Elijah Tine

Elijah Tine

musician | <3 Kynleigh
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
4/2013 (34)
I won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough


Say Hello to

when I look into your eyes
it's like watching the night sky

Elijah Tine

Elijah - Elijah is very clearly of Jewish origin, so biblical and it literally means the lord is my god. So yeah
Tine - Is actually female, and is of Latin origin and it also means follower of Christ or dedicated to Mars. So a definite religious theme going on here.

My parents aren't too religious, but I guess they liked the name Elijah. I'm pretty sure I had a really religious grandparent who was keen on keeping the religious names in the family going. My father's name is Joshua after all. Which is also biblical. Tine, I'm not sure why, it's just the family name. It's odd, I haven't met many other tines. Which is always nice. Makes me literally feel like on in a million.

I never liked the name Elijah, so I was keen to have a nickname, so I gave myself one. Eli. Eli is probably the most obvious nickname I could have given myself, but it wasn't like it matter much. People call me Eli, almost as much as they'll call me Elijah. They'll call me Elijah if their made, and Eli if we're having a good time. It just depends. But, yeah I like my nickname. Eli Tine is the name I prefer.

I am currently 28 years of age. I'm finally an adult technically.

21st April 2013, I was born in New Zealand at around 3-4am. To two young parents currently spending their time traveling around the world before they were choosing to settle down. Which wasn't good news for me. I was slightly early, born a month and a half before I was scheduled to, so I had to spend some extended time in the hospital.

I am currently a Singer/Song Writer, a musician. I was signed to an American record company who liked the stuff I'd been releasing independently and who had come to see me while I did a small tour with an American group in Australia during the winter(in Australia) of 2030 and then again at the end of the year, for my own small headlining tour in Australia. Before finally bringing me over to America and their I got signed. I write almost all my own songs, generally with some help from people who've been doing it a while. I also play guitar myself while preforming. I've reached a relative level of fame because of my music, my wife and I live comfortably in LA. [adminapproval=11508701]

Joshua Tine - 45 - Muggle and Wizarding Lawyer.
I have a very strained relationship with my father. He wasn't keen on me becoming a singer, or being interested in Music rather than something proper like a lawyer like him. Which meant when I said I was leaving school to persue magic, he took it really badly. So, we aren't talking currently. Met him for the first time since I was born at 12, where I'd already developed too much of a love for Music to leave it behind because he said I should.

Cara Tine - 43 - Painter. Well known modern painter. Well known in Art world
Like with my father, I'm not that close to her. She is very distant with me. Always has been. Wanted to control my life, and then when she went into one of her phases where she was painting would completely ignore me. So, all in all, I wasn't very lucky with real parents. Plus like my father, only actually claimed to be my parents when they found out I where I was, which took them long enough. Since I first met them at 12. My mother was a little supportive of my music dreams, but she desired me to be a classical musician, but it was a little late for that since I only play the guitar, a little of piano and sing. Plus, As much as I can appreciate classical music, I'm not a fan of playing it.

Sister - Kiara Tine. 15, Younger sibling. Currently at Hogwarts in Slytherin. We don't talk much. We didn't meet again until she arrived at School, and we're pretty different. I'll be honest, I didn't really ever try to get to know her, which is my fault most definitely, but I don't know what to say to her.

Well, I had foster parents, before my real parents came and found me.

I'm on the road a lot of the time, and have been for about a year, so no, no pets. I wasn't ever that interested in having pets. I mean while I was living with my mum and dad, I loved my sister's rat. He was so much fun, but I don't have any of my own. I don't think I could look after it and deal with being with it on the road and such. It would annoy me. Although, I'm open to changing that.

Mixed Blood.
Both my parents are of magical blood. As were both of my foster parents. But, my grandparents on my mother's side were muggleborns, so that's where the line somewhat starts. My father, I'm pretty sure his mother was half blood, but she could've also been mixed blood. I don't really know. All my grandparents are dead. Or I just never met any of them. So, I'm not entirely sure where the magical blood in my family starts. I just know that we're not pureblood. And I know both my parents are magical.

It's never bothered me. I've never seen the point of stressing over something so stupid. It doesn't matter what you are. Sure, not being muggleborn has it's advantages, as in not being the first of the family to have to go through the magical way. Which I can imagine being pretty hard for someone who knows nothing of the world. I'm pretty open to everything though, which it has never really bothered me.

My hometown, well I grew up in Melbourne Australia, so I guess that would count as my hometown. But when I was ten, we moved to Sydney. So, I guess I would have to say, Melbourne. I preferred it there anyway. Sydney I liked, just not as much.

