Elizabeth Chang

Elizabeth Chang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather

`a new magical charm that you cannot deny;

FIRST: Elizabeth - a promise or oath to God
KOREAN: Sooyoung - swimming
MIDDLE: Darla - little darling
LAST: Chang - smooth, free, unhindered

She actually goes by Lizzy for short;
has a very English first & middle
name because her mother was born
in America so she's very influenced
by American culture; uses her
Korean name as a pseudonym when
writing in her diary in case it is found
& read; is fond of swimming because
it is the meaning of her Korean name;
people mistake her for being Chinese
because her surname is not a typical
Korean family name, but that's what
she loves about it.

fourteen; august 9, 2014

`draw that ideal person inside your head & look at me;

PLAYBY: Choi Sooyoung

BASIC: long brunette hair, brown eyes, full lips,
chubby cheeks that she hates, very thin frame

Lizzy is pretty tall, taller than average for an Asian,
and she takes pride in that. Unfortunately, that is
about the only thing she likes about herself. She
is very self-conscious about the way she looks
because she doesn't think she looks like a typical
Korean girl should. She has a slight Hispanic mixed
look to her, and people sometimes mistake her for
a Japanese person. Lizzy also thinks she isn't very
pretty, especially in comparison to her younger
sisters. She has really chubby cheeks that she really
hates because she thinks it makes her look fat even
though she's actually extremely thin. People think
she has a problem with her weight because she is so
thin but she really just has a fast metabolism. She also
doesn't like her tan skin because in Asian countries, a
whiter complexion is most desired. This is because of
the old idea that darker skin meant you had to work
outdoors as a commoner, while paler skin meant you
were wealthy enough to be indoors all the time.

ATTIRE: Lizzy's fashion sense is really casual:
t-shirt, shorts, & sneakers usually does it for her,
because she's really active in sports or her paintings
so she's bound to get dirty. Lizzy opts for comfort
over style, but even though her style is casual, she
does make a conscious effort to look good in that
'i just threw this on' kind of way.

MISCELLANEOUS: wears glasses but tries not
to if she can help it and uses contacts instead.

Since her mother is the manager of a cosmetics &
spa store, she has no problem experimenting with
her hair.

`there's a road in front of us with obstacles & a future that can't be known;

SCHOOL: Y1 - Y2 at Salem Institute
Y3 - Present at Hogwarts New Zealand


BEST SUBJECTS: Potions, Transfiguration
---These are most useful for trying to invent stuff

When Lizzy turned eleven and found out she was a witch her parents
decided to send her to a wizarding school in America so she could
improve her English. It had been their plan to send Lizzy to America
anyway once she got to high school, so it wasn't that big a deal to
them, just a little earlier than planned. She transferred to HNZ 'cause
her younger sister Amberly got her letter for Hogwarts so they decided
to transfer Lizzy there to look after her younger sister, and they were
happier because New Zealand isn't as crazy a time zone difference as
America was.

Lizzy is sorted into Ravenclaw house because she is a creative type
of person. She belongs in that house because her creative mind allows
her to see beyond what people normally see, and create things others
simply cannot learn from a book. She loves to read books but doesn't
consider herself 'book smart.' She has a genuine curiosity for things
and is constantly trying to learn new languages, instruments, and
artistic techniques and even tries to dabble in inventing new things.

`aren't you tired of boring days, are you buried in ordinary life;

5 WORDS: worrisome, artistic, easy going, active, insecure

LIKES: painting, drawing/sketching, playing many instruments, singing, dancing (mainly ballet),
music, swimming, Quidditch (Chaser), soccer, baseball, reading, writing in her diary, film, photography,
cooking, baking, mixing potions, inventing stuff, learning new languages

Lizzy is a very easy going person and can get along with many. She comes off shy and reserved
but it's just her worrisome nature, since she'd most likely be freaking out over saying something
wrong and stuff. She can be really funny and sarcastic at times once she's really opened up to
someone. She really enjoys having fun and being adventurous (read: curious) once her worrisome
nature is dissolved, usually when she's comfortable enough with a person to trust them that nothing
will go wrong.

As mentioned above, Lizzy is a very creative person. She loves everything about the arts: literary,
visionary, and musical. She plays many instruments such as piano, guitar, violin, and drums. Her
parents made her take piano lessons as a little girl but she was most interested in guitar, so her
parents compromised with violin and she just learned guitar on her own. She picked up a pair of
drumsticks when influenced by American music and culture during her time at the Salem Institute.
Her family is a very musical family but she doesn't seek the spotlight or fame with her music as
her younger sister Amberly does. Beside her wand in her pockets, Lizzy will always carry around a
pencil and paintbrush in case inspiration strikes at any moment. Cooking and baking also go hand
in hand with her creative side because she likes to decorate pastries. She isn't very good, since
she is only fourteen after all, but she'd like to one day make cute little cupcakes!

