Einar Haines

Einar Haines

drop out; healing; alaskan
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Redwood Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
12/2038 (23)
I'm never coming back to the place I once knew ,
Said I'm never coming back to the lies and the rules ,



Say Hello to
Einar Esben Haines!

If I do, I put all faith in you
Take me home, home, my love ,


Einar Esben Haines

Einar - From the Old Norse name Einarr, derived from the elements ein "one, alone" and arr "warrior". This name shares the same roots as einherjar, the word for the slain warriors in Valhalla.
Esben - The name Esben is a Scandinavian Baby Names baby name. In Scandinavian Baby Names the meaning of the name Esben is: Divine bear.
Haines - Haines is a Welsh surname of Anglo-Saxon origin. Haines is a patronymic form of the medieval male given name "Hain", itself derived from the Old German "Hagano", originally a byname meaning "hawthorn". This name had existed in England before the Conquest of 1066, but was later popularized by the Normans.

Einar was the last child of his parents, he was the youngest by a good seven years, and those was quite a surprise to both of his parents. They found out fairly late on in the pregnancy when his mother began having really bad problems. In the end Einar was born a couple of months early and kept in an incubator for a period of time after he was born. His parents had been struggling to find a name and face with the possibility that he might not make it, had greatly struggled on a name for him. In they end, after reading some old books they found the name Einar and its meaning and decided that would be his first name, as it could be seen to be mean warrior, as well as matching the roots of the norse word for warriors who fought with honor and made it to Valhalla, it worked to them as both a name of a child that could’ve died but lived. The middle name Esben had much the same origin, they’d seen the name Esben not long after and they had thought it would be a good name to call him. His surname is the name of his father’s family. Einar has no great problems with his name, he is grateful that most manage to figure out that it is pronounced exactly how it is written. He likes his name, and can’t help but sometimes think that his parents opting of that name over something more mundane is why he’s been so unlucky in life.

Einar doesn’t really have any nicknames, his mother would affectionately call him her jack frost, due to his birthday being in the depths of winter. He didn’t mind that being a nickname he had, it was a little private one that just the two of them could enjoy. Aside from that, Einar doesn’t have any and doesn’t particularly care for them either. His name is not so long for him to get any and he doesn't interact with many people to really allow for a nickname to develop.

Einar is currently 13 years old. He has never been a big birthday person, but increasingly less so as he's gotten older.

He was born a little after three in the morning on December 25th 2038 in a hospital in Utqiaġvi, Alaska where his parents were living at the time. He remained in the hospital for a good few weeks while he grew big enough and well enough to go home. He had been settled in his mother's stomach leaning against tubes within her body. Cutting food off to himself and to the mother. They had to remove Einar out of his mother via cesarean.

Aidan Haines - he was born in Anchorage, Alaska. He had two muggle parents and was muggle himself. He wasn’t that well educated, having little interest in learning. He left school at 16 and went to work for an oil company in Anchorage. He met his long term partner (and Einar’s mother), Mae, at this work place, where she was working as a receptionist. Aidan and Mae had a whirlwind romance resulting in three children, Adam, Hewie and Einar. Aidan and his family lived in Utqiaġvi until his death in 2044. He had recently been laid off from his job due to budget cuts, and because Mae didn’t work he took a job on a fishing boat with Adam, who was looking to help the family out. A storm capsized the boat and Aidan and Adam were barely rescued from the water, but the ice cold water and the time of year, caused both of them to developed severe pneumonia and they died in hospital a week after the boat. Mae, Hewie and Einar all sat at their bedsides until they passed.

Mae “Merton” Haines - born in Anchorage, Alaska. Also had two muggle parents and was muggle herself. Mae was a very hard working child, but her family always had been quite poor and so focused when she could on making money than working in school. She got a job as a receptionist at an oil company when she was 16 years old. Where she met Aidan Haines, and after a quick marriage settled down with him. They had three children and moved to Utqiaġvi, Alaska when her husband got work out there. Here she really struggled to find a job and eventually gave up entirely when Einar was born. After her husband, first son died she moved back to Anchorage to live with her own parents, both of whom passed away within a year of them moving back down. They remained in house which had been left to Mae from her parents. Hewie got a job working as a bike messenger. He died in 2047 when a car skidded on some ice and hit his bike square on. Mae at this point packed up the house and moved herself and Einar to Fairbanks, Alaska. A location where she didn’t have any family or friends. Mae was very surprised when she and Einar received his letter to Ilvermorny. Einar hadn’t really wanted to go, since his mother hadn’t been particularly well, but she convinced him to go. When he returned for the Christmas holidays, she told him she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor but had assured him it wasn’t that serious. However she died in the summer of 2050 a week before Einar then went back to school.

