Elegance and Stupidity

Clyde Sumiragi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Standing amidst the lakefront, Clyde cast his ever so shocking purple eyes at the clear blue sky. He was alone and he didn't take notice of the people around the place. In fact, he was not in the right mood today. He was in his moody state, remembering what Lykke told him in the dungeons. "What a stupid woman," he muttered to himself and sighed. Everyone in the Dark Elites are stupid. That proud and yet ignorant Isobel, and then Lykke. He remembered a quote from somewhere.

The leader is what his members are.

Clyde thought that he shouldn't have joined the group. They were not his taste, after all. Even purebloods are low-class now, he thought. Just as then, Clyde saw someone emerge from the shadows. He looked at the person for a moment. "Please move aside, you're blocking the view." he exclaimed nonchalantly.
Sui Chin was strolling when she saw the guy she just perceived a while back. He was somehow mad at someone unknown. She then remembered that he was the guy she bumped in a month ago. Hearing the boy's words, she ignored everything and tried to brighten up the boy's mood."I hope I'm not disturbing you ..but I just want to know if your fine or what? Sui Chin said while giving him a noticeable smile.

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