- Messages
- 27
- OOC First Name
- sonali
Full Name:
- Elle Silvertongue
Meaning of Names
-Elle means Honour or Honourable.It is of Latin origins.
-Silvertongue is the last name of her mother.
Date of Birth:
-26th June 2011
Current Age:
-15 years old
Basic Appearance:
- Baby blue eyes
-Fair Complexion
-She has freckles all over her face and hands
-Dark Brown hair, shoulder length, varying textures
-Height 57
-Straight, small nose
-Elle is a very sweet girl. She never loses hope and faith. In her life she has been through the hardest times which threatened to make her unfeeling and cold towards the rest of the world but her heart has always stayed warm and passionate.
-Elle has never known hatred towards anyone and never wishes to feel so, she is kind and gentle and she cant stand violence.
-Elle has never had any friends and she is shy and finds it hard to relate to other people easily unless they approach her first.
Elle has known no family. She was born an orphan and has not discovered any relatives yet.
Her current sole guardian is called Lavender Weiss and she is a Healer
Elle hopes to find out something about her family as soon as she gets settled at school.
- Elle has a black kitten which is the first pet she has ever had. Her name is Jinxy and she has blue eyes.She adopted Jinxy after she went to live with Miss.Weiss.
Area of Residence:
- She was born in an orphanage in a small village of Tipits in the valley of Mt.Pirin of Bulgaria.
-At the age of 8 she was adopted and moved with her guardian to Montana where she was kept against her will.
-After being rescued from her guardian she went to live with her new guardian, Lavender Weiss, in Sofia City.
Blood Status :
- Unknown
Heritage :
- Unknown
Special Abilities:
- None
Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading
Additional Skills:
-She can speak Bulgarian and English.
-She is skilled in doing all sorts of house chores, cooking etc
-Elles biggest strength is her optimistic nature, her tendency to never lose hope and faith no matter how hard times are for her.
-Her biggest weakness is perhaps her inability to identify a false friend which makes it very easy for her to be manipulated by others.
Describe your character in three words:
- Optimistic, weak, passionate
Favourite place to be:
- At her new home, Weiss Mansion
- She has never had any friends of her own age. Her only friend is Ms. Weiss who is also her guardian, mentor and teacher
Hogwarts House:
- N/A
Dumstrang Hopes and Ambitions:
- After completing her education at Dumstrang she has wished to work alongside Ms.Weiss who is a Healer and gain some experience and later become a Healer herself.
Best school subjects:
- Potions
Worst school subjects:
- Astronomy
-History of Magic
-Dark Arts
Extracurricular Activities:
Plans for your future:
-To become A Healer.
- She is keen on having a family. Elle is a very caring and passionate person and she is interested in getting married and having her own husband and children in a little house of their own.
-Elle intends to find out more about her family once she gets used to daily school life.
Your Patronus:
- Black Cat with blue eyes
Your Patronus memory:
- When she found out that she was a witch and that magic was not evil.
Your Boggart:
- Miss. Charming
Your Animagus:
- Black cat with blue eyes.(probable)
Mirror of Erised:
- Elle would see her family and Ms.Weiss all with her.
A page from your diary:
(coming soon)
((I have posted this history here but I will shift it to my Bio when I get sorted))
History of Elle Silvertongue
The night of 8th June 2013 was a stormy one .The sky was filled with purple storm clouds and bright flashes of lightening followed by deafening cracks of thunder.
On this night, Elle Silvertongue was born. When she opened her eyes to the world for the first time, Elle had no idea that she was not in a hospitals maternity ward but in an orphanages hospital wing. Elles mother died after giving birth to her and she was fated to spend her childhood in an orphanage in a village in Bulgaria.
During her childhood Elle was the most neglected child in the orphanage because of the weird things that often happened around her. Even the lady who ran the orphanage discouraged those who came in search for a child to adopt Elle.