Einar had two siblings:
Adam Haines, muggle, born 2026 died 2044
Hewie Haine, muggle, born 2030 died 2047

Einar’s mother’s parents lived their entire lives in Anchorage. They only had one child and passed away from a Heart attack and stroke respectively in late 2045. He was not particularly close to these grandparents and since they lived pretty far, had only really spent a little time before their death with them. Einar hadn't really gotten close to them in that time, and doesn't regret this fact either.
Einar’s father’s parents died before Einar was born.

Einar has a tricky relationship to his family, given that he’s the only one left of them. He was very close to his mother, for obvious reasons as after the death of his brother Hewie, they only had each other. He remembers being very close to Adam who was much older than him. He remembers the older boy reading books to him, and taking him outside to see the stars. He doesn’t remember much of his father, who was working a lot, but he’s seen pictures and videos of him and thinks he looks just like him. He misses his father a great deal, even if he didn’t really know the man. His most distinct memory of him, is watching him die. Einar misses Adam a lot and finds it difficult now to even remember what he sounded like properly, which angers him to no end. Hewie and Einar were very close too when they moved back to Anchorage. The loss of Adam had been fresh for them both and they would seek each other out. Hewie took on a much bigger role in Einar’s life, filling in for both older brother and father figure to the youngest boy. Hewie struggled a lot with low moods but Einar remembers that no matter how sad he got, he’d always try to cheer Einar up. Einar misses Hewie so much it can often manifest as a physical pain in his chest. Einar hadn’t wanted to leave his mother to go to school, worrying just about leaving her. Her death just before the beginning of school has made him completely numb, the therapist the social worker made him see has described it as blocking him from truly feeling. Einar hates that he's alone in the world, he hates that he's lost everyone he was ever close . to, and he misses them all.

No pets, the family never had enough money for a pet, and now, being within the foster care system, Einar has no chances of getting a pet.

Muggleborn, with two muggle parents it makes him muggleborn

Einar was very confused when he received his letter for Ilvermorny, he hadn’t thought he was magical, he’d occasionally done some odd stuff but he had always just explained it away because of the raw emotions he’d felt growing up with everything that had been happening. But to actually be a wizard. He didn’t want to be one or go to the school, he didn’t want to leave his mother. Since hewie had only been dead a year and a half. However, being a wizard was too good to pass up and Einar was sent to school. He has heard about the old war and the tensions between muggles and non-magical people but he doesn't care about it. To him it's such a pointless fight.

Utqiaġvi, Alaska, USA. Though they moved away from here when Einar was six, they spent even less time in Anchorage and his memories of Fairbanks are largely negative, so he’d consider Utqiaġvi the hometown. He does miss it. If anything he missed how apart from the world it always seemed. How quiet the nights could end up being.

Einar isn’t really sure where this will be, his social worker has assured him that it will be in Alaska but couldn’t seem to assure him it would be fairbanks. Einar wants to remain there because that’s where he buried his mum. Einar had to have his school’s headmaster come to explain to the muggle social worker his schooling and that where-ever he ended up placed would need to be somewhere that wouldn’t question him going to a boarding school.

Einar most of the time currently just wants his own bedroom in Fairbanks. It’s not exactly filled with positive memories but he misses it simply because it was familiar. It was a place he knew well. He knew the stains on the walls, he knew the marks on the floor. It was as home as home could be. He hadn’t liked it when his mother had been alive, resenting her decision to move them out to Fairbanks after Hewie’s death but without it now, he misses it dearly.

