Elisabeth 'Lisa' Kaster

Lisa Kaster

Well-Known Member
Rolling pin!

It's going down, I'm yelling timber
I won't go to my grave until a difference is made

Character Name
Lisa's full name: Elisabeth Gretel Kaster
Pronunciation: e-LEE-zah-bet, GRE-tel, KAS-ter
Reason or meaning of name: Lisa was named after a family friend, while Gretel was a name her father had always wanted for his first daughter - but her mother refused it. Kaster is of German origin, meaning Shrine. Elizabeth is of German origin, meaning God is an oath, while Gretel is apparently of German, meaning Pearl.
Lisa's nickname: Lisa
Reason for nickname: Lisa is a corruption of her first name, Elisabeth. She much prefers the name Lisa, and will introduce herself as such to everyone she meets. There are few people that know her was Elisabeth.
Birth date: The twentieth of October, two-thousand and one. She was born at eight o'clock at night.
<SIZE size="50">I'll be the one you won't forget
Running out of air, buried in a sadness
</i><SIZE size="50"></B>
Physical appearance
Age: Thirty-five years, and ten months.
Weight: 141 pounds
Height: 6'0
Body build: Slim. Lisa is not a muscular woman, and is quite thin and tall, making her appear lanky.
Shape of face: Lisa's cheekbones and jawline are strong and sharp, thus creating the majority of her face shape.
Eye color: Lisa has green eyes that cannot be mistaken for any other colour.
Glasses or contacts: Lisa perfect vision.
Skin tone: Lisa has pale skin that burns quite badly. She has several freckles on her arms from playing outside as a child and has some darker tones on her limbs, but her face is still quite pale - however, it is usually a little pink from being perpetually burnt.
Hair color: Blonde.
Type of hair: Lisa's hair - to her concern - is quite thin. Because of this, it does not knot and is relatively easy to take care of. She keeps it healthy to avoid it falling out, and because of this healthy treatment it has a happy shine and is soft to the touch.
Hairstyle: Lisa prefers to run a comb through her hair and let it fall.
Voice: For a woman, Lisa has a deeper voice than most. She has a New Zealand accent that she has never (nor would she want to) be able to hide. She speaks with confidence, and has a large vocabulary that she utilises only when necessary, as she dislikes causing confusion and prefers to be understood at all times.
Physical disabilities: None.
Usual fashion of dress: Lisa loves to dress smart-casual. She likes looking nice and clean, while also relaxed. She prefers to wear base, earthly colours that are soft for the eye, such as browns and creams. She likes to look relaxed and as calm as she naturally is, but also carrying a certain amount of class at all times.
Jewelry or accessories: Lisa does not like wearing jewelry.
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Blood Type: O Positive
Swing your partner round and round
A dire need for change as we fight for better days
Color: Pearl.
Least favorite color: Canary Yellow.
Music: Lisa enjoys Country and Blues music.
Food: Lisa prefers salads.
Literature: Lisa enjoys reading magical books, such as Potions and Herbology because, as a squib, she never went to school, and so is self-taught in the creation of potions and caring of magical plants.
Form of entertainment: Reading.
Expressions: Lisa enjoys brewing and gardening.
Mode of transportation: Apparation (tag-along only) and Portkey.
Most prized possession: Lisa's most prized possession is the Herbology book her father bound for her when she was a girl. She still uses it, and adds to it on occasion so she can one day give it to her own daughter (or grandchild) to use.
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane.
Holding in a cry for love, abandoned and afraid
Optimist or pessimist? Realist.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious.
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing? Working.
Confident or unsure? Confident.
Animal lover? No.
End of the night, it's going down
The hurt and the pain cut deep like a razor blade
Hobbies: Lisa enjoys reading, and tending to her garden as well as brewing.
Plays a musical instrument? No.
Plays a sport? No.
How would Lisa spend a rainy day: Lisa would spend her time taking care of the younger members of her family.
Nervous tics: None that she knows of.
Usual body posture: Chest wide, eyes bright and a straight back. This exudes confidence and control.
Mannerisms: Lisa's eyes are as expressive as her voice. It is simple to realise what she is feeling without her having to verbally confirm it.
One more shot, another round
When the night is cold and you feel like no-one knows
Hometown: Sydney, New South, Wales, Australia
Type of childhood:
Lisa had a happy, but slightly disappointing childhood. Being the first of her parent's children (for quite some time) Lisa enjoyed a lot of attention. She was surrounded by magic as a child and had heard stories about how her parents had met in school, and all of the subjects she would be able to take. Lisa started researching early, trying to understand and 'know' all the spells she would need before attending school.She read Herbology books, Potions books, Transfiguration books and more, dreaming of being a healer, an auror, a magizoologist, a professor - her mind could not decide. She had her heart set on being an animagus, however, and so she focused primarily on Transfiguration books, and constantly bugged her parents for more information. However, this stopped when her parents realised that there was something wrong. Lisa showed no magical ability, and this was confirmed by her eleventh birthday. Lisa was devastated by this outcome, and was forced to abandon all of her dreams.
Pets: None.
First memory: When Lisa was five, her father bound a book he had written up, containing everything he knew on Herbology (a subject he excelled in). She read this book cover to cover, and could quote verses from it a month later, she loved it that much.
Most important childhood memory:
To Lisa, her most important childhood memory was when her eleventh birth come and gone with no letter of acceptance to school, and no magical abilities to be seen.
Why: This stopped Lisa from living within the world of fantasy. She realised that planning one's entire life was naive, and so she has now made sure that she looks realistically at life, and weighs up all the options - making sure to always have a Plan B.
Childhood hero: Her father, Gregory Kaster.
Dream job: When a child, Lisa's dream job fluctuated, but usually settled between auror and healer.
Education: Lisa had a Muggle education. She excelled in Mathematics, Science and the Social Sciences. Her worst subject was English - she hated reading the fantasy novels that spoke of spells and magic.
Live in hotels, swing on planes
You can make it to the sunrise.
Current location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Currently living with: Her partner, Hayden Bane, Lucy Kaster, Hamish Kaster, Bethany Kaster, Tamalia Kaster, and Nadia Kaster.
Occupation:Lisa is a bartender, and quite a talented one. She did go to university and has a degree in teaching, but has yet to decide to work as a teacher. She enjoys mixing and mingling at work.
You better move, you better dance
Want a way out of this paralyzing world
Drives and motivations: Lisa's main drive is pride of self and family. Her desire is to make her parents proud, and her siblings proud of who their parents were. It is for this reason that she works tirelessly to do her best, and to have the younger members of her family do their best.
Immediate goals: Take care of her family.
Long term goals: To die happily.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Lisa plans on taking things one step at a time. Her short-term goal will lead her to her long-term goal.
How other characters will be affected:
All members of her family.
Blessed to say, money ain't a thing
Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
<B>Good personality traits: Calm and patient.
Bad personality traits: Lisa can be a little cold at times.
Most common mood: Calm, but happy..
Sense of humour: Lisa does not have much of a sense of humour, but prefers darker jokes and serious, witty banter.
Lisa's greatest joy in life: Watching her daughter use magic.
Lisa's greatest fear: Her daughter being a squib, or somehow losing her magical abilities.
Why? Lisa hated her childhood because of not having magic, and she would hate for her own daughter to go through that situation as she did, and then feeling defined for it.
Lisa is most at ease when: She is at home.
Most ill at ease when: She is lost and alone.
Enraged when: People take their gifts (such as magic) for granted.
Priorities: Her family.
Life philosophy: There is always a reason.
If granted one wish, it would be: To have magic.
Why? It has been all she has ever wanted.
Lisa's soft spot: Lisa's soft spot is her daughter.
Greatest strength: Her strength of character. She is not easily silenced.
Greatest weakness: Her inability to use magic.
Biggest regret: That she had planned her life as a child along the magical path. It caused her to reel in confusion, and she still feels that way now.
Biggest accomplishment: Becoming skilled in brewing and Herbology.
Lisa's darkest secret: She is jealous of her magical siblings.
Does anyone else know? No-one, and Lisa will die before anyone does.

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