Eirec Fontenay

OOC First Name
Cedar, 11 inches, Dragon Heartstring

Forename: Eirec
Middle name(s): None
Surname: Fontenay
Age: 15 years
Gender: Male
Sexual preference: Female
Blood status: Half blood
Area of residence: Germany
Wand: Cedar, 11 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Marital status: Single (looking)



Hair colour: Dark brown
Hair style: Short, usually gelled up
Eye colour: Dark brown, hints of light brown
Height: 5"8
Weight: Average
Build: Strong, muscular, yet neat and tall
Distinguishing features: A slightly crooked nose. It's been in a fair few accidents at Durmstrang.


70% German
20% English
10% Dutch


Eirec is a strong yet clumsy Durmstrang. He's always there when there's trouble, and would call his hobbies 'goofing around' and 'getting into trouble'. However, Eirec has a soft heart, and will do anything for the ones he loves. He doesn't always let this side show. He's often more playful; he'll do anything for attention from the ladies. Eirec is a big flirt, though he's never settled down into a real relationship. He prefers a challenge. He enjoys nothing more than everybody stopping to look at him, though he will probably grow out of this when he realizes that people don't think he's cool for it. He's muscular and brave - some people would call him intimidating. They don't know him inside, though he likes to pretend he's extremely serious sometimes to wind people up.

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