FIRST HOME: In Utqiaġvi, Alaska, the family had a modest size home, Einar shared a room with his brothers and his parents took the smaller bedroom. It had a large front and back garden and was well insulated from the cold. Einar liked watching the stars at night, and hearing stories from his brothers. They would draw on the walls, and make a mess. He loved it there.
SECOND HOME: The grandparents house in Anchorage, Alaska was a small house. Prior to his grandparents deaths, both he and Hewie shared the living room fold out sofa bed. After they died, Einar took the bedroom and Hewie remained in the living room. Einar would convince Hewie to come to his room most nights. It was a modest size home, with a small back garden, It was much more centralised, so Einar saw the stars a lot less.
THIRD HOME: Fairbanks is the last place that Einar has lived. It was a tiny two bedroom house at the top of a large housing block. The walls were thin and the noise was pretty bad. He didn’t like this place at all, and given that his mother died while they were living there he doesn’t particularly like it either. There were a number of dents in the walls of his room, from just after they moved and the anger Einar had felt at having to move just after his brother died. His anger has manifested in a need for a physical outburst which the walls of his room here suffered for.
FOURTH HOME: Einar was placed in the week between his mother’s death and school, in a large boys home in Fairbanks. There he shared a room with seven other kids of varying ages and backgrounds. In the entire time he was there, he didn’t say a word to anyone but his social worker and his therapist.
FIFTH Home: During the christmas break Einar was placed into a new family they had forgotten that he was supposed to arrive and after spending a few moments with him, just acted as if he wasn't there at all. The house itself was a fair size, Einar's room was in the attic of the house where it was clear other kids had been. It was a nice enough room, but Einar was left for long periods on his own and he wasn't able to leave the house. Einar complained to his social worker and was removed from the house at the end of the break when he went back to school.

SIXTH HOME: During the break between 2nd and 3rd year, Einar was placed into a new home for the second half of the holiday. They. were a little more active in his life for the short time they were. They weren't particularly attentive but they did enough that Einar wasn't on his own all of the time. It was clear Einar noticed that they had been expecting someone else. They were clear that they barely tolerated him. The house was pretty small and his room was clearly meant for a small infant and not a nearly 14 year old boy. He asked his social worker to be moved and the then foster parents also took him back.

Einar is not sure what he is, there have always just be other things on his mind that figuring out who he might love is difficult. he also removes himself a lot from the people around him, that he hasn't gotten close to either gender to know.

Too young to care - Also single





Too young

Too young

There's a fire in my heart,
There's a fire that could never be tamed

Einar’s hair is exactly like his father’s was. Straight edged and dark brown in colour. Einar’s hair in his mind is pretty plain, he doesn’t particularly mind how it looks and he just cuts it himself most of the time now. Einar had his hair in the same style as he’d seen his father have it in pictures, but kept it longer after Hewie died because he wanted to be more like Hewie. Einar doesn’t really care all that much about his hair. Much like he doesn’t care much about his appearance overall. He cares less so now, just doing what he wants, wearing what he wants because to him it just doesn't matter.

Einar currently dyes his hair platinum blonde, his mother always used to call him her jack frost, because of the time in the year at which he was born, they had always enjoyed the stories around jack frost too, so he decided after her death that he’d dye his hair blonde and be more like jack frost, a somewhat desperate attempt to be able to cling on to centre elements of his mum. He waited till he got back to school and got one of the older kids in his house to change his hair, refusing then to answer any questions regarding it. Einar had always thought dying his hair would be dumb and that he wouldn’t particularly suit it, but he does love it. And it just feels real.

Einar has very pale green eyes. He has always liked his own eyes, since they were just like his father’s and his brothers. He used to, as a young child touch his brother’s or his father’s faces motioning towards their eyes and then to his own in a mirror. He has always liked this connection to them, but it has gotten increasingly difficult for him to like it as the years had gone on. He sees his father and his brothers staring back at him when he’s thinking about them too much. He loves them still, he likes the colour and he doesn’t mind the shape either. Some days he just finds it difficult.

He has a small scar just at the end of his right eyebrow. It’s a very small scar, caused by an accident growing up, Einar forgets about it being there constantly. He has a number of other freckles and birthmarks around his body but none stand out a whole lot, they can definitely be noticed by it wouldn’t be the first thing that anyone would see. He doesn’t have that many other scars and not that have lasted as long as the one at his eye.

