go to the bathroom.


Elle was born on the 21st of June, not crying or anything, just completely silent. At first people thought it was just nice, but soon it became clear that there was in fact something wrong with Elle. She was diagnosed with CIPA three days after she was born. Elle was born into a rich, upper middle class wizarding family. Her dad is a healer who ever since her birth has been inventing ways to make Elle's life easier. Elle didn't understand the condition until she was a lot older. But since her birth has had a few close shaves with death. She has broken, many bones and has scars on some parts of her body. Elle is not put down by these, over the years she had learned to live with it. Elle is very intune with her body, and knows the complete ins and outs of it. Elle has lived in New Zealand all her life, and her heart was always set on attending Hogwarts New Zealand. She knew it would be the school for her as soon as she heard about it. Elle has grown in confidence and has her own fashion style. She doesn't hold back when it comes to people, but she has learned over time to remove herself from a situation if it might affect her.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts Elle was sorted in Slytherin, which really was not the biggest surprise in the world. She knew that she belonged in that house. Elle soon made a group of friends called the Dark Elites, who were meant to rid the world of all things non slytherin, but that has now failed and Elle is now a little disheartened. She had always had problems with it, she just thought it could last a little longer, to give her time to take over. She is closest to Alyss and feels they have the same interest. Elle however had to be taken out of school, near to the end of the last term, as she had a spiking fever that wouldn't go down, and had to go to a muggle hospital. Elle is ready for another year at Hogwarts.
(History. To come)

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