Currently living in the beautiful city of L.A. in the state of California, in the U.S of A. It's pretty amazing. I love it. So beautiful, and sunny. It warms my heart. I've never thought I'd ever live here, so it's pretty amazing.

FIRST HOME: Melbourne Australia. It was a small house in the west suburbs of the city. Small, but in the sense that it had two floors, two bedrooms, a small kitchen and a living and dining area combined. There was also only one bathroom. It was an old house, built twenty or thirty years before. Fit for a young family. It was nice, I liked it. It had a small garden, and my room gave me plenty of space to start playing my guitar. Though the walls were thin, so it wasn't always desirable.

SECOND HOME: After the first place, we moved into a house in Sydney Australia. There we were much more city centre. It was an apartment on the tenth floor of a twenty floor block of apartments. It was pretty big. It had four bedrooms, a very smart kitchen, and large living area. It was nice. I didn't like the lack of the a garden, though the balcony was great. Once again, the thin walls weren't good for when I wanted to play.

THIRD HOME: Hogwarts I would count as the home following. It was the one place I could play my guitar without people being bothered by it. It brought me many great things. Girls, confidence, and the motivation to make music. I was in Hufflepuff and that was nice. Hogwarts was the place I felt most at home when I was younger. It was fun. It was different. It was in the end magical.

FOURTH HOME: I guess this would be tied in with the third home. While during the holidays I was living in Paris with my biological parents. They had a very smart penthouse in the 2nd district in the centre of Paris. It's a very rich area, with lots of money people have to spare. It was a very spacious place. I had a huge room, with high ceilings, and french windows with a 2 centimetre balcony, just made to give the room light and lots of air. It was a beautiful house, built in the 18th century, up keep kept by the original family until they sold it off to a rich family in the 1950s. It was pretty amazing. I'm glad I got the chance to at least see it.

FIFTH HOME: This would be the place in New Zealand I was living in during the time when I first left school. Oddly enough it was my parent's home in New Zealand. I stayed in one room, and I wasn't actually their long. At most four-five months while I was making the first two EPs. It would be where I'd be right now, if I hadn't been picked up. It was a nice place, but it wasn't mine.

SIXTH HOME: My current home, the one here in L.A. I got this when first coming over, my manager who'd first pitched me to the guys in L.A. helped me find it during the tour in Australia. It's a great little place. Two bedrooms, both with en-suites. A spacious kitchen and dining area. A nice balcony. We are on the third and top floor. It's got a lovely look over a garden outside and the street. It's not in the centre, a little further out, so it's quite. The neighbours are all generally young. It's a great place. I really like it.

I'm Straight, I've always been straight. But, if a guy hits on me, I'll be flattered.

I'm currently seeing an amazing girl right now. Kynleigh Davis. She's an amazing girl. So beautiful and understanding. We've been dating about three months at this point and I've never been happier. I'm so glad that she was at that concert, and we were able to rekindle what we had tried to start before she left school. She makes me work hard, she makes me believe in myself so much more. She's the best girlfriend ever. Seriously. I'm the luckiest guy alive with her.

Past: In the past, I'd crushed on Kynleigh, for about two years. I'll be honest. It was pretty weird, because I didn't even realise how much I cared about her, until I returned in fifth year, and I just realised the entire holidays that I missed her. It's past, because it's no longer a crush since we're together.
I also at one point had a very short crush on this girl at the Yuleball. She was stunning. Like breath taking stunning, but I now can't remember her name, or what she looked like. So, yeah. Past and something that lasted about a night.

My first kiss was pretty young. I must have been about 11, or 12 at the time. It was with my girlfriend at the time, Hillary Crespo. She was amazing, but it was a small kiss. It was nice, I liked it. I think it was at the Yule ball when we were in first year. I asked her to it, and I liked her so much that during the Yuleball I kissed her on the lips. It was a small peak. I was 11 at the time, sue me.

This, was to Kynleigh. It was a lot later. 17 at the time, so recently. I didn't really date much after the first girl. I was a little heart broken, and didn't really find it easy to talk to girl, so I didn't bother. It's a little embarrassing but, it was at the concert I did in Australia, the very first one. It was incredibly. She was an amazing kisser. I love kissing Kynleigh and that first kiss was amazing.