Einar has a slim build, he played some sports in the various schools that he’s attended but he doesn’t do that much sport outside of school and he’s always been mindful of his eating habits. There was never a whole lot of money growing up, so he always tried to do his part to not eat too much. Especially as he grew older and certainly more aware of them.he’s always been a little on the short side, he’s grown a bit in recent years, but he’s smaller than the average for his gender and age.

O (-ve)
Because Einar was born under difficult circumstances, it was pivotal that they find out his blood type early on, so his parents found out pretty early, they also believed it to be pretty good practice while living that far north and remotely to know blood types in case anything happened. He’s never really needed to use this information up until his mother died and suddenly his blood type was important to know.

Right handed.
Much like the rest of his family had been Einar writes with his right hand. He learned to write from his brothers who spent a lot of time showing him how to do so. He cannot write at all with his left hand, and wouldn’t ever bother to. His handwriting is that of chicken scratches, he’s much better with a pen than a quill where his writing ends up being quite disjointed.

Einar has an american accent, born and raised in Alaska, which is an American state, he has an accent much like those of the people he grew up with an around. He speaks quite quietly and isn’t one to want to draw too much attention to himself when he speaks.

Einar is in relatively good health, he eats well enough at school and keeps in shape with the sports that he does. He sleeps well enough but suffers from a number of nightmares. He can easily fall into a rage and struggles to not lash out at times. But other than those issues he is in good health.

Einar only speaks English. Sometimes he feels bad about only knowing one language, and his schools over the years at least attempted to teach him spanish, but he never caught it. In Einar’s mind he’s always had bigger things on his mind than learning a second language.

Einar was tested for allergies when he went into the foster care system, they said it was important for them to have a full and comprehensive medical history for him, something his mother had avoided just due to cost, and they found out that Einar has a mild allergy to almonds.

Einar doesn’t think he has much of a style, he’s the sort of person who doesn’t take much care in how he looks, Most of the clothes which he has, are inherited from his siblings, He doesn’t feel particularly strongly about getting new clothes when those are perfectly fine. He’d definitely the sort of person who would roll out of bed and just grab the first clean thing to hand. He doesn’t really have that many clothes either, the only piece of clothing he loves are a pair of nice doc martens which his mother got him for his birthday just after Hewie died. Now that he doesn’t really have a home, he’s quite pleased that he also just doesn’t have a lot of possessions.

Willem De Schryver

But the years that we made ,
They won't ever fade ,

Einar has two main passions and likes, he likes the stars, he likes seeing the night sky and he loved drawing. Ever since he was young, he’d always been the sort of person to draw. He’d draw with crayons or pencils on the walls. He used art a lot to express himself when the words failed, especially when he suffers a heavy loss - which he has done a lot in his life. Einar likes stories and he likes working hard to achieve what he can. Einar does like sports, having always done at least one at the various schools he was at. He likes flying, finding it a simple way to look at the stars at night. Einar likes snow, he likes a bitter cold wind, he likes a thick fog. He just loves the weather he knows well, he likes how a bitter cold seeps into the bones. He likes spending time alone, he likes being by himself. He likes being reckless and working by himself.

Einar dislikes death, it not a thing really anyone would like, but given the losses that Einar has experienced in his life, he dislikes death in the way it tears families apart, in the way that he watched it chip away elements of his mother. He hates the way it would boil in anger inside of him. He hates the sound of his mother crying. Einar hates most people, always pretty pleased when he doesn’t have to bother with them. He hates pity and hates the way people treat him when they learn about what’s happened. He hates the way his mother sent him away. He hates being so far from what he knows as home. He dislikes the hot summers, he hates the humid autumns. He hated christmas, halloween and thanksgiving.

Einar just wants to be happy, he wants to reach a point when he has a family of some kind where, he has a job that he can live comfortably on. He doesn’t really want much, with his life he just wants things to not been how they are for him at 12.

Einar’s worst fears have all slowly been realised one by one, a boggart would likely show him either any of his family’s deaths, or show him ice water. Despite his love of the cold, ever since his brother and father died, he’s never been swimming. He doesn’t go near water like that. He also never rode a bike again after his other brother died, but he’s more afraid of water than he is of bikes.

a Carbiou

One of Einar’s earliest memories is of when on a cold winter night, when the sky was completely clear, the whole family bundled up and headed outside to their garden in Utqiaġvi, and they built a little heated fort and just watched the stars, they drank hot chocolate and ate marshmallows. His brother, Adam had Einar in his lap and told him story after story about the stars in the night sky. It’s not a very clear memory any more but it would be the memory with the best chance of producing a patronus, but Einar also doesn’t know if he’d ever be able to create one, given all of the awful memories he has. He has very few memories like this of his whole family before things started going truly wrong, so it does hold a special place in his heart.