Along with being artistic, Lizzy is also very athletic, which is the reason for her extremely thin
frame (and a super fast metabolism). She eats like a pig but there's not a trace of it on her
body and says that all her fat goes to her cheeks. Her athleticism and artistic side combine
when she dances. She is able to let out her creative side while still keeping fit. She particularly
likes ballet. However Lizzy also likes to play soccer and baseball (America's sport!) for fun.
Once she learned about the wizarding world she became interested in Quidditch and really
liked it. She loves to play the Chaser position but is also good at Keeper. She's always been
too scared to try out for a school team though.

Despite the fact that Lizzy is talented in many aspects, she is still very insecure and doesn't
like to brag or show off or showcase her talents. Despite the fact that she is the eldest of her
sisters, she feels very overshadowed by them. They are equally as talented but seek the spot
light more aggressively than she does and their parent's attention. She puts a lot of pressure
on herself to be a good role model for her sisters and live up to her parents expectations. She
is so afraid that if she lets them down they will disown her so her insecurities hold her back.
She is such a worrier and worries about things that a normal teen shouldn't worry about, like
her parents financial situation, even though they're not even in bad condition!

GOALS: -currently she is trying to invent a potion that makes nail polish chip resistant,
she got inspired by this because her mother is a manager of a cosmetics and spa store

-long term: to master 5 languages (currently only knows korean, english, and basic japanese),
to have her paintings end up in a galler, to be in a professional ballet recital, to master 7 instruments

SECRETS: wants to get plastic surgery and plans to ask her mom for it as a 'birthday gift' -
plastic surgery is very common in Asian countries so Lizzy sees no problem with this

`because the memories are in my heart;

BORN IN: Seoul, S. Korea
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn



David (Kyuhyun) Chang, 49
Muggle; CEO of a moving company;
born in Busan, S. Korea, moved to
L.A. at 32 to improve his English
and met his wife there.


Lily (Yuri) Chang nee. Kang, 37
Muggle; Korean-American; manager
of a cosmetics & spa store; born in
Los Angeles, CA; met her husband at
age 20; moved to Korea at 22; had
first child, Lizzy, at 23.


Amber (Miyoung) Leigh Chang, 12
Gryffindor at HNZ, very energetic
and bubbly; lacks focus in school
and wants to be a performer


Sarah (Kyuyoung) Nicole Chang, 10
Muggle but shows signs of magic already;
her looks are very deceiving because she
looks very innocent and has lots of aegyo
(cuteness), but uses it to her advantage to
manipulate people, especially her parents,
into getting what she wants.

`look this way be a little curious;

WAND: Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
---Oak has always been respected by nearly all
world cultures. Admired for its strength and size
it represents strength, endurance and power. Oak
helps promote both observation and intuition. Oak
provides a very balanced energy and is skewed
neither toward the light or the darkness.

MISC MISC: Lizzy is left handed which
means she uses her right side of the brain
more, which is why she's more in tune with
her creativity.

PATRONUS: A giraffe 'cause Lizzy's tall.

PATRONUS MEMORY: The time in America
when she had her first full on English conversation
with no translator or notes or any other type of
help. She just trusted herself and realized she knew
more than she thought she did. She felt so proud
of herself and accomplished.

ANIMAGUS: A doe because they're calm,
simple, and innocent just like Lizzy.

BOGGART: Seeing her skin peeling off
when she looks in a mirror D:

RIDDIKULUS!: To cast her boggart away
with the Riddikulus spell, Lizzy would focus
on turning the boggart into a banana or an
orange that was peeling instead of her skin.

MIRROR OF ERISED: Since Lizzy's biggest
problem right now is her self-confidence and image,
she would see herself as pretty and accept the
way she looks without having to resort to surgery.

PETS: None for reasons listed below.

DEMENTOR: If Lizzy were to be attacked
by dementors, the memory that would haunt her
the worst would be the time that she lied to her
parents about who had spilled all her paint and
ruined the carpet and blamed it on their dog,
Koko when she had really just been experimenting
with paint splatting and accidentally knocked it
over. It is her worst memory because she had
actually lied to her parents, and because after
that her family gave away the dog and her sisters
were very sad and upset and it was all her fault.
Ever since that incident they are no longer allowed
to have pets and Lizzy still feels guilty for it now.

AMORTENTIA: paint, rain, & vanilla

`leaving behind only the sound of the engine;

this 'template' was created solely by me. i'd say
please don't steal but it's really nothing fancy so
why would you want to in the first place? the gif
image is from tumblr (cr: unknown), the parental
icons mine, but the sister icons are from livejournal
(cr: weeohwee & superquickie, respectively). the
lyrics are all english translations of various songs
from snsd, aka girls' generation, aka goddesses! ♥

Third Year:


An Angel

Yule Ball:

Fourth Year:


Action Hero

Yule Ball:


Lizzy and her sisters Amberly and Sarah


Look at my musical bb!





So graceful & talented she is :r

Trying out a camera in L.A.


Third Year:
Wrong Way ft. Jeremy Thorne | !Abandoned

Fourth Year:
Tempted ft. Briar Rowan | Current
Wicked ****ie Done Died ft. Sapphire Clow | Current

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