I've had one, with Hillary Crespo. It was short, and it wasn't great, but I was young at the time, so I didn't know what I was doing. But I was sure I loved her. She was beautiful, well I thought she was then. It was nice. To be in a new place and to have her. She was a musician like me, so we used to sit and play together. Which was nice. But, I'm very happy right now, with Kynleigh, so I wouldn't change what happened for the world.

None, I'm not that kind of a guy, plus it would require me to have confidence to talk to girls. And considering how long it took me with Kynleigh, there was little chance of that.


cause even the stars they burn ,
some even fall to the earth

Dark brown, that grows lighter after long periods in the sun. It is pretty short at the time, but if I grow out, it's like a little afro. It's pretty stupid. I have very curly hair, which is why I keep it short. Short enough so I'm not bald, but not that long either.

My hair has never been dyed. I've always wanted to know what I'd look like with orange hair, but alas I've never done that. Probably for the better. I might eventually do it. Do it for charity. Which would be fun. I think I'd have to let Kynleigh know before I do something like that.

I have dark green eyes. They are like the colours of tree green. So pretty dark. They used to be slightly lighter, or so I think, but not so much any more. They are darker. I liked them. I'm the only one in my father to have these eyes, I'm sure. It makes me stand out against my family. Plus, I read somewhere that green was in general a rare colour.

I think I'm pretty tall, I stand at about 5'9, so I'm fairly tall, I've stopped growing at this point, it's fair to say, I have pretty long legs, and slim build. So, I think that gives me much of my height.

I don't even know this. Something normal. I'm pretty normal in this sense. I'm not super skinny, but not fat, I'm slim. I go running a lot, but that's about all the exercise I do. I don't do much else, and I like food, so I'm pretty much at the weight I need to be. It's all good.

None, that I know of. Which is good.

Slim, pretty slim. No six-pack or anything like that. I have slightly tanned skin right now, because of the L.A. sun. I have a fairly normal body type. In that sense, I'm pretty much just blending in with the general crowd.

I'm B+.
Which is something. I'm not sure what it means, or what I can do with it, but that's all I am. There's nothing much else I can say on that matter. I've never needed to know my blood type, But I guess it is good to know. I know for a fact, I can't donate blood, because I've been to Europe, and in american that disqualifies you for a certain number of years. Something like that, something about foot and mouth.

I'm naturally right handed. I've never bothered to try with the other. Seems hard and somewhat pointless. So I'm proudly right handed. Enjoying being part of the general crowd.

I have an New Zealand/Australian accent. It's a little of both aparently. Though according to the people who interview me for their magazines and such, I sound a lot more Australian than New Zealand. Which is easy to understand considering I spent like 11 years in Australia, compared to the 5 I spent in New Zealand. Although I was born in New Zealand.

I can speak french, very poorly. Very, poorly. It's really not great. My parents didn't like that at all. Apart from that I can speak english and music. English being a real language and Music not being. Which I think is silly. I'm pleased I can speak english, it just appears to me to be more useful than others, but I'm open to learning more, it'll just take forever!

Tyler Ward

11 - 16: Shia Labeouf

i don't wanna be someone,
who walks away so easily,

I like a lot of things. I'm the kind of guy who likes, liking things. I love music. And I mean love. It's my entire life. Seriously. Without music, I don't know where I would be. I love it, I've always loved it. My life wouldn't be as good if I didn't have music in it. I love playing my guitar, I love writing. I think it's the most freeing process. I become very involved in it. It consumes me. I know that it would easy for me to get completely lost in it. I've often forgotten to eat because I've been writing. Apart from music, I like preforming. I guess it's sort of the same, but, it's the most awe impsiring thing ever. I've more than once, just stood on stage in silence and just taken in the amazingness that is crowd on tour. The way they know all the words to my songs, the screaming. The signs they hold up. The simple factor that despite everything these people are there for me. Well, in part. It's amazing. I also love food. I love food. I love the portions sizes you get in L.A. it might be primarily a place for famous people, or aspiring actors and such, but the portion sizes are huge. Just like Hogwarts. I love the beach, I love the apartment I share with Kynleigh. I love Kynleigh, that totally counts. I like going to kids park and just having a bit of fun. I like the greenery. I like the sunshine, as much as I enjoy real seasons. I like meeting new people, and I like all the social media muggles have.

This is a pretty short list. I don't dislike a lot of things. I dislike people who judge me, but I'm going to have to get use to that. I dislike salmon. As much as I love food, I just can't stand the taste. It's probably the only thing I'm fussy with. It's just something I do not enjoy eating. If I can avoid it, I will. I also don't like spiders. Like, I'm more just erribly afraid of them. I also dislike people who insult the people who like my music. It's silly. Why would they bother doing that. Where does it get these people.