Einar would be good pickings for a dementor, since it would be a four way tie between the deaths of each of his family members. His father died rather quietly, being weaker than Adam. Einar had been the only one awake at the point and he had felt his heart plummet as the noises filled the room. Adam seemed to get a little stronger, lasting a little longer and even waking up enough to greet Einar. He died while holding Einar’s hand. Hewie’s death was the only one that Einar wasn’t in the room for, but he’d seen the room after when his mum had gone in, she’d tried her best to shield him from it all, but it just hadn’t been enough. Einar remembers the blood, he remembers the bruising. His mother’s death had been pretty horrible, she’d told him upon his return home that she didn’t have long left and he watched as she wasted away for the weeks of the break until she died. Any of these would be good as Einar’s worst memories.

Einar just wishes his family were alive, he doesn’t care which one, but just one of them. He hates that he’s alone, that he’s so unlucky in life that everyone around him dies. He thinks of himself as toxic, like radiation that once in contact will only guarantee sorrow. He might not be a particularly open person but he also doesn't have that many secrets, all the worst things that have happened to him are things he would admit to. His deepest desire to believing himself to be toxic to those around him isn't something he'd admit, but can be noticed in his decision to interact with very few people.

Einar would see his family, they would surround him, they would all be proud of him, and they would all be ready to look at the stars. He just misses his family so dearly, he wishes they were back with him.

Einar would smell a wood fire, he’d smell his paints or the charcoal sticks he has for drawing. He would smell his old family home in Utqiaġvi, or the kitchen in Anchorage. It would be a mixture of those older smells from places that really sit in the back of his mind.

Einar doesn’t have anyone he looks up to. There isn’t anyone in his life to look up to any more. He’d always idolised his brothers, but since they passed it always felt wrong in his mind to do so. He looked up to his mother for a period, but there again, without her being alive it feels wrong to him. He somewhat looks up to the school headmaster but that’s perhaps only because he lacks anyone else to look up to.

Einar’s grandparents on his mother’s side were religious but they hadn’t passed it on to his mother and then not on to any of them. He also would struggle to believe that any god or gods would decided to take away so much from him. Why would they make him just so unlucky. Bring so much death and devastation to his life. He cannot find himself believing and even less so when he joined magical school.


The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave. Capricorns in their truest of expression, are ambitious, practical and superb organizers. Although many Capricorns are borderline workaholics, this doesn't necessarily make them dull or gloomy! They have an offbeat sense of humour, which seems to erupt at the most unexpected moments. Their motivating force in life is success, money, status, authority and - although many might not admit it - love. By nature Capricorns are cautious when entering a new love relationship, but once they feel 'safe' with their partner, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a sensitive and loyal heart beneath. As a friend, Capricorns can be relied upon to provide the strongest and most sympathetic pair of shoulders

Einar is a closed off person, he doesn’t interact much with other people and works hard to keep himself isolated from others. He believes himself to be completely unlucky and entirely toxic to all of the people around him. Einar feels empty a lot of the time, and goes through bouts of extreme anger and deep sadness. He struggles some days to find the motivation to do anything and he suffers from nightmares. He’s not much of a talker and he’s not much of a team player. He’ll go head first into situations dangerous or not, more and more so as he’s gotten older and with in his mind so little for him to lose. He gets very wrapped up in his own world, and can get stuck drawing for hours. He isn’t friendly to people in the slightest, he’ll react bluntly to them and he’s just not the sort of person who has friends. He tried a little in his first year, but entirely gave up after the winter break. Einar is a good enough worker when he wants to be and is the sort of person to work until he gets something. He tends to think quite harshly about everyone around him, partly because he’s uninterested for anyone to ever get to know him.



I stumble on the road,
When no one has walked before ,

Einar has attended three other schools, the first was Utqiaġvi elementary school. The second was George Washington grade school in Anchorage and the last before magic school was Fairbanks grade school. He didn’t particularly like any of these schools but he doesn’t really remember the first.