Elle had no friends that she was particularly close to except Ms. Lavender Weiss who often came to visit her in the orphanage and sometimes brought her gifts. Ms. Weiss said that she was a nurse in the nearby hospital. She was not rich but she was very kind and gave special care to Elle.
Despite of having no friends, Elle was a happy kid because she believed in fairytales and magic, and she felt that she was special. Elle always hoped that one day Ms. Weiss would adopt her. But she knew that Ms. Weiss was poor and could not afford to raise Elle on her salary. However, what Elle didnt know about Miss Weiss was that she was a witch and that Miss Weiss had recognized Elles signs of being a witch too.
One day, when Elle had just turned 8, a lady named Isobel Charming came to the orphanage and decided that she would adopt Elle. She claimed to be rich but said that she had no children of her own. Elle was happy to be adopted but Isobel lived far away and that meant that Elle could no longer meet Ms. Weiss.
However, when Elle was brought to Isobels house she realized that the lady was rich but not kind. She had adopted Elle not to keep her as a daughter but as a test subject. She was a chemist who made dangerous drugs and medicines and tested them on animals which she kept in cages without the knowledge of anyone outside the house. And now she had made Elle her test subject.
She always kept Elle locked in a room, where she gave her little food but many nutrient supplements so that she could be fit and give proper result of her drug tests. She experimented with many different drugs and medicines on Elle which made her weak and messed up her health.
But slowly Elle was starting to learn how to control the weird things(magic) which she could do and use them to her own advantage. Finally Elle gained confidence and tried an escape but was caught and from then onwards Elle was kept heavily drugged at all times so that she was never completely aware of what was going on.
When Elle was going to turn eleven, letters addressed to her started appearing on Isobels door steps. Isobel read them and got quite shell-shocked as they said that Elle had been accepted to some kind of wizard school called Durmstrang, but she was an intelligent woman and wrote a reply back to the school saying that Elle was not interested in joining the school.
But soon afterwards she heard of a lady in the neighborhood searching for a girl called Elle. This lady was none other than Miss Weiss and soon enough she somehow found out where Elle was and her condition. Miss Weiss was determined to free Elle from Miss Charmings house and to send her off to Durmstrang.
So one night, Miss Weiss sneaked into Isobels house and went to Elles room to rescue her. What she saw was even worse that what she had expected. Elle was in a complete stupor cause by the drugs she was being given in heavy doses. Miss Weiss managed to rescue her and to take her to her new house in Sofia but Elle was still blank and vacant.
A few days after being brought to Sofia, Elle started having violent convulsions because her body was not getting a daily dose of the drug which it was so completely used to. She threw up on everything she ate and refused to eat any more. Her state worsened to the point where she had to be drip-fed. But then Miss Weiss decided to take her to the magical hospital called Sofia City Hospital for Magical Maladies where she worked as a Helper.
Elle was healed in a month to a much better state where she could recognize Miss Weiss and was aware of where she was. But she was soon discharged for the hospital because she was yet to know what she truly was. After she was in a much better state and had adopted a daily routine at Weiss Mansion, Miss Weiss decided to tell her about her true identity.
Ms. Weiss told Elle that she was a witch just like herself. Ms. Weiss told Elle how she had studied in a wizarding school but could not complete her last year and so she had no proper NEWTs qualifications to get a job as a Healer. But she was a Helper in Sofia City Hospital for Magical Maladies and did not have a pay large enough to support Elles education.
So Ms. Weiss home-schooled her, she bought a new wand for Elle and all the other equipments for her studies were second hand. She promised to teach everything that she would learn for four years but then she would have to join a school so that she could do her OWLs and NEWTs.
Ms. Weiss saved every sickle in order to pay for Elles school fees and supplies but when the money was needed, she no longer had to use it because she had received a promotion based on her superior abilities and was now a Healer. So Ms. Weiss applied for Elles education in Durmstrang Institute as a transfer student who was to join her fifth-year. And Elles new goal was to study hard and also find out about her parents.