Good Habits, well, I wash everyday, wash my hair as often as necessary. I clean my nails. I don't bite them. I write in the day time now, not at all hours. I tidy after myself, more often than not. It's no more a mes around me. I don't know much else. You'd have to ask my friends, or just Kynleigh.

Man, I have these. I play at all hours of the day, always have. I tended to not always speak my mind. I'm pretty desperate to please, so if I disagree with someone I'm unlikely to say so. I sometimes don't take things seriously. So I guess that's maybe not bad, but it's also not great. I realise that. I don't make the bed. I just roll out of it. I guess that could be counted as bad.

Well, this is odd, because I've kind of already achieved my goal. My goal was to make music. And I'm doing it. I'm releasing an album, and I'm going as a support act on tour. I'm happy to say that my new goal is to become huge. I know it might be pretty hard, and it'll take them. But, I want my music to go to new heights. I want everyone to hear it. It would be nice to be incredibly well known. As well as odd, but now I'm among the stars why not finish the journey to the moon.

I think it would be losing Kynleigh. I mean, I love music, I love everything it brings me, but if I were to lose it, I would be able to move on, rebuild, but if I lost her, I think it would take twice the time, and I think there is no real guarantee that I would be able to move on. So, seeing Kynleigh dead would be it. Or even her saying she's going. I don't think I'd be able to handle it well. It would take time, a lot of time.

My patronus, it would be a dove, or really any singing bird. It would be represent me, free spirit, never sticking to the one place. I think that, and also it would have to be something that could at least sing, and while, birds do sing in a sense. I think that's what it would be. However, I've never had to do the spell, so I'll never know.

My patronus memory is pretty easy. It was the first concert I did myself in Australia. The one where I was the main act. It was a perfect night. I'd been growing in popularity in Australia and in a few other places. I had heard people, big people were interested in me, and I was preforming. More than that though, It was the concert where my entire life seemed to just fall into place. I found Kynleigh. We found each other, and I kissed her. I saw her in the crowd, and I thought it was a gift from above. Then she agreed to come with me on tour. It was the most amazing night of my life. Even touring America will not come close to making me as happy as I was when I saw her. When we finally got together.

It would have to be the day I told my parents I was persuing music and not whatever they wanted. They were less than pleased that I wasn't doing smething as they put it, worthwhile. I wouldn't make a difference. My life would not matter. It caused a huge arguement. Words were flung to and from, and a lot of people were accused of things, they shouldn't have been. It was just generally terrible. Though it was for the best, it's the worst experience of my life.

Well, I'm pretty happy right now. I mean I have everything I everything hoped for. But, I guess I would have Kynleigh by my side, I'd be on stage, and my album and song would be number one in America, and in a lot of other countries in the world. I think that's what I would desire. Making it big, and for Kynleigh to be by my side the entire way. Maybe my family would be close by. They would be in the crowd, being supportive. Respecting what I decided to do with my life.

The smell of a huge concert hall, filled with people in the middle of a concert. That stink is a smell I really like. It's the first sign of a good concert. I would smell the sea air, and the smell that a fresh tour bus that's not been lived in smells like. And I guess the perfume that Kynleigh wears from time to time. The way her hair smells when I hold her close to me. The smell of our apartment. A sweet smell that's ours.


I don't really know to be honest. I'm probably atheist. I mean, I was never baptasied, I've never been to church, but, I'm not against the idea of some higher power maybe being the reason why somethings happen. I guess I'm just on the fence about the entire situation. I don't like talking about it. In my eyes it doesn't matter, as long as your happy then, I'm happy.


Underneath their cool, calm and collected exterior, Taureans differ greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being socialisers. They will let others get close, but only so close as they want them. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a Taurean, should they not want to hear you, is rather similar to talking to the trees – they simply won't budge. And, there is no such thing as an open-book Taurean. Their feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around them would guess. Taureans manage to operate very adequately on their own form of automatic pilot, they can switch off from the world around them very efficiently. Because they hate to be put in jeopardy of any kind, this is the sign that strives to create tomorrow in advance, rather than leave it to fate. In love, Taureans are regarded as extremely sensual beings. An earth sign, they deal well with the personal, physical senses and consequently all the pleasures associated with what they can see, touch, smell and taste, add up to a special delight to them.