He attended the first school between the ages of four to six, the second from six to nine, and the last from nine to eleven.

None of the schools had houses

When it came to the first school, Einar was mostly just sad he wasn’t going to the same school as his brothers. He wanted nothing more than to spend more time with them and so was deeply saddened as a young child to not. The school itself was okay, he made friends and had a nice enough time.
The second school he started not long after the death of his father and Adam, there it was much harder for him, he felt very alone, and having moved to the area he didn’t know how to be friends with all the kids who had already been friends for awhile. He started to draw more into himself and started working far more on his drawing. He didn’t mind the school, but his first day was just too soon after the loss of his father and brother for him to deal well with.
The third and last school before Ilvernorny, was a small grade school. He was too raw from the loss of Hewie and found it difficult to pay attention in class. He didn’t bother getting to know anyone and made no attempt for friends because he thought it would be pointless. Some of the other kids made fun of him, of his clothes and when they found out about his life, that too. But he was so removed from the class and the people in it that he wasn’t affected by it at all.

Einar had increasingly worse grades as he got older and moved schools. He tried to begin with, but the more loss he was affected by the less he felt the need to bother. The teachers in the last school before Ilvermorny were quite sympathetic to him, and let him use the art room as much as he wanted, even allowing him to skip other lessons.

Einar liked art most of all, it was the only subject he didn’t have to try in. He could just turn up, do what he wanted and then be done. Most of the professors he had were rather nice to him and he didn’t have to worry too much.

Einar hated languages, it didn’t matter where he went, those teachers were the harshest professors and the least sympathetic to him. He didn’t need the pity from teachers, but the language ones always seemed to want to push him the most, make him do things.

Einar never skipped a day of school in his life. He’d skip out on classes, but he tended to still be at the school.

None. Einar didn’t tend to get involved, he’d play a sport in each of the schools but it was never serious.

None. He was too young and unbothered in any of the schools to bother with it.

And my own two feet ,
Have started to bleed ,

Straight 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Redwood Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: A very difficult wandwood to come by, Redwood wands are rumoured to bring good fortune to those who wield them and the stories of the witches and wizards who have these wands is frequently the stuff of legends.
Core: One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand’s wielder.
Flexibility: Swishy: A wand which can quickly cast spells but may need to cast more than one to accomplish the job.

Einar asked about his wand when he got it, and had been quite amused by the core of the wand and what it stood for. It was funny that the wand seemed to realise that he was the sort of person who’d seen death. Einar does really love his wand, to him it is a rather perfect thing, he hopes that he’ll never not have this wand.


Einar had been skeptical about coming to the school, worried about what it would be like, guilty over this work he was now in with his family the way it was. He really liked it in the end. It was so different from all the places he had spent time, he was so far removed from what was familiar but he really didn’t hate it much at all. He spent the first night of his time at the school thinking about what he might’ve said about the place to his father, Adam or Hewie. He felt their loss in his life often, but it hadn’t felt quite that keen in a while. He was pleased he’d been persuaded to come.

Horned Serpent

Einar hadn’t done much research before coming to the school, so he didn’t know what to expect and was just pleased when the whole process for him was quick. He doesn’t really know what being a horned serpent means, but he does like the colours and the crest. He also just likes having a house, though he knew he’d never be much of a team play, it was nice to have a house.

Einar had been surprised at the letter that he’d gotten, more so at the witch that had appeared at the door of his and his mother’s flat in Fairbanks. It had been odd, and he hadn’t wanted to go in the slightest, his brothers hadn’t been magical, and he felt like this would be putting too much distance between them, between him and their memory. It didn’t help that this school was just hundreds of miles from his home and Einar hadn’t wanted at all to leave his mother, but she had insisted, taken his face in her hands and told him to go, that he couldn’t turn down this opportunity to go learn magic, that he owed it to himself and his family to give it a try. To go do it. She had helped him pack a bag, and with help from the witch who’d arrived at the house, had helped him get the things he would need for school. Now he found himself there, with the annoying fact that no one had told him he’d need to get sorted in some manner. He approached the knot in the entrance hall and looked to the older students who were watching. He wasn’t sure what any of the houses were, he was perhaps still a little in denial that this was actually happening, but one by one the students stepped forward and he noted one the four house carvings would light up or move. He wasn’t sure what each of them was, but someone seemed to be declaring the houses after. Eventually - and really all too soon it was his turn. He stepped forward and trying to appear impassive he stepped onto the knot. He kept his gaze on the carvings waiting for one of them to move or light up, and after what felt like far too long, the crystal in the forehead of one glowed and someone said, ”Horned Serpent,” and then he was allowed into the hall to get a wand. He was pleased to have a house but Einar couldn’t help but think it was all rather overwhelming.