- Elle Silvertongue
Meaning of Names
-Elle means Honour or Honourable.It is of Latin origins.
-Silvertongue is the last name of her mother.
Date of Birth:
-26th June 2011
Current Age:
-15 years old
Basic Appearance:
- Baby blue eyes
-Fair Complexion
-She has freckles all over her face and hands
-Dark Brown hair, shoulder length, varying textures
-Height 57
-Straight, small nose
-Elle is a very sweet girl. She never loses hope and faith. In her life she has been through the hardest times which threatened to make her unfeeling and cold towards the rest of the world but her heart has always stayed warm and passionate.
-Elle has never known hatred towards anyone and never wishes to feel so, she is kind and gentle and she cant stand violence.
-Elle has never had any friends and she is shy and finds it hard to relate to other people easily unless they approach her first.
Elle has known no family. She was born an orphan and has not discovered any relatives yet.
Her current sole guardian is called Lavender Weiss and she is a Healer
Elle hopes to find out something about her family as soon as she gets settled at school.
- Elle has a black kitten which is the first pet she has ever had. Her name is Jinxy and she has blue eyes.She adopted Jinxy after she went to live with Miss.Weiss.
Area of Residence:
- She was born in an orphanage in a small village of Tipits in the valley of Mt.Pirin of Bulgaria.
-At the age of 8 she was adopted and moved with her guardian to Montana where she was kept against her will.
-After being rescued from her guardian she went to live with her new guardian, Lavender Weiss, in Sofia City.
Blood Status :
- Unknown
Heritage :
- Unknown
Special Abilities:
- None
Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading
Additional Skills:
-She can speak Bulgarian and English.
-She is skilled in doing all sorts of house chores, cooking etc
-Elles biggest strength is her optimistic nature, her tendency to never lose hope and faith no matter how hard times are for her.
-Her biggest weakness is perhaps her inability to identify a false friend which makes it very easy for her to be manipulated by others.
Describe your character in three words:
- Optimistic, weak, passionate
Favourite place to be:
- At her new home, Weiss Mansion
- She has never had any friends of her own age. Her only friend is Ms. Weiss who is also her guardian, mentor and teacher
Hogwarts House:
- N/A
Dumstrang Hopes and Ambitions:
- After completing her education at Dumstrang she has wished to work alongside Ms.Weiss who is a Healer and gain some experience and later become a Healer herself.
Best school subjects:
- Potions
Worst school subjects:
- Astronomy
-History of Magic
-Dark Arts
Extracurricular Activities:
Plans for your future:
-To become A Healer.
- She is keen on having a family. Elle is a very caring and passionate person and she is interested in getting married and having her own husband and children in a little house of their own.
-Elle intends to find out more about her family once she gets used to daily school life.
Your Patronus:
- Black Cat with blue eyes
Your Patronus memory:
- When she found out that she was a witch and that magic was not evil.
Your Boggart:
- Miss. Charming
Your Animagus:
- Black cat with blue eyes.(probable)
Mirror of Erised:
- Elle would see her family and Ms.Weiss all with her.
A page from your diary:
(coming soon)
((I have posted this history here but I will shift it to my Bio when I get sorted))
History of Elle Silvertongue
The night of 8th June 2013 was a stormy one .The sky was filled with purple storm clouds and bright flashes of lightening followed by deafening cracks of thunder.
On this night, Elle Silvertongue was born. When she opened her eyes to the world for the first time, Elle had no idea that she was not in a hospitals maternity ward but in an orphanages hospital wing. Elles mother died after giving birth to her and she was fated to spend her childhood in an orphanage in a village in Bulgaria.
During her childhood Elle was the most neglected child in the orphanage because of the weird things that often happened around her. Even the lady who ran the orphanage discouraged those who came in search for a child to adopt Elle.