Not allergic to anything. Which is Awesome. I can eat whatever I want, when I want to. Which is the perfect life. Seriously. it's good fun. I prefer being non-allergic and just choosing to not eat anything. I'm not even slightly sensitive to anything. I'm plain old Elijah with no allergies, living life on the wild side.

We had to learn how to bend ,
without the world caving in

Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring

Courage, Charm, Leadership, Spirituality and Protective are all qualities of this wand, Alder is the Celtic wood of astrology, so is good for spells involving star gazing and astronomy. It is good for those that do not find great pleasure in physical or attacking spells, but those that protect themselves if need be.

It's been a loyal companion over the years. Proved itself useful and powerful. I'm glad the wand found me, I can't imagine having any other. It feels amazing in my hand. I love the way it feels perfectly light. As if just an extension on my hand. I find I've never had a problem producing spells. Not like some others might. I would be really upset if the wand broke in half. I'm therefore glad that it's been able to make it so far with me. I am however, always forgetting where I put it. Which I can't do now I'm living in a very muggle world.

I attended Hogwarts New Zealand

Well, it's huge. Literally. I mean I'd seen pictures of grand amazing castles in books, but never had I actually ever seen one up close. It was the first time, and I was so excited. Everything felt a little wonderful. Like the magic was filling inside me and giving a rush of excitement. It was fun, wandering through the hallways and the paintings moving. It was easy to get lost, and I loved that. I would wander for hours around the school playing my guitar and exploring. I also loved the common room. I just in general thought it was the most amazing place, ever.

Proudly Hufflepuff!

Well, I'm sure it was like, hurry up or something. It was easy to feel a little daunted by a hat choosing my house. I didn't know if I could trust it. I felt it might screw with me and take forever. I lacked confidence, so I was afraid of that happening. I didn't want it to, but in the end everything was okay. It was short enough, and I got put into the house I wanted to be in. Hufflepuff to me sounded like the best place. I work hard, and I am very loyal to my friends, So it was perfect.

Elijah Tine could not believe what was happening. In these next few moment, everything about him would be decided. It was most determind who Eli would be and become. This didn't stop him, from not entirely paying attention and almost walking into about 4 people. Elijah was too busy singing under his breathe and looking around at the eliborate designs on the cold stones of Hogwarts school. They was so many feelings running around inside him, it was difficult for Eli to even think straight. Not that he did this often. Thinking that is. His mind, was like a juxbox, you had to select what he thought about. And even when you did, it wasn't quite what you expected. In Elijah's case, you chose something important and the only way Eli could describe it was through the power of song. And lyrics. It was because of this extraordinary moment, in which he would walk into the hall and to the rest of his life that the song Supernova played in his head. Good choice, Inner shuffle He thought to himself. He had of course brought his ipod with him to Hogwarts, but rumour was those things didn't work at Hogwarts. If it didn't Eli didn't know how he would be able to spend his time. It would be so hard to keep busy without his iPod.

Elijah was paying so much attention to his surroundings and the song playing in his head, that he only just noticed that the line of students had moved into the Great Hall. Elijah ran lightly and caught up. He must've looked a little stupid, entering the hall apart from the rest of the students. In his head the song had reached it's climax. Eli being a lover of music, broke of from walking and more or less danced the entire way up to the hat. He didn't care, that all the eyes of hogwarts students were upon him. He deciated to his music and this song, made Eli dance no matter where he was. Elijah was almost strutting the final few steps. He pushed his way through the crowd slightly, and stood on the tips of his toes. It was then that he saw the hat. The decider. The singularly most amazing little bit of enchanted equipment that ever existed. Well, it would be the scarf of sexual preference, but Eli had just heard that that was a rumour. In his mind, a new song started. New Divide. It seemed so perfect. Here were a group of about 100 students, about to be divided into 4 groups, the Brave, The Smart, The Friendly, and The evil. Eli wasn't sure where he wanted to go. He didn't want the evil. He wasn't evil. He wasn't all that smart, apart from if it was music related. He was friendly and confident, but he didn't think that he was hard working, which he had heard was a trait of that house. That left The Brave. Was this the place for him? Only time could tell.

Elijah had started to rock out in his head. Just as the names began to be called. He recognised a few, from those people had met before Hogwarts. He watched as they were sorted. He was secretly rejoicing over the fact that his name was Elijah Tine and not Elijah Aine, or Elijah Bine. It did mean that by the time it came to the close to the T's the group of students had thinned. The song had once more changed. To the Final Countdown. It was only a matter of minutes, seconds even that he would be sorted. His heart had really begun to race. His hands felt sweaty. He kept a straight face. Which almost seemed like an evil happy grin. He was so very excited but at the same time terrified. He could feel the song inside him wanting to burst out. He was fighting the urge to start singing. This was one of the hardest things Eli had ever had to do. Slowly the T's came it wasn't too long until....