fourth Year

FIRST YEAR: Einar had a difficult first year at the school. He attempted in the first semester to be friendly enough with those in his year to make friends, but he struggled greatly to do so, and mostly just shut himself off from everyone and didn’t bother interacting with much. He withdrew further into himself after the christmas break, and spent pretty much all of his time alone. Einar stopped bothering to interact with others.
Yearbook Picture

SECOND YEAR: Returning to school a week after his mother's death had not been easy. Every day in the beginning was marked with whatever day anniversary of her death it was. He struggled a lot, dealing with deep emotions he was finding her to cope with he joined the quidditch team, because she told him to. He also gained a shadow, that eventually developed into a friendship Lucas. He was in a couple of fights, mostly against Lucas' siblings. During his christmas break, he was placed into a foster home, where the parents had forgotten he was coming and went on holiday. without him. He celebrated Lucas' birthday and over all finished the year nervous for the break but more satisfied than he thought he would be. He no longer marks the days since his mother died.
Yearbook Picture
THIRD YEAR: Einar spent half of. his holiday with Lucas and Lucas' aunt. He was quite happy to, but when he went back to a foster family. He came back to school feeling distant and alone, but there was the good thing that he had decided he wouldn't be going back to them over christmas, he managed to convince his social worker to not bother. His friendship with Lucas was good though a little strained as Lucas was looking for more affection that Einar could ever provide to him. It made things difficult especially with Lucas' brother still around. He continued to play quidditch and suffered fewer nightmares. Though he has continued to feeling increasingly distant from his peers. He did pretty well in his exams and was pretty happy overall.
Yearbook Picture - Profile Y36 s1



None yet

First Year Grades
Potions: OHistory Of Magic: ADefence against the dark arts: PCharms: O
Transfiguration: EAstronomy: OHerbology: EFlying: O

Second Year Grades
Potions: EHistory Of Magic: ADefence against the dark arts: ACharms: O
Transfiguration: EAstronomy: EHerbology: E

Third Year Grades
Potions: EHistory Of Magic: ADefence against the dark arts: ECharms: O
Transfiguration: EAstronomy: OHerbology: EDivination: A
Ancient Runes: A

Fourth Year Grades
Potions: EHistory Of Magic: ADefence against the dark arts: ECharms: O
Transfiguration: EAstronomy: OHerbology: EDivination: A
Ancient Runes: A

OWL Year Grades
Potions: EHistory Of Magic: ADefence against the dark arts: ECharms: O
Transfiguration: EAstronomy: OHerbology: EDivination: E
Ancient Runes: E

Einar thinks his best class is astronomy, it was in the first semester for him and he found himself being quite naturally good at it. He liked the professor and liked being able to do things with a telescope. To him it’s the one class that he’d want to always try to do well in.

Einar did worst in his defence against the dark arts classroom, partly due to it being in the second semester and because he refused to do a lot of the spell casting, he didn’t want to duel or do magic that could harm another person. He just didn’t want anything to do with that. So he passed with his grade from the exam but the professor told him if his behaviour continued he’d get removed from the class.

Of the loss that I see in my eyes ,
They'll stay 'til I'm old and grey

Einar has nothing in mind for the future. For him the future is just something so far away that he has no idea what he wants from it. He's always been so occupied with making sure that he was managing each day. Especially since now he's magical, he has a whole different set of possible jobs for him, which only add to him not knowing what his dream job is.


Einar is just a student currently. he would like to work but there are few jobs for kids his age and since he doesn't know where he'll end up theres no sense in it.

Einar would like to work, but he's too young yet.









Home, my love ,
Take me home


Bio written by me, picture credit to google
Lyrics: take me home by bunt
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