Elle had no friends that she was particularly close to except Ms. Lavender Weiss who often came to visit her in the orphanage and sometimes brought her gifts. Ms. Weiss said that she was a nurse in the nearby hospital. She was not rich but she was very kind and gave special care to Elle.
Despite of having no friends, Elle was a happy kid because she believed in fairytales and magic, and she felt that she was special. Elle always hoped that one day Ms. Weiss would adopt her. But she knew that Ms. Weiss was poor and could not afford to raise Elle on her salary. However, what Elle didnt know about Miss Weiss was that she was a witch and that Miss Weiss had recognized Elles signs of being a witch too.
One day, when Elle had just turned 8, a lady named Isobel Charming came to the orphanage and decided that she would adopt Elle. She claimed to be rich but said that she had no children of her own. Elle was happy to be adopted but Isobel lived far away and that meant that Elle could no longer meet Ms. Weiss.
However, when Elle was brought to Isobels house she realized that the lady was rich but not kind. She had adopted Elle not to keep her as a daughter but as a test subject. She was a chemist who made dangerous drugs and medicines and tested them on animals which she kept in cages without the knowledge of anyone outside the house. And now she had made Elle her test subject.
She always kept Elle locked in a room, where she gave her little food but many nutrient supplements so that she could be fit and give proper result of her drug tests. She experimented with many different drugs and medicines on Elle which made her weak and messed up her health.
But slowly Elle was starting to learn how to control the weird things(magic) which she could do and use them to her own advantage. Finally Elle gained confidence and tried an escape but was caught and from then onwards Elle was kept heavily drugged at all times so that she was never completely aware of what was going on.
When Elle was going to turn eleven, letters addressed to her started appearing on Isobels door steps. Isobel read them and got quite shell-shocked as they said that Elle had been accepted to some kind of wizard school called Durmstrang, but she was an intelligent woman and wrote a reply back to the school saying that Elle was not interested in joining the school.
But soon afterwards she heard of a lady in the neighborhood searching for a girl called Elle. This lady was none other than Miss Weiss and soon enough she somehow found out where Elle was and her condition. Miss Weiss was determined to free Elle from Miss Charmings house and to send her off to Durmstrang.
So one night, Miss Weiss sneaked into Isobels house and went to Elles room to rescue her. What she saw was even worse that what she had expected. Elle was in a complete stupor cause by the drugs she was being given in heavy doses. Miss Weiss managed to rescue her and to take her to her new house in Sofia but Elle was still blank and vacant.
A few days after being brought to Sofia, Elle started having violent convulsions because her body was not getting a daily dose of the drug which it was so completely used to. She threw up on everything she ate and refused to eat any more. Her state worsened to the point where she had to be drip-fed. But then Miss Weiss decided to take her to the magical hospital called Sofia City Hospital for Magical Maladies where she worked as a Helper.
Elle was healed in a month to a much better state where she could recognize Miss Weiss and was aware of where she was. But she was soon discharged for the hospital because she was yet to know what she truly was. After she was in a much better state and had adopted a daily routine at Weiss Mansion, Miss Weiss decided to tell her about her true identity.
Ms. Weiss told Elle that she was a witch just like herself. Ms. Weiss told Elle how she had studied in a wizarding school but could not complete her last year and so she had no proper NEWTs qualifications to get a job as a Healer. But she was a Helper in Sofia City Hospital for Magical Maladies and did not have a pay large enough to support Elles education.
So Ms. Weiss home-schooled her, she bought a new wand for Elle and all the other equipments for her studies were second hand. She promised to teach everything that she would learn for four years but then she would have to join a school so that she could do her OWLs and NEWTs.
Ms. Weiss saved every sickle in order to pay for Elles school fees and supplies but when the money was needed, she no longer had to use it because she had received a promotion based on her superior abilities and was now a Healer. So Ms. Weiss applied for Elles education in Durmstrang Institute as a transfer student who was to join her fifth-year. And Elles new goal was to study hard and also find out about her parents.