"Tine, Elijah"

Surprisingly enough, Elijah almost missed his name. He was quite busy in a world of his, rocking out to the sound of music in his head. He looked up, with a look of absolute surprise. Before coughing a little awkwardly trying to not show the fact that he hadn't been listening. Of course the song hadn't stopped in his head, and it was coming up for the single most Awesome guitar solo of the entire song. So obviously, Elijah walked up to the hat, basically dancing and doing some air guitar. He was aware all eyes were upon him, but when was he ever going to be able to rock out while in front of an entire student body. Never. Elijah sat down on the chair, placing the hat onto his head, just with the last chord of the song. He finished strumming, and then a new song came on. Obviously this hat was going to think him crazy and maybe not even able to get into his head over the Awesome music. So with all his effort he stopped the song playing. He cleared his mind, which really, wasn't exactly the hardest thing to do for Eli and let the hat do his magic.

I have one question, Hat of Awesome, Favourite song of all time?

[color=35a70b3]SORTING HAT SAID:[/color]
"You ruled out Hufflepuff for yourself, did you? Well, I suppose that's why I have this position and not you. Oh. Favourite song? The Hogwarts School Song - of course! HUFFLEPUFF!"

N/A, since by now I would've graduated. It's all good, Finally a fully fledged adult

Well, I left before I could graduate, so this doesn't actually exist. I don't mind at all. I had a good time, but, I needed to persue music. Life doesn't wait.

Since it didn't happen, I have no thoughts on it. I was just glad to be leaving. I had toured the holidays before 7th year, and I'd decided then, that I just needed to do that. School had never interested me. I'd found it somewhat boring, and I'd spent most of my school life playing and creating music. I just left slightly earlier than most. Which is probably a good thing. Because if I hadn't, I wouldn't currently be in L.A. about to tour, or with a song about to be released that was tipped to do well. Instead I'd be doing exams and be graduating.

I was a prefect. I know, right? I couldn't believe it when I found out. I mean I was hardly ever in classes, even in classes I hardly paid attention. I just sat and thought of songs. But, I became a prefect and it was magic. I loved the power I had. It was simply Awesome. I'm kind of upset I didn't stick around to see if I could've gotten head boy. But even I wouldn't given that to me. The guy who got it, I don't know who did in the end, deserves it more that I would've.

I left just before 7th year, So I'm going to say 6th.

Best. Decision. Ever. No one in my family really supported the idea, but I was happy and that was all I really cared about. At the time I was also without Kynleigh. The girl who filled my life with joy. She was gone, so Hogwarts had in parts lost it's charm. So, I followed what my heart and head wanted. And look at me now.

Link to Grade Book

Never did them.


I liked the professor. I liked being able to do spells. I just over all liked what the class had to offer. It was very different from what I did. In other classes. I did also really like Muggle Studies. Learning all about how I lived when I wasn't living a magic centred life was fun. It gave the more wizarding prospective. So it was good.


The class was dark, and I always got bored. There was no way of avoiding it. I just would sit there, and want to pretend I was a mad scientist, but it never really worked. It was just boring. I mean I tried to make it fun, and I can make most things fun. I couldn't at all do it with that class.

I attended muggle primary school in Melbourne in Australia. I can't remember the name of it now. But it was a small school. There were about 15 other people in my class. It was good fun though.

I was there for about 5 years. Before we moved, and I just stopped going to muggle school. Which was for the best. I had no real use for it.

We didn't get grades. I'm sure. If I did I can't imagine them being horrible. I mean I was pretty good in class up until I was about eight and began to lose interest in class and grew in interest with music. So, Music was the downfall of my academic career. Imagine without it, I could've been a scientist or something weird like that.


I think at this point I really don't need to explain why, I'm a huge music fan. It is me. I just love it. It's all I live for. I love it so much. And the class helped me out, teaching me the simple things about music that I needed to know for when writing it. It was a useful class. But, I always hated playing the recorder.


Yeah, I was never good at it. I could do it, but it was boring, and I just had more interesting things to do than sums. I'm sure it's useful, but I'm better without it. Maybe if I'd been more interested I could've done better overall in the class. But it always useless to do that.

God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

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Coding Done by me
Lyrics: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz


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