Eliska Abrielle Barnard

Eliska Barnard

Active Member
OOC First Name
E L I S K A A B R I E L L E B A R N A R D​

<SIZE size="50">Full Name:
Eliska Abrielle Barnard

Date of Birth:
February 4th 2016

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Eliska is a girl of medium height, she is of average height and weight. She has had fluations with her weight growing up, but this has finally settled. She has long, shoulder length dirty blonde hair. Her hair, is usually in a neat way, put up for school in a bun, or just worn down in the lose curls it because that is the way that it falls when she washes it. Eliska went through a brunette phase when she was in third year. Eliska has very dark blue eyes, and lightly sun kissed skin, from the fact she lives in the south of france for most the year.

Eliska is a very polite girl. She's got a soft touch and is friendly. She is easy to get along with and has a friendly personality. She tries hard when making friends and has a lot of female friends. She enjoys being girly and going shopping. She likes talking and dating boys. She likes to messy around with people, and thinks that she is better than most people. She is a nice person and is protective over people. She is proctective over her sister, but since they go to different schools it's not aparent and most people don't even know she has a sister. Eliska is fairly honest, but not always.

- Andrei Barnard(father) Muggle. Eliska is very much a daddy's girl. She'll warm to him and smile and do things for him. She doesn't mind that he's a muggle and enjoys the whole aspect of not being completely magical. And all her friends agree with her. And it means that Eliska is very good at muggle studies.

Cher Barnard(mother) Witch. She gets along with her mum, since the two have a lot in common in terms of shopping, but she is aware that her mother treats her and her sibling slightly differently, which annoys her. But she knows her mother just means well

Connor Barnard (twin) - Her identical twin sister. They'd been closer as childern, but as they grew up they became less close. Connor has an eye problem, which makes her colourblind, unlike Eliska. Which makes Eliska protective over her, while she knows that her sister is a little jealous of her.


Area of Residence:
Bulgaria and France. She stays in Bulgaria in during the holiday. But lives in France most of the year for school.

Blood Status:
Half Blood

French and Bulgarian. Her parents are mostly French, which was why she chose to attend Beauxbatons,
for it's was less predjuice.

Special Abilities:
She's a fairly good dancer. Doing many seasons while at Beauxbatons

Interests or Hobbies:
Reading, and dancing. With boys

Additional Skills:
Languages, she can pick them up easily.
She's also good with people and boys

Healer magic, and dancing, flirting with boys

Getting her heart broken. Not paying enough attention in class

Describe your character in three words:
Flirty. Protective. Girly.

Favourite place to be:

She has a lot more female friends than male friends and she finds she gets a long better with females than males

Hogwarts House:

Beauxbatons Hopes and Ambitions:
To find love, and become a teacher.

Best school subjects:
Muggle studies

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:
Dancing, fashion


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Become a teacher

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:
The trip to the beach which she took in second year for her friends 13th birthday. She got her first boyfriend and first kiss in the same night.

Your Boggart:
losing her sister.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
For her sister to see the same colours as her, and for Eliska has her own family.
Hey Emzies :hug:
Just a few questions:

1. Are there any languages that she wants to learn that she doesn't know already?

2. Does she feel obligated to protect her friends/her sister?

3. Why does she get along with girls rather than boys?

4. Why does she want to be a teacher?

Heyy Mimi :hug:
Thanks for the questions

1. Are there any languages that she wants to learn that she doesn't know already?
If Eliska had her way, she'd learn all the languages possible. She loves being able to go to places and understanding everything written and what people say about everything. Eliska would most like to learn Russian, Spanish and Korean. A variety of languages but, she's that kind of person. Languages for her is like Quidditch for others.

2. Does she feel obligated to protect her friends/her sister?
As a twin, she feels the need to. her twin is like her other half. Although they are fairly distant, it doesn't mean that she can't want the best for her, or want to help her when she falls down. She feels less obligated, and more natural for her to care for her twin.

3. Why does she get along with girls rather than boys?
She thinks boys aren't really good for anything. Most of the boys at Beauxbatons are full of themselves, so she wouldn't want to hang around with them, unless it was at a party or if she was dating one. She gets along better with females since she can talk about eveything and anything that she wants to. And they are people she can rely on.

4. Why does she want to be a teacher?
She wants to be a teacher, because she wants to be able to help people. She thinks education is important, even if at times she doesn't really pay attention, but being a teacher would allow her to develop more as a person, having to interact with a different set of people, and she thinks it would just be a lot of fun.

I hope that answers your